Crown the Villain - Volume II: Bullet and Blade by D. Sharon - HTML preview

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The offices of Golden Key Records were based in Basilham, Rockbury. The rocky mountain that the district was famously known for stood on the horizon, across from the road Arkaneh and Griffiths were driving on. Rockbury was also known for having a lot of well-developed industrial areas on one hand, but also several empty, undeveloped areas. Those vacant lands would be every contractor's dream, yet Reus had most of them in his possession. A few of those lands that he owned turned into industrial areas and malls, but most of them remained vacant as they always were. Rumors said that Reus simply didn’t want to invest money in those lands and preferred to simply keep them for a few more years, at which point he would be able to sell them at a much higher price.

The desert views on one side and heavily polluting industrial areas on the other didn't fare well with Arkaneh. Such views weren't kind on his eyes. Elina always said she hated the Rockbury district. She always wanted to go see the green planes of the Northstock district, but I never managed to get her to see them. He quickly tried shaking his thoughts of Elina, preferring to keep himself focused.

"Doesn’t Reus's record label have another set of offices in Nexlin, Waterchester?" Arkaneh asked Griffiths. "Why didn’t he call to meet us there instead?"

"I guess it's because he's currently working with some pop singer on a new album. I heard that singer lives in Rockbury, so they're recording the album there." Griffiths replied. "Why? Would you rather see the glossy ocean in Nexlin instead of this fucking desert?" he mocked Arkaneh with his tone.

Arkaneh remained quiet. He was actually glad that he didn’t have to find himself in Nexlin, where the infamous Herkin Port was. People loved to glorify the city of Nexlin, always mentioning the sound of seagulls and the miraculous view of the ocean that were not spared from the city, but still, Arkaneh knew about the true dark nature that hid behind those blue waves and favorable views. He knew that Herkin Port, the heart and soul of Nexlin, served both Men of Midas and Lady Dread.

Alataria's main port was a great source of both commerce and crime. Many of the drugs that were smuggled into Alataria were brought in with ships that docked at Herkin Port, under the guise of importing one merchandise or another. Those drugs would then make their way to the Men of Midas Oakneil outpost in Waterchester and from there they would spread into the streets of every city from Waterchester to Axfield, mostly through deals made in the Nucleus. But even worse than that, were the illegal smuggles that were brought for Lady Dread. It was no secret that every mob gang had their own primary source of income. Code Sanguinary had their gun trading business, Men of Midas had their drug trafficking, and Lady Dread had their human trafficking. Girls of all ages, both underage and older, were smuggled into the country to later serve as either prostitutes or just slaves for different deviants to have their way with, like the Ferals. Arkaneh didn't know much about the specifics of Sunyula Trife's human trafficking mechanism. He only knew that it didn’t involve the Nucleus, unlike her loan-sharking business and that most of those girls usually ended up in the Godly Succubi, where they would dance and sleep with whoever would be flashing the money.

He tried his best not to think about it too much and focus on his forthcoming meeting with Reus Mallistrom. This is what I was aiming for. Getting to Reus Mallistrom. This is a further step in my plans.

Arkaneh and Griffiths entered a marvelous glass skyscraper. It was so high that there seemed to be no way of seeing where it ended, its top floor shrouded in a mist of clouds. Arkaneh saw it as poetic, as the very man they were about to meet was very much like that, a man shrouded in a mist. A so-called businessman who deals in various illegal enterprises in the dark, and runs a criminal organization from behind his curtain. Yet the mist, in that case, was clear enough to see through. Almost everyone in Alataria knew Reus Mallistrom and the kind of person he was. There's a common saying referring to Reus and his father: the Mallistroms have their hand in everything.

Entering the skyscraper, they were greeted by a spacious lobby with a very high ceiling, decorated with shiny, cream-colored tiles on both the walls and the floor under their feet. A golden chandelier hung above their head, its crystal parts ever so sparkling. The entire hall oozed with a sense of luxury and high class.

They made themselves aware of the secretary who sat behind a long counter, dressed in a short skirt and a blouse that allowed for a wide and quite revealing cleavage. Arkaneh wondered if it was Reus that was making her dress like that for his own pleasure, to have something to feast his eyes upon on each of his visits to the lobby.

The secretary confirmed their appointment at the current hour with 'Mr. Mallistrom', as she called him and guided them to the elevator, where they would need to send themselves up to the 44th Floor.

As the two made their way, Arkaneh noticed the stressful appearance on Griffiths's face.

"Don’t be nervous, Griffiths," Arkaneh said.

"Shut the fuck up. You don't know how Reus gets when he's pissed, and boy, am I betting that this would piss him off."

"Even if he gets pissed, it's not either of us' faults. Just calm down."

"Reus is a very powerful man—"

"Do you really think I've lived 24 years of my life in this country without ever hearing about the powerful, mighty Reus Mallistrom?"

"Then you should prepare yourself for a shit storm."

