Chinese Dragon by Dave Barraclough - HTML preview

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Chapter Twenty-eight


'They're diamonds, all right. I can't value them off-hand, but you can take it from me, they're worth a packet, Moon!'

It was the afternoon of the day following my discovery of the diamonds in Kim Su-mi's flat. I'd tried all morning to contact Na, but neither he nor I'm had been available. Now I was in the library at 40 Sejong-daero, watching I'm sliding the diamonds along Na's blotter with a long, bony finger.

'I'm was once in the diamond business', Na said dryly. He turned to me.

'This all ties in with certain facts we've managed to dig up. Our dossier on Doyle shows a past record of convictions in Europe for dealing in stolen gems. In my opinion, Doyle was acting as a courier for Bae, smuggling blood diamonds into this country. He also has a record as a blackmailer'.

I smiled. 'Yes, I picked up that bit of information myself - from Kim Su-mi. Lee told her about Doyle. I think he was trying to find out whether she was being blackmailed by him'.

'It's a motive for murder', Na said. 'But not in this instance. Doyle was killed because someone knew he had these diamonds on him'.

'And Bae had arranged to meet Doyle in Su-mi's flat', I'm interjected. 'That sticks out a mile'.

'Which makes her one of the members of this diamond smuggling organisation', I said, frowning. 'I just don't believe it! Remember I was watching her  when she came into the apartment and found Doyle's body. She was completely surprised, and obviously horrified. In fact she was in an absolute panic when she phoned the police'. I shook my head. 'She's as bewildered as the rest of us'.Na waved a restraining hand as I'm leaned forward in his chair. 'But remember that earlier phone call from Kong So-ra. Does Kim Su-mi still deny she's ever heard of Bae Yeon-seok?'

'She asked me today whether I thought Kong So-ra knew Bae Yeon-seok. In a way that might explain the phone call. Suppose So-ra does know Bae - is having an affair with him without realising he was mixed up in anything like this. Wouldn't that explain Miss Kim's denial of Bae - one woman protecting another?'

'It's ingenious, but it doesn't account for Doyle being found dead in Kim Su-mi's apartment'.

'No', I agreed. 'It doesn't'.

Na had been drumming his fingers on the desk, inattentively,  during this conjecture. Now he pursued another line of thought: 'You say you thought you recognised the barrow boy as one of the men who raided your apartment?'

'I'm practically positive of it'.

'Are you suggesting they also broke into Miss Kim's apartment?'

'Well, someone did - we can only assume it was the same two who raided mine'.

Na nodded. 'How I see it is this: if they were in Bae's organisation, then you suggest they got wind of his  meeting with Doyle, double-crossed Bae, and murdered Doyle to get the diamonds for themselves?'

I'm fixed his eyes on the ceiling. 'Of course, one of the men could be Bae himself. Perhaps he lost his temper with Doyle', he suggested.

'It's possible, I grant you, I'm'. Na rubbed his chin thoughtfully for a moment, then waved his hand in the direction of the three chronometers which were now standing on his desk. 'We've had these examined. They're perfectly ordinary chronometers. Just what their significance is escapes me at the moment. Any ideas, Moon?'

'It's obvious that No Jung-jong is in the Bae organisation', I said tentatively. 'He could be a fence, using his business as a cover for the buying of smuggled diamonds. The auction catalogue is a passport, as it were, to identify the seller. As an additional precaution the thief must also give the code words – in this instance, 'Bronze Dragon, four-nineteen''. I leaned forward. 'But there is a third procedure to be gone through - a procedure in some way connected with a chronometer'.

'Did this fellow No Jung-jong say anything when he produced the chronometer?' asked Na.

'Nothing at all. It seemed to be my cue to talk. I was damned relieved when his telephone rang'.

'You said the voice on the telephone sounded familiar to you?' I'm said.

'I'm practically sure it was Kong So-ra's', I said. 'If so, then that puts her in the Bae organisation. And No Jung-jong will have enlightened her about you'. Na's eyes met mine. 'From now on you can expect trouble, Moon'.

'And not only from Bae's outfit', I'm commented quietly. 'Lee hasn't finished with you yet, my boy. From what you've told me, he's still far from convinced that you didn't keep that appointment with Kim Su-mi on the night Doyle was murdered'.

I looked over at Na. 'Why don't I take Lee into my confidence, sir?'

Na shook his head emphatically. 'Get this quite clear, Moon. All I'm interested in is Chang Chu-chu. I want to be sure that he was a reputable agent and not mixed up in this diamond smuggling. The murder is police business. You'll have to talk your way out of that as best you can'. His eyes hardened. 'Once the police know what you're doing the newspapers may get hold of it. Then this department will be in the limelight'. He sniffed contemptuously. 'The sensational press would have a bean feast! "Korean Secret Agent involved in Doyle murder" - all that kind of stuff. There could even be questions in the Blue House . No, Moon, you must handle this case entirely on your own'.

'All right, sit. I understood', I said. 'But if I'm on my own I must be given a free hand to handle the case in my own way'.

Na looked at me sharply. 'What do you have in mind, Moon?'

'I haven't worked out all the details yet', I said airily. 'But I think a return visit to No Jung-jong is indicated'.