Brownies & Betrayal by Heather Justesen - HTML preview

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Many thanks to my terrific critique partners Mary Greathouse, Kathleen Brebes, Rebecca Blevins and Nichole Giles, for their help and feedback on this story. I couldn’t publish a book without the help of others whose notes and thoughts make my stories so much better. And special thanks to Tristi Pinkston for her time fixing all of my misplaced commas and funky sentences when I know how busy she’s been.

Thanks to my test kitcheners, Lisa Swinton, Laurel Wilson, Jordan McCullom, Kristen Robison, Monique Leutkemeyer and Jenna Swinton. The alternate suggestions on the recipes and some adjustments came from them. And thanks to my parents, husband and friends who got to be guinea pigs for my many variations and tweaks when I was still in recipe-development mode.

Thanks to my sweet husband, Bill, for doing my cover, building and updating my website, and just being a constant support in everything I do. I truly would not be where I am in my career without you. I love you, honey!