Reus Mallistrom is a man to be frightened from, no doubt about it, but it was his father, Joseph, that truly paved his family's rise to power. Joseph Mallistrom cleverly took advantage of the poor economic state of the country to manipulate people into working for him. Rumors say that he even took part in the brutal, inhumane acts against the rebels of the Tearful Rebellion, knowing that one of their protests was against his constant spread of corruption and crime, which was bad for his business. The truth is, without Joseph, there's no guarantee that Reus would be where he is, or even close to that.

The elevator music was cheerful and relaxing, yet Griffiths was sweating endlessly. Looking at the frightened old man, Arkaneh wondered how he ever got to be a lieutenant for Reus.

The elevator doors opened on the 44th Floor, and the two walked out into a waiting room, where yet another secretary sat behind a counter, dressed just as lavishly as the previous one in tight pants and a buttoned shirt that had one or two buttons missing, as far as Arkaneh thought.

"Hi, we're here for our appointment with Mr. Mallistrom," Arkaneh said to her, going ahead before Griffiths would uncontrollably stutter instead.

"Yes, Mr. Frye and Mr. Griffiths. I was informed of your arrival," She said with a cheerful smile, one that appeared much too fake to Arkaneh. "If you'll just wait here for a moment, I'll inform Mr. Mallistrom." She rose from her chair and tapped on her high heels towards the office door behind her.

Mr. Mallistrom... Mr. Frye... Mr. Griffiths... we're all criminals here, yet we're acting as if this is a formal business meeting about our legitimate affairs. How foolish. Reus may have his own, more legitimate enterprises that he deals with, but there's no need for all of this formality. Even this secretary must know who we are.

"Mr. Mallistrom will be ready to see you in a few minutes." She came out of the office. "Meanwhile, you can wait for him for in his office."

"Fine." Arkaneh sounded agitated.

They walked through the office door into a large room, where two wide sofas awaited them, a glass table stood in between them and a dresser with various kinds of alcoholic beverages and glasses next to it. They sat on one of the sofas and patiently waited. Arkaneh could notice the high-quality leather that the sofa was made of. He looked around and found himself impressed with the level of luxury that the office presented. Every piece of furniture was made of the highest materials and radiated with royalty. And they say you can only find luxury in the mansions in Fraenon Hill. Wooden bookshelves adorned the walls around, filled with books of various lengths and topics. Arkaneh knew better than to think that Reus is a great, sophisticated reader. This is all just a show. Perhaps he manages to fool some people into thinking he's a great scholar, but a busy man like Reus couldn’t possibly have enough time to read much. Another door stood before the two, a white one, with a golden-plated handle. Reus must have been behind it.

Arkaneh's heartbeat was slightly accelerated. Meeting Reus was something he looked for and aimed at since joining Men of Midas. Even though I never could have guessed there would be a snitch in Men of Midas, it worked wonderfully in my favor, giving me a way to draw the lieutenant's attention to me and getting me to a personal meeting with Reus himself.

Finally, after a few minutes of waiting, Reus finally walked out of the white door with the golden handle. The ringleader was dressed in a tailored gray suit with an open-collared white shirt beneath it, a gray, color-matching pair of pants and black leather shoes. He had black hair, slicked back with a greasy appearance, with white streaks on the sides, and a trimmed black beard on his face.

"Sorry to keep you two waiting," he said, sounding indifferent as if he didn't really care about them. Just before the door behind him closed, Arkaneh managed to see the naked woman behind it as she was putting on a pair of pink panties, standing beside a large bed. Now I know what kept him waiting.

"I guess you're Arkaneh Frye," said Reus as he sat down on the sofa across from Arkaneh and Griffiths.

"That's right," Said Arkaneh. He could smell Reus's perfume from where he sat. It was a sweet scent, mixed with an acute exotic flavor.

"Well, Arkaneh, Griffiths told me over the phone that you need to inform me of something of grave importance." There was a sense of authority in Reus's voice.

"Yes. I—"

The bedroom door opened behind them, interrupting Arkaneh's words. Out of the door came the woman which Arkaneh caught a glimpse of getting dressed. She wore a blue shirt with an open collar with a matching skirt that went down all the way to her knees and had high heels with a slightly darker shade of the same color. She had big, green eyes that hid behind a pair of glasses with a black frame and were decorated with a smoky make-up effect. Her long chestnut-colored hair was neatly tied up in a bun and her thin lips were painted with an intense shade of red, almost blood-like.

Reus looked at her as she stood by him. "I apologize, gentlemen, for the interruption. Allow me to introduce Corellia, my personal assistant." Reus looked at her with a greedy smile and an admiring expression on his face.

There was no need to introduce Corellia. Griffiths knew her very well, and Arkaneh had already heard several things about her so far. She was Joseph Mallistrom's assistant during his last couple of years as ringleader of Men of Midas, and then moved on to be Reus's right hand once he rose to power. She escorts Reus almost wherever he goes and some rumors say that she might be more than just an assistant for him. I guess some rumors hold some truth.

