Chinese Dragon by Dave Barraclough - HTML preview

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Chapter Forty-seven


I'm was sitting at a table at the New Yorker when I arrived.

'I've ordered a dozen oysters', he said. 'Why don't you have a glass of champagne first?' He beckoned the wine waiter.

'She killed herself', I said, as the waiter departed.

'She'd more guts that Yun', I'm said. 'He's still arguing. According to his version he knew what was going on but denied being in the organisation. He even maintains that he threatened to break off the engagement unless Kim Su-mi gave up the racket. He won't get away with that one at court. It's possible, though, that his story of killing Doyle while in a jealous rage may be accepted. It would save him from a capital sentence'.

'I should think it's true', I said. 'Doyle was battered with that ashtray, which seems to point to a fit of uncontrollable rage. Yun wasn't sane when we saw him - although I'm not going into the witness box on his behalf'.

'You're not going into the witness box, period'. I'm said flatly. 'Na doesn't want the department to get that sort of publicity'. He patted my arm. 'Sorry, about that. Kim Su-mi was a damned attractive girl, I don't blame you for falling for her. But you've done a good job, Moon. Have a drink on it!'

'Bollinger . '49', I said wryly   reading the label on the bottle. 'A champagne to celebrate with. You finish it, I'm'.

'I'm damned if I know why', I'm said, 'but I don't feel like oysters and champagne today. And I understand that Na has another case he wants us to go to work on. Wouldn't do to float in on the old boy, not in office hours, at any rate. I sometimes get the impression that he thinks murders that don't take place between nine and five aren't really his department's business. I do hope you won't find working for the government too dull, Moon'.I said I'd try not to.

Two hours later as we left the restaurant I'm said: 'I say, Moon, you're not one of these fellows that goes in for masculine perfume, are you?'

I sniffed the sleeve of my jacket. 'Reminds me of a girl I once met at Incheon Airport', I said. 'Would you mind driving me home first? I think I'd like to change my suit'.

'And change that handkerchief', I'm said. 'It has lipstick on it. Na'll take a poor view of that'.

'To hell with Na', I said. 'I've changed my mind. Drive me straight to 40 Sejong-daero, I'm Sun-taek'.

I'm and I sat facing Na, who had our reports on the Bae Yeon-seok case in front of him. There was nothing in mine about Kim Su-mi's invitation to accompany her to [eju. Na closed one of the folders and turned to me.