Collection of Short Stories by Rokesh Kapali - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


The next working day, I thought that guy would show up to process the document that he took from me. But he didn’t. I was quite busy building evidence for a person whose case I had to win. The case was tough as I wasn’t being able to develop any suggestions of how I should win that one. My mind was completely occupied by this case. As usual, I went for lunch at 1 pm. With a huge sigh, I sat on the chair in our canteen after placing my food on the table. Our canteen looked more like a restaurant with all those settings and my colleagues looked like customers waiting for the waiting staff. I was mentally exhausted and wanted to forget everything. Before having a first bite of my burger, I happened to glance at the TV placed high on the wall so that everyone surrounding it could have a nice look on it. The sound was not audible for me nor the words were visible because of the distance between me and the TV was quite significant but I could clearly see a picture in the television. What amazed me was the face that was on the news. It was him. I moved towards the table nearer to the TV. I almost turned into an ice block when I read the line under the quote “a man has been accused of a murder”. Further, the news reported about his disappearance after the crime took place. There were many theories running one after another inside my mind. I took out my mobile and Googled the headline of the news. Before I could find anything about him, I got a call from my other client about the progress of the case.

After finishing my lunch, I went to check the drawer where I had kept a copy of his identity card. His name was different from the name in the id that he gave me. The id said - Gary Smith. But the news reported a different name called Ryan Walter. The id contained some other information which I wasn't sure if they were true or not. It included his address and mobile number which, even if it's true, he obviously won’t use it at the moment. Then there was my other client, Mrs. Emily who wanted divorce from her arrogant husband.