Chinese Dragon by Dave Barraclough - HTML preview

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Chapter Thirty-four


'That man!' Kong said when the front door had closed 'Possessive isn't the word for it!'

'Sick people usually are', I said.

'I'm always telling her she'll have an invalid on her hands if ever she does marry him. Can't you persuade her not to rush into this marriage with Hyeok?'

'Me?' I protested. 'I don't think I've known Su-mi sufficiently long to discuss her personal affairs'.

'I suppose not'. She let the smoke drift from her lips. 'Although you've discussed yours with her, I believe'.

'What exactly do you mean?'

'Well, about your business affairs. She tells me your engineering firm ran into financial difficulties'.

'I did mention something about it', I admitted. 'But I'm rather surprised that Kim Su-mi should have broadcast it'.

Kong laughed. 'Nothing like that, Mr Moon - just one girl to another'. She finished her tea. 'I suppose you'll start it up again directly you get back on your feet?'

'I suppose so', I said shortly. 'When I can lay my hands on some capital'.

'That's none too easy, I imagine'. She crossed her legs. 'By the way, did Su– mi tell you Inspector Lee Shi-hoo went to see her this afternoon?'

'She did mention it'.

'I wasn't really listening, but I couldn't help overhearing some of his questions . He seemed very interested in that appointment you had with Su-mi'.

'On the night of the murder, you mean? I was detained in Daegu. I couldn't keep it'.'And, of course, you couldn't have got into the apartment if you had kept it. Su-mi was detained by Hyeok - as usual'. She flicked the ash from her cigarette on to the carpet. 'You know, this fingerprint system has always fascinated me. Can they really tell the actual day on which the prints were made?'

'I should imagine you know the answer to that one', I said with a dry smile. 'What made you say that?'

'It  was rather silly of me, wasn't it? Naturally, it would only be the fingerprints found on the night of the murder that would have any significance'.

She raised the foot of the crossed leg, and examined the toe of her shoe rather elaborately. 'I heard Lee telling Kim Su-mi that Doyle was in the illicit diamond trade'.

'He told me that, too', I  said, mentally noting that Su-mi hadn't said anything to me about that part of her conversation with Lee. Had she intended to mention it, I wondered? After all, there'd been some interruptions and it could easily have slipped her mind. Or had she deliberately concealed the information?

'I wonder if he had any diamonds on him the night he was killed?' Kong So-ra was saying. 'If he had, then the murderer must have had quite a haul, mustn't he?'

It was obvious that she was leading up to something, so I decided to play along.

'But could he have done anything with them?' I asked innocently. 'He couldn't just take blood diamonds into a jeweller's and sell them'.

'There are men who will deal in them. Doyle must have known one'.

'Then that must be the man he had the appointments with!' I exclaimed, as though suddenly enlightened. 'Bae! Now I know why Lee's been questioning me about him'.

'He's questioned us all about him - me, Su-mi, Hyeok .' She laughed lightly. 'Oh, well, if anyone ever comes to me wanting to dispose of North Korean diamonds, that's who I'll put them on to - Bae Yeon-seok!'

'If you can find him', I said, joining in her laugh. 'The police can't'.

'That's true'. She dropped her cigarette stub into the dregs of her tea. 'So it's no use you finding any blood diamonds, Mr Moon, because you wouldn't be able to get rid of them'. She smiled ruefully. 'What a horrible thought; walking around with the potential capital to start your business up again, and not being able to do a thing about it'.

'Just hunting for a needle in a haystack', I agreed. 'I wonder what this Bae Yeon-seok looks like'.

'Like any respectable bank manager, I expect'. She stood up. 'I suppose I did rather take it for granted you'd give me a lift. Would you mind, Mr Moon?'

'No, of course not', I said. 'Where can I drop you?'

'Is Itaewon-dong all right for you?'

'It's on my way', I told her.

At the front door she paused. 'You know, I think all this trouble has made Su-mi see Hyeok in a new light. He hasn't shown a scrap of concern for all the worry she's going through'. She arched her eyebrows. 'Your sympathy has meant a great deal to Su-mi, Mr Moon. She's told me that'.

I mumbled something about a shoulder to cry on.'Su-mi's such a sweet person .' She smiled at me knowingly, then tapped my arm with her handbag. 'You must hurry up and get the capital you need to get on your feet again, Mr Moon'.