" Corellia, you already know Mr. Griffiths, and this is his…" he had trouble finding a suitable word, "associate, Mr. Frye" He finally said.

"Nice to meet you." She made a vague, curvy smile. "Reus, I have to go. Remember you have another appointment in an hour." She whispered in his ear.

"Sure, sure," he replied.

She bid the men farewell and then left the room, her high heels tapping all the way out.

Arkaneh pondered himself for a minute. Reus Mallistrom… a man who dresses in a tailored suit, all perfumed and groomed, sits in a luxurious office and sets appointments with you like a serious businessman… and yet when you look away he makes his employees dress like sluts and even sleeps with them in the room right next to the one where he meets his fellow gangsters under the guise of a business meeting. Oh, this is just too disgusting.

"So, let's hear it." Reus turned back to Arkaneh, getting back to the subject.

"Men of Midas have had a lot of run-ins with the Justicars lately," Arkaneh said. "I knew that can't just be a coincidence, so I've concluded—"

"That we have a snitch in our ranks." Reus finished his word.

"You… already know?" Arkaneh remained cool, despite the surprise.

"Yes. I may be a very busy man, Mr. Frye, but I still pay much attention to our little organization. Talimay and I discussed the very possible existence of a snitch in Men of Midas just recently, shortly before her brother was killed."

"I see. So… what's your take on the idea?"

"Well, I only thought of it as a mere possibility at first, but the more I see the Justicars interfere with our actions, and now that I see that I'm not the only one who came to this conclusion, I believe you're right. We have a traitor."

"Wait a minute," Griffiths entered the conversation. "Why the fuck wasn’t I aware of this? Why didn’t you tell me, Reus?"

"I didn’t see any reason to involve you in something that was still being considered as a wild theory," Reus said.

"But still, you could have—"

"Are you questioning my judgment, Connor?" Reus's voice rose. He looked at Griffiths, towering above him, casting a broad and dark shadow over the old lieutenant. The mighty Reus Mallistrom… Arkaneh thought.

"N-No…" Griffiths bowed down his head. "Anyway, this tenderfoot here says that he has a plan to flush him out." Griffiths made sure to emphasize the word 'tenderfoot' as he pointed at Arkaneh.

"Do I sense contempt in your voice, Connor?" Reus looked slightly agitated. "Does the fact that he's a tenderfoot bother you?

"N-No, Reus, it's just—"

"A smart man knows to pay attention to others' wisdom and intellect, not their seniority." Arkaneh found himself impressed by Reus's wise advice. Perhaps there IS a smart businessman behind that sexual appetite and mask of legitimacy.

"Right, I know that." Griffiths seemed nervous.

"Connor…" Reus got up from his seat and turned around, heading for his dresser, where his beverages were. "Leave us alone, please."

Griffiths hesitated for a moment, most likely wondering why Reus would ever want to talk privately with a tenderfoot. Eventually, he took his leave, biting his lips. Reus grabbed one of the bottles on his dresser and poured a honey-colored liquid into a glass. He then turned around and offered the drink to Arkaneh. At first, Arkaneh wanted to refuse the drink, as he didn’t like alcohol, and rarely ever drank it in his life, yet he feared of insulting Reus by refusing it, and so he took the glass.

"Please, excuse my lieutenant," Reus said as he poured himself a glass as well. "He can be a little… old-school sometimes." He sat back in his seat, taking a sip from his drink.

"It's alright. He cares a lot about his men, so I guess he makes up for it." Arkaneh took a sip as well. The drink had a very acute flavor to it, much to his dislike. The liquid burned through his throat, hot and spicy.

"Yes, he does. That's one of the reasons why I made him lieutenants in the first place. You see, most members see this involvement with our organization as nothing more than an occupation, a very dangerous, yet rewarding occupation. Connor sees it as more than that. He views Men of Midas as a brotherhood, a family. He never had any wife or kids, so I guess that this is how he makes up for it. It may sound odd to promote a man based on such attributes, but in an organization like ours, it's actually imperative. Our organization is known to be one of the most profitable ones for its members, so most of our members turn out to be greedy. The consequence is that every once in a while when we hit a dry spell, we experience a defection of many members to other organizations, as they see their earnings plummet. Believe me, we've seen it happen."

"So you need men like Connor Griffiths, men who won't leave, even in tough times."

"Exactly." He's far from being his father, and he doesn’t have an infamous story like the Night of Obliteration to make people be afraid of him, but Reus Mallistrom shouldn’t be underestimated so easily. "You know, the reason you interest me is because, from what I've heard from Connor about you, you seem to remind me of my lieutenants in their younger years. The thing is… I wonder, Mr. Frye, are you one of those men who won't leave us? Are you someone I can call… trustworthy?"


"Don’t answer that. It's pointless. This question will only be answered as time will pass." Deep down, Arkaneh was glad he never had the chance to answer his question, as he would have had to do his best to lie to his face and say 'yes.' "Now, let's get back to the primary subject." Reus continued. "You said you had a plan to flush out our rat. Let's hear it, Mr. Frye."