Catching A Miracle by Mark J. Spinicelli - HTML preview

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and planned a haircutting party. They all laughed as Carol made zigzag patterns on Shelly’s head. Her hair fell to the white sheet spread on the floor. “Mine did the same thing, but no one cut it for me,” said Kristen. “Mine just fell out!”

“You sure it’s going to grow back, Mom?” Shelly asked.

“I promise. And so will yours, Kristen,” Carol said.

On cue, the bulb over Kristen’s bed blew again. “That’s number seven!” the girls blurted out in unison.




“While Shelly is showing great improvement,” Dr. Wall told Carol as they walked toward the girls’ room after visiting the cafeteria one day, “Kristen is not. We have tried everything, and I just don’t know what else to do. I will say Shelly has the makings of a great nurse. See?”

As they walked into the room, they found Shelly standing next to a sleeping Kristen and wiping her lips. “She seems to like ice on her lips, Doc.”

He looked at Kristen’s IV and then at Shelly. “You know, I was

just telling your mom you could be a great nurse someday.” “Nah,” she said. “I don’t want to be a nurse.”

“But you seem so good at it.”

“I don’t want to be a nurse, Doc. I want to be a doctor like you. I was going to ask you—when I get better, will you help me be like you and help people like her?” Shelly pointed at Kristen.

The young doctor looked at Shelly and then at Carol.

“I would be honored to help you,” he told Shelly. “All the way through high school, college, and medical school. But you have to study. You have to study hard. You think you can do that?”

“If you’ll help me.”

“Then we have a deal.” Dr. Wall beaming his bright, big smile. “For now, let’s let Kristen sleep, and we’ll go take a few x-rays. Back in the wheelchair, miss.”

“See you, K,” Shelly yelled to her roommate as Dr. Wall pushed her from the room.

“Shh. She needs her sleep.”