Christ in His Sanctuary by Ellen G. White - HTML preview

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Information about this Book

The Sanctuary Truth

An Introduction

The End of the 2300 Days

A Truth Established by the Witness of the Holy Spirit

The Sanctuary and the Sabbath

The Sanctuary Truth Under Fire

Points Sustained Only by Misused Scriptures

The Reality of the Heavenly Sanctuary Affirmed

The Ark and the Law in the Heavenly Sanctuary

Last-Day Delusions Will Involve Vital Truth

With Eyes Fixed on the Sanctuary

This Little Book

Christ in the Sacrificial System

The Sacred Character of God’s Law

Man Offers His First Sacrifice

Study Questions

The Heavenly Sanctuary in Miniature

The Tabernacle and Its Construction

The Priests and Their Attire

The Urim and Thummim

The Services of the Sanctuary

The Day of Atonement

A Figure of Things in the Heavens

Cleansed From the Record of Sin

Study Questions

The Gospel in Type and Antitype

Perfect According to the Patterns

A Temple of Unrivaled Splendor

God Tokens His Acceptance

The Antitype Lost Sight Of

The Temple Services Lost Their Significance

Eyes Turned to the True Sacrifice

Our High Priest, Our Advocate

Study Questions

The Judgment Message Stirs America

The Study of the Prophecies

The Impact of Bible Chronology

The Prophecy ofDaniel 8:14

The Duty to Tell Others

A Religious Awakening Begins

Evidences of Divine Blessing

The Last of the Signs

The Bible and the Bible Only

Differing Responses

Investigation Discouraged

Study Questions

Daniel 8:14and Steps in God’s Mysterious Leadings

The Experience of the Apostles Provides an Object Lesson .

The Lesson of 1844

Study Questions

The End of the 2300 Days

Waiting in Calm Expectancy

The Scriptures Reexamined

Types in the Sanctuary Service

Disappointed, But Faith in God’s Word Unshaken

Study Questions

The Glorious Temple in Heaven

Integrity of the Prophetic Periods

The Sanctuary of the Old Covenant

The New-Covenant Sanctuary in the Heavens

The Glories of the Earthly Sanctuary and the Heavenly Temple

Christ’s Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary

Determining the Sanctuary ofDaniel 8:14

Practical Lessons From the Types

But a Type of Heavenly Realities

The Cleansing of the Heavenly Sanctuary

Study Questions

Our High Priest in the Holy of Holies

Scriptural Foundations

Ministry in the Two Apartments

The Opening of Another Door

The Tragic Result of Rejecting God’s Warning Message

The Sanctuary and the Sabbath

Study Questions

Christ’s Closing Ministry in the  Heavenly Sanctuary

Whose Cases Considered?

God’s Law the Standard

Jesus the Advocate

The Courtroom Scene

The Closing Scenes of the Antitypical Service

Judged by the Unerring Records

Perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God

Now in the Day of Atonement

Study Questions