Blue Magic by David Hesse - HTML preview

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Chapter 19


It turned out she didn’t remember much of anything.

I wasn’t too sure of her stories. I wanted to pick her brain to learn as much as I could about what happened in Atlanta. Since she was Candi’s older half sister and worked for Kane’s law firm, I figured she could provide some of the background on Christopher Kane’s dealings with the mob and how all of this tied into Candi being killed in Milwaukee.

She said she didn’t know who her daddy was until she was eighteen years old. She was adopted

You might say I started life with a crooked cue. Demitri and Pearl Podvin were my adoptive parents and they were assholes.


I guess. For all I know they could be dead and I could care less. I haven’t heard from them for years. Demitri lost interest in me when I reached puberty and I don’t think Pearl ever was interested in me. They adopted me so Demitri would have a little play thing. He didn’t keep off the grass. I was fingered by the age of five but I wouldn’t let him get my cherry. I was saving my virginity for marriage, or at least high school, but that didn’t happen either. Turns out I couldn’t wait. I met this guy who really turned me on plus he had a big 1950 Buick Roadmaster Convertible, black with a black cloth interior. Beautiful car, nice radio.The back seat was bigger than my bedroom. It happened the summer before I started high school. He was big and bad with eyes like black fire and a tongue like a lizard. He was eighteen and I was fourteen. Our first kiss included his tongue in my mouth, his hand on my ass and he made my nipples hard and it was all over. I wanted him as much as he wanted me. From then on I couldn’t get enough of him. We spent almost every waking hour together. He dropped out of school that November and joined the Marines. School was the one thing he wasn’t good at. I never saw him again.

By the time I was fifteen I was living on the streets. I went to school at night and got my GED.

I knew life was hard and I knew it was harder if you were stupid.

I guess you didn’t heed your mama’s advice about keeping the hem of your skirt down and your panties up, huh?” I smiled.

She smiled.

My stepmother wasn’t someone you would want to take advice from. She told me by the time she was sixteen she had a thirty-nine-inch rack and that was when she started entertaining servicemen around Fort Gillem.

“You know, Max, some people just suck the nice right outta ya and that is what my stepmother did to me.

She named me Pearl, after herself of course. That’s why I started calling myself Medusa. Since I love snakes, and hate her. I thought it appropriate.

“Absolutely appropriate. I was going to rename myself Poutsa but my ex-wife was against it. She said it was vulgar.

What does Poutsa mean?

Poutsa is Greek, too, and it means something that can please women from all walks of life; much like a penis but far superior.

She smiled.

Hmm, I guess your ex-wife should know.

I blushed. “Probably. She seemed to think she knew everything but she was colder than a frozen margarita. The only thing she gave me was grief; unless you count the case of crabs in ’53.

Medusa laughed. “You’re bad, Max.”

I agree. Maybe you would like to weigh in on whether or not I should rename myself Poutsa?

I don’t usually offer an opinion after one taste. I smiled.

She sat up and straddled me, “Let me get another taste. Then I will let you know what I think.” When