Blue Magic by David Hesse - HTML preview

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Chapter 15


Harry arranged to meet Detectives Chet George and Marty Taylor at Rocco’s and go over the information they gathered on Candi Kane’s activities on the last day of her life.

We were sitting at the bar, watching the Rocco Man wipe down the counter and fill the ice trays and condiment bowls, getting ready for another day, when the front door opened and daylight sliced through the darkness of the pub, casting two black silhouettes that proceeded the two detectives as they walked toward the bar.

So what were you able to find out today outside the fact that sugar donuts are a nickel a piece?” Harry asked, as he stuck a Lucky strike in the corner of his mouth while he fumbled for a match in his coat pocket.

Here, boss,” Detective George said, “handing Harry a book of matches.

Harry opened the book and read the advertisement on the inside. I could see the caricature of Charles Atlas from where I sat, flexing his muscles and saying how taking his body building course will keep you from being bullied.

You must be tired of guys kicking sand in your face, George. Charles Atlas body building? So, you exercising now? I got some advice for you if you are being picked on and it’s easier than exercising and requires a lot less sweat. If somebody is picking on you, just shoot him with your throwaway.

Harry laughed. He bent a match over and struck it against the front striker. A flame shot up and he held it against the end of his cigarette, blowing smoke across the bar in the direction of his two detectives. He handed the booklet back to Chet with the expended match still attached. Chet removed it and dropped it in the ashtray in front of Harry and returned the book to his coat pocket.

Well, give me what ya’ got, guys.

We spent the day in Milwaukee talking to Candi’s friends and acquaintances and didn’t get too much information beyond what we already knew.

“At George Web’s we ran into Horace Greenberg, the guy who works for the Milwaukee Sentinel and dresses like a leprechaun. He said around 10:15 the morning Candi died, he saw her downtown. Judging by the time her wrist watch stopped, she was killed four hours and 20 minutes later. Greenberg confirmed that Candi lived with her aunt on Pewaukee Lake before moving to an apartment on Ogden Avenue, but we already knew that.

She was enrolled at the Layton School of Art and waitressed at Alioto’s Restaurant downtown. She just moved in the apartment last month. It’s located near the school and she lives with some friends from school, which we also knew.

He didn’t know who the friends were or what the street number of the apartment on Ogden Avenue was. That strange little bird was still scratching around for information or he was lying to us. Most likely both.

We found Candi’s roommates, a Kathy McCarty, and Jeri Mullany. The address of their apartment is 1725 Ogden Avenue. The last time Kathy and Jeri saw Candi was the morning she left the apartment. That was around 8:30 a.m. She said she was going to run some errands at the bank and pharmacy before going to class. Miss McCarty and Miss Mullany left for school shortly after that and MissMullany returned for lunch around 12:30 to find their apartment tossed. She called the police and the 12th sent out two detectives from their robbery division, Detectives Isador Source, and Louis Esquillen, to go over the scene. Detective Source said every room was thoroughly trashed but it appeared the intruders seemed to be more interested in Candi’s room as they searched it more thoroughly. Not only were all the clothes thrown on the floor, but all the underwear was unfolded and the hanging clothes had all the pockets turned out and the carpeting