Blue Magic by David Hesse - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


Harry was at his desk, reviewing a stack of reports when he heard someone walk in. He looked up and smiled.

“That suit makes you look like you spent the last ten hours in a dryer, Harry,” Captain

E.J. Williams said as she walked in and sat down hard on one of the chairs in front of his desk.

Harry gave Captain Williams an appreciative visual going over. “You look nice, too.” Only he meant it. He always liked the way a uniform looked on her.

Captain Williams had taken to wearing her dress uniform since she was promoted over him from detective to Captain in charge of the Milwaukee Police Force’s Homicide Division. Harry thought she had become political and she seemed to be bucking for a promotion to the next level. She was ambitious and he felt she would stop at nothing to achieve her goal. They had been friends, actually more than just friends, for years but that didn’t mean she wouldn't throw him to the wolves if it meant it would further her career.

Her white blouse was buttoned to her neck with her brass name tag hanging auspiciously over her right breast and her navy dress slacks hugging her hips like they hugged no other on the Milwaukee Police force.

“Just give me what you have so far. Start with the Midnight Rider Murders so I can pass it along to the Chief. He’s been trying to get me transferred ever since he took over. I think he hates women.”

“Want me to introduce him to Max’s frolicsome neighbors?

“Max’s frolicsome neighbors?”

Yeah those two fruits that live in the Rainbow Towers next to Max.

Just tell me what you have on these murders,” she replied, shaking her head. Harry smiled as he picked up his blower and punched in a number. He stared at EJ as he waited for someone to pick up.

Hey, find Taylor and get your asses in here. The captain wants an update on the Midnight Rider case.” Harry heard Detective Chet George moan.

George hated the name the Milwaukee papers gave to the person killing young lovers along the Menomonee River Parkway over the last few months.

EJ was about to say something when Detective Chester George and his partner, Marty Taylor, walked in and sat down and positioned their chairs so they faced Captain Williams. “Morning, Captain.

Good morning, detectives. Why don’t you start?

Detective George began to read what they had gathered up to that point.

It all started when we got a call on a double murder, which involved a young couple, a Richard Craig and Sandra Moore, from Brown Deer, who happened to be out late, necking along Menomonee River Parkway. They were both beaten to death with a blunt object, believed to be the butt end of a revolver. She was also sexually assaulted.

Menomonee River Parkway connects with Hoyt Parkway, Park Ridge Avenue, Keefe Avenue, Concordia Avenue, and West Auer Avenue. Close by is the Wauwatosa Stone Quarry. It was purchased a few years ago by a firm called Best Rocks from a Walter Hartung, an old farmer whose family had owned the property since they ran the Indians off. It is secluded. During the day, it is a quiet and peaceful place to walk and enjoy the day, but at night, it is a place where young people go to be alone and do what young people do.

A week after Craig and Moore were killed, a young woman, named Lynn Olsen, was walking her dog down Watertown Plank Road when she was attacked and dragged into the woods where she was raped and left for dead. Her boyfriend found her when he stopped by her apartment and found her dog sitting on the front porch shaking.

He knocked on the door and when no one answered, he went inside and found it empty. He went