Chinese Dragon by Dave Barraclough - HTML preview

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Chapter .Eighteen


Parked in the street, outside my door, was a Hyundai saloon of uncertain age. Leaning against it, smoking a cigarette, was a long figure whom I recognised with a muttered imprecation.

As I got out of my car I'm said: 'A drink, for the love of god! I've been kicking my heels for half an hour, waiting for you'.

'There is a new-fangled invention called the telephone', I said, grinning at him. 'It'll have to be a quick drink. I'm expecting a visitor in ten minutes'.

In my living room, as I handed him a whisky and soda, he said sardonically: 'Your visitor wouldn't be Kim Su-mi, by any chance?'

I turned back to the drinks table. 'Talking of her', I said, with a forced laugh, 'I've just had a chat with Yun'.

'That sounds intriguing. What did he want?'

'Oh, nothing really. Just wanted to get a load of jealousy out of his system'. I returned with my drink. 'God knows what Kim Su-mi sees in him!'

I'm Sun-taek looked at me quizzically for a long moment, then with a murmured, 'cheers!' sipped his drink.

I began to pace the room, as much to escape his amused stare as anything. Forget it, I told myself. What if Su-mi does come while he's here? All right she's a damned attractive woman; but that doesn't mean I'ms' innuendoes should get under my skin.'I heard you saw Na this afternoon', he was saying.

I nodded. 'Quite a frank talk, actually. It cleared the air, if nothing else'.

'I understand you've asked for the auction catalogue that was found with Doyle?'

I fiddled with an ornament on my writing desk.

'He didn't mention why you wanted it', I'm went on, his tone adding a question mark to the statement.

'He didn't ask me, for one think', I said coolly, rather resenting his persistence. 'And if he had I couldn't really have told him. For your information, I'm playing a hunch'.

'Good luck to you', I'm said, returning my smile. 'By the way, you're not the only one who's getting inquisitive about Doyle's possessions. Kim Su-mi asked Lee Shi-hoo if she could have a private view of the video they found on him. They played it through for her this morning'.

'Rather an odd request', I said, genuinely puzzled. 'Did she give any reason?'

'No. But I think I can supply one'. He frowned into his glass. 'She's obviously getting very, very curious about you, Moon'. He paused, then looked up with a quizzical smile. 'It is Kim Su-mi you're expecting, isn't it?'

'Well, yes, it is', I said defensively. 'Although the invitation was at her request'.

'That doesn't surprise me. I'd take a bet she wants to discuss the video with you'. He shook his head at me, chidingly. 'That film is going to take a hell of a lot of explaining away. I've seen it. And, in my opinion, you overdid those shots of her'.

'It's easily explainable. I've already told her she only came into the video because I wanted to include a pretty woman in any memories of Shanghai'.

'Is that so?' I'm murmured. 'I'd say you were including Shanghai in your memories of Kim Su-mi'.

He was still smiling cynically as he drew back the window curtain. 'And here is the star of your film, making a personal appearance. And in a Samsung 2 Litre, too'. He dropped the curtain. 'Do you mind if I fade out of the picture into your bedroom?'

The thought of I'm listening  in to what promised to be an embarrassing conversation didn't greatly appeal to me. But I was caught on the wrong foot. 'It's the door on your left', I said curtly.

'Make it sound convincing', he advised, 'but try to find out if she suspects anything'.

I nodded as the doorbell rang.