Chatterton Place: The Inheritance


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Published: 10 years ago

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Book Description HTML

After purchasing a set of china that matched her Grandmothers, Emma Chase finds her world turned up-side down by an inheritance no one knew about. The Chatterton Estate was all she had ever hoped for. BUT AT WHAT COST? Even when the living go to bed, she’s left to struggle with ghost’s and visions and perhaps, she even slips in to the past ------------ Note from the author: I would like to apologize to the almost 700 people that downloaded my unedited version of Chatterton Place the Inheritance. Try the book again this time with editing in place. It should be online tomorrow 7-14-2014. Thank You.

Reader Reviews
  • User image   Konstantina Koutsoumpa
    Seems truthful
    14 Nov 2024
    Very interesting book
  • User image   ExpoTruth73
    03 Dec 2015
    Excellent Work! You might also like "Rael's Secret"
  • User image   Daniel Vandinja
    09 Nov 2013
    Ha ha! Great comment! This is however just a scratch on the surface. I would suggest to anyone who is serious about finding real answers to life´s existential questions, to read A Course in Miracles. It is an amazing book, answering all your questions in depth... Love Daniel Vandinja
  • User image   Daniel Vandinja
    09 Nov 2013
    Thanks for the comments! I have since some time pulled down my website, but ny book still lives on this site, and a few others. I hope many more read it, and think once or twice before joining the R.M. Love Daniel Vandinja
  • User image  
    26 May 2013
    I am a Raelian member and i have been studying the illuminati agendas especially their Monarch mind control programs (at a free thinkers college) that they have put in place to eliminate the 'useless feeders' heres the web link if anyone is interested. http://sm4csi.home.xs4all.n...Regarding the book I felt it was extraordinary. Well written and researched. I just feel by just linking it to the Raelian movement with its title you are cutting off a huge audience that would benefit from reading this. Something to ponder on ... I would love to talk with Daniel on this especially as being a reasonably high member of the Raelian Movement.Even if Raels brainwashing is so. (Which everything points towards) For me The Raelian Movement still one of the most positive and unifying movements out there. I have never witnessed anything satanic or forceful there ... Yes ther is free love there which messes the vulnerable ones up, but it is all consentual and there is always empathic people there to try and teach and help those that don't think things through.Its only with groups like the Zietgeist, Thrive, even Raelian movement where you get the right empathic motivated people that want to make to make a difference and stand up to this forseen police brutality that is being slowly introduced around the world to achieve the NWO totalitarian Police state. So maybe we could use them rather than alienate them in our stance against such Tyranny?
  • User image   Rex Tara
    10 Dec 2011
    interesting and challenging to find what others do think
  • User image   sangram lonkar
    10 Jan 2010
    its an amazing book.....good job...
  • User image  
    04 Mar 2008
    Fantastic overview of the occult connection to the Raelian sect. However this book is so much more than just a comparison between the NWO and the Raelian Illuminati agenda. It´s an overview of the whole occult agenda, going back to mankinds origins. It´s also revealing a lot of explanations concerning occult symbolism. This guy really seem to know what he is talking about. Great work!!! Recommended.
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Patricia C Garlitz

Living within the great valley beneath the towering Wasatch Mountains has allotted me the privilege of two worlds. Within minutes of town, I am deeply enclosed in their shadow, and find places where time does not exist. I have held a management position in the hospitality industry for the last eleven years and to some degree, attribute my writing ability to convey a thought ,my edge. Through it, I am empowered to communication with people far beyond my touch. The hospitality field, has blessed me with an endless array of characters and believe me, if given the opportunity everyone has a story to tell rich in details, covering everything from family life to foreign travel. Thinking back I recall how letters excited me, because I knew they would connect together to create words and words made books, like the ones may parents and grandparents read to me. Besides I'm terrible at drawing. Personally I find writing to be... Read more

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