Blue Magic by David Hesse - HTML preview

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Chapter 32


I never saw Medusa again, after that afternoon at Rocco’s. Harry put out a “Person of Interest” alert for her in connection with the murders of Arnie Iaconni and Charles Johnson, but she never turned up.

She inherited one of the largest estates in the history of the state of Georgia and was a very wealthy woman. She had the financial resources to go anywhere in the world she wanted. She would be wise to stay away from Milwaukee and Atlanta.

Both Arnie Iaconni’s and Charles Johnson’s murders are still listed as unsolved and kept in an open file at the 16th Precinct.

Darrell Shotgun Mason recovered from his gunshot wound and was convicted, along with his son, Billy Bob Mason, and Tommy Richards, for the murders of Christopher and Helene Kane.

I never questioned if I did anything wrong the day I planted that stuff on Shotgun Mason. Before that, a little flimflam was the worst thing I ever did. I might have put a frame on a few and all that would have got them was a five spot. The Kane murders and the killing of the Sheriff will get Mason and his boy the juice at the Atlanta Federal Penitentiary

Given the chance, I’d do it again and sleep just fine the rest of my life. The system needs someone like me to make it work.

In real life, it’s more complicated than right and wrong; in real life, there is so much shit that when you stick your hands in you wonder if the stench will ever vanish. Planting evidence on a slime like Shotgun Mason was something that had to be done.

Anyway, as Hap said, “Sometimes good people do bad things and bad people do good things.”

I guess sometimes I’m good, and sometimes I’m bad, and sometimes I just don’t give a shit.