Collection of Short Stories by Rokesh Kapali - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


I was busy with other cases so I couldn't give any focus to Ryan’s case, which I wanted dearly. It was already more than two months that he appeared on the news. Nobody knew where that guy was. Nobody knew what happened to him. But the thing that was unsettling me was why he asked for a divorce paper if he had to kill his father. Where was his divorce linked with his father's death? Did his father divorced his mother or his father forced him to divorce with his own wife? Or did his father kill his wife and he killed his father? There can be many more possibilities. The next thing I noticed was that he was wet. Maybe something had already occurred before he arrived at my office. Probably the struggle with his father made him wet with sweat. I couldn't stop thinking about what might have happened.

One weekend, when I was heading towards my parents house, I met the same cop on the way. He was standing by the door outside waving me hello. I approached him and asked about any improvements about the case. He replied,” Nothing mate!” But that day his face had a different look. I felt as if he was thinking that I had some connections with Ryan. But he didn’t say anything and I took the turn.

After a few days, I quit my job as I lost the last case and my client was given with a life sentence by the jury. Whatever happened in the court was justice. I knew that by taking his side, I was fighting against justice. This time, even though I lost the case, I was happy. I felt bad for those people whom he killed during the road accident. I remembered all the victims from whom I pillaged justice and, currently, I was tired of divorcing people.

It was 12th March 2007, a chilling Monday morning around the central station, I glanced at the historical Sydney clock tower, built between 1915 and 1920, situated at the northwestern corner of the Central Station with the height of 246 ft. I was in my new apartment. From one of its windows I could clearly see how the history of this city was written. It was already half a year since I met Ryan but still he was undiscovered. “What if I dig this case by myself? Would I be able to find him?” A thought crossed my mind. Finally I decided to pursue him. But this time, I will bring justice.

I searched all my bags and drawers to find the copy of his id. After searching for a while, I found it and decided to visit the location it had mentioned. I carried my bag to put some evidence if I find any. I took a cab and gave the driver my destination address. After about 25 minutes inside the cab, I arrived at the place and had a quick look around the place. The strange thing was, the map ended up at a church surrounded by a small forest reminding me of some uncanny movies. But the locality didn’t seem as if there would be any crime as it was a commonplace where hundreds of people walk everyday on the street. I saw a series of bungalows running till my eyes could reach with several perpendicular turnings in between. If the crime had really occurred in this place, obviously, there would be many witnesses who must know about the case. I suspected if the location was also fake.