Crown the Villain - Volume II: Bullet and Blade by D. Sharon - HTML preview

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After about an hour of waiting, the sedative finally started to wear off, as the woman finally opened her eyes from her long sleep. A man was standing on top of her, looking with lustful eyes, a broad grin smeared over his face and lips anointed with his own saliva. "Finally," he whispered to himself. His hand twitched with excitement.

The woman was naked, lying on the cold, hard floor, with her hands spread across, like a crucified figure. He had to make sure her clothes won't get in the way, and that she was placed in a position most comfortable for him to work with. She looked in horror at the man. Her eyes were filled with fright, her pupils trembled, yet she couldn’t say a word, as she was still under the effect of the paralyzing medication he gave her. She couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move. She could only watch as he hindered closer with a scalpel, looking mad and bloodthirsty.

"I-I-I've been waiting for you to w-w-wake up," He said with his slightly high-pitched voice. "I-I-I've been patient. I-I've been watching you for an hour. I h-h-held myself from d-d-doing anything to you." His stuttering was not a result of a talking defect, but rather an effect of his excitement and rejoices. "I-I-I know what to do. S-S-Stop telling me what to do." He seemed to be talking to another person. The woman moved her eyes around, but saw that no one else was there. He was talking to thin air. "S-S-Stop pressuring me," he kept saying to the invisible person. "Y-Y-You're always p-p-pressuring me." His rambles only made her fear grow.

The woman lay still on the floor, yet he could notice the growing fear in her eyes. He had no mercy for her. He felt no sort of sympathy or hesitation for what he was about to do to her. All he felt was an eager burst to do the horrible things that he had already done to many more of his victims.

He sent down the scalpel into her eyeball, at first slowly, and then faster, until the thin razor was halfway through in her skull. A splash of blood gushed at the man's face. She didn’t make a sound. She only lay there, doomed to feel the excruciating pain without having the privilege of screaming. And she wanted to scream so badly. Her mind was begging to let the world know of her pain, as boiling waves of pain and burn sliced through her. He continued to poke the scalpel around until the eyeball looked damaged enough to him. At that point, he pushed his fingers into her eye socket and furiously pulled the mangled eyeball. The waves of pain intensified. She no longer wanted to scream. She wanted to die.

That night was the longest, most painful one the woman has ever suffered in her entire life. Even all the cuts and bruises she ever received in her lifetime combined weren't a match for the kind that she felt at those moments. The man continued his grizzly act as he went on to pull her other eyeball in the same manner, and then using a saw, he cut off her arms from her torso. Lastly, he dug into her chest using the scalpel and took out her heart.

His eyes shone as he looked at the final outcome. Once, he was an honest, hard-working man with a family, but now his life was filled with nothing but madness and blood.

The Grimm Brothers story told about three surgeons, who each lost a body part. Eyes, arms, and heart. For that reason, the people of Alataria named him the Tri-Surgeon.