Catching A Miracle by Mark J. Spinicelli - HTML preview

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“Who’s that?” Nick nodded toward a beautiful brunette walking toward them. She stood about five feet seven, wore a sparkling blue dress, had a gorgeous figure, and exuded confidence. “Have I ever told you how much I like the color blue?” Nick added.

“That’s Dr. Shelly White, Nick. She’s the one who started the Foundation with Dr. Wall over there. She’s all about the kids at St. Theresa’s. They call her the miracle.”

“Wow, she’s stunning. Do you know her, Jer?”

“We talked a few times. I put together their logo for them.” Jerry pointed to the wall just beyond where Dr. Wall was standing. “Want to meet her?”

Nick looked at his friend as if he was crazy. “Is this a trick question? Of course I would. And I don’t have a date for Saturday night. She would make for a perfect evening.”

“Cool it,” Jerry said. “She’s coming our way.”

Shelly approached, smiling at her other guests along the way.

“Hello, Dr. White,” said Jerry.

“Hello, Mr. Lamont, thanks so much for coming.”

“My pleasure. I’d like to introduce my friend and colleague,

Nick Harris, from AdWorks. “Nick Harris?” she asked. “Yes.” He extended his hand.

Shelly took it. “I was just talking to some of my colleagues about you this afternoon.”

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” he asked.

“Well, I hear you make some pretty funny commercials.” “I have my moments. Have you seen any of them?”

“Not that I know of. I spend most of my time with the kids at the hospital. If I do have spare time, I read to them, so TV isn’t really big for me. Oh, Jerry, by the way, thanks so much for your help tonight.”

“With the logo?” asked Jerry.

“Yes, and we love it, by the way.”

Jerry smiled. “I’m very glad to hear that.”

“So what’s the Kristen Foundation all about, Dr. White?” asked

Nick, trying to keep the conversation going.

“Back in 1972, I was a patient at St. Theresa’s. A young doctor from the Navy saved my life. That would be Dr. Wall over there.” She pointed. “I spent four months here. And shared a room with a