DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


Diane D Is Out On House Arrest Again: The Revenge Plots!



 There is a white sports car speeding down the service road of a highway.  The driver suddenly loses control of the car!  The car speeds right on the sidewalk and starts to spin!  It then crashes slamming right into a tree sort of wrapping itself around the tree!  


Several minutes later, the police arrive at the scene.  They see that the driver of the vehicle, a young white male with dark hair, is dead.  There are no other passengers inside the vehicle.  Two police officers look at the victim’s wallet.  “Did you discover the victim’s identity?” one of the officers, a white male around his late-40’s with dark hair, asks.

“Yeah I discovered his identity,” the second officer, another white male around his late-40’s with light brown hair, says.  “Wow, this is so sad.”

“It is.  We’re gonna have to contact his family.”  The officers sadly look at the dead victim.



A couple of hours later, the police are at the victim’s family’s home.  The victim’s family is all hysterical as they are all crying and screaming.  The victim’s mother Mrs. Stevens, a white female around her late-40’s with light shoulder length hair cries and shouts, “My son hasn’t been the same since his father’s death last year!”

“His father’s death?” the first police officers asks.  “What happened to his father?”

“His father is one of the victim’s that Diane D killed!”

“What!” the officers shout.

“His father is one of the victim’s that Diane D killed?!” the second officer asks.

“Yes!” Mrs. Stevens shouts.  “When his father got killed, he couldn’t handle it!  After a while, he wanted revenge on Diane D!  Just before he sped off in his car, he shouted to us that he was going to go after Diane D!”

“What!  He shouted that he was going to go after Diane D?!”

“Yes!  He started shouting ‘I’m going to kill that Diane D, I’m going to kill her for what she did to my father!’  We tried to stop him and calm him down, but he got away from us and hopped into his car and sped off!  Then we called nine one one for help!  Now we know he never made it to Diane D because he lost control of his car and got killed!  Now another life in my family is lost in this case!   First I lose my husband last year, now I lose my son!  I lost two people within a year!”  Mrs. Stevens starts to cry uncontrollably.  The officers sadly look at her.



Several hours later, the police are at the organization speaking to Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry and Michael about the tragic accident as the first police officer says, “His family said that the young man was angry about Diane D for what she did to his father last year.  Diane D didn’t have anything to do with that crash, did she?”

“No!” Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas and Michael shout. 

“Of course she didn’t!” Tomas shouts.

“How can she have anything to do with the crash if she was locked up on house arrest when it happened?!” Margarita shouts.  “She’s been locked up inside the mental institution and on house arrest ever since her other personality killed those authority figures last year, so she was nowhere around that crash when it happened!  She was nowhere near this guy’s vehicle before he got in it and crashed!  The crash was totally beyond her control!”

“Okay, I’m just asking to make sure, that’s all.” 



A month later, Diane D and her family are sitting inside a waiting room outside Dr. Stone’s office as Diane D continues to wear ankle monitors.  Michael has his arm wrapped around Diane D as she has her head laid on Michael’s shoulder with her eyes closed.  Suddenly there are police sirens being heard out in the street.  The police sirens become louder and approach the building of Dr. Stone’s office.  Diane D’s family and Michael look towards the window as Margarita says, “I wonder what’s going on.”

“I’ll take a look,” Barry says.  Barry gets up from his seat and goes to the window. 


Barry approaches the window and looks outside.  He then says, “Hey, there are police cars and ambulances outside.”

“There is?” Margarita asks.

“Yeah, and the police and paramedics are coming inside this building!”

“They’re coming in here?” Tomas asks.


Tomas, Margarita and Mary get up from their seats and hurry to the window as Michael and Diane D stay in their seats.

Tomas, Margarita and Mary approach the window and look out the window.  They see police officers and paramedics rush into the building.  “Damn,” Mary says.  “I wonder what happened.”

“I wonder too,” Tomas says. 

“I hope no one had a heart attack in this building,” Barry says.

“I hope not either,” Margarita says, “But they’re coming in here for a reason.”  Margarita turns to Barry and says, “Barry, you think you can go downstairs and try to find out what happened?”

“Sure Mom.”  Barry turns from the window and says to Mary, “I’ll be back Mary.”

“Okay Barry,” Mary says as she continues to look out the window.  Barry turns away and leaves the window. 

Barry heads towards Michael and Diane D as Michael says to him, “What’s going on Dad?”

“I’m just gonna go downstairs real quick to find out what’s going on,” Barry says as he approaches Diane D and Michael.  Barry stops and bends a little to check on Diane D as her eyes remain closed.  He holds Diane D’s head up a little as he and Michael check on her face.

“Don’t worry Dad,” Michael whispers, “she’s not secretly meditating, she’s actually sleeping.”

“Okay,” Barry says as he lets go of Diane D’s head, “just making sure.  Let me hurry and get downstairs.  I’ll be back.”

“Okay Dad.”

Barry turns away and starts to head towards the door.  Suddenly a hospital security guard and a police officer enter the waiting room area as the hospital security guard says to Barry, “You can’t leave the room right now Sir.”

Barry stops right in his tracks.

Margarita, Tomas and Mary turn from the window and look towards the security guard.  They rush right towards the security guard.

Barry then says to the security guard, “I can’t leave the room?”

“No, no one can leave the room,” the security guard says.

“What’s going on Officer?” Tomas asks.  “Why can’t anybody leave the room?”

“It’s for your safety?”

“Safety?” Margarita asks.  “What safety?  What happened?”

“A young man was just found stabbed multiple times in a stairwell!”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“A man was found stabbed in the stairwell?!” Barry shouts.

“Yes,” the police officer says, “we don’t know who the perpetrator is, but they’re still somewhere, that’s why we have to lock this place down temporary!”

“Lock this place down?!” Margarita shouts.  “Oh my God!”

“Is the man still alive?” Barry asks.

“Yeah he’s still alive right now,” the police officer says, “but unconscious.”

“Oh no!” Diane D’s family shout.

“That’s we’re trying to get him to the hospital fast before we lose him!”

“Do you know who the victim is?” Mary asks.

“Yes, we found his I. D.  Now we have to contact his family.”

“Oh God,” Margarita says. 



A couple hours later, the police are at the hospital where the victim’s family is.  The victim’s family are all hysterical as a male white police officer says to the victim’s mother Mrs. Muer, a white female around her mid-50’s with a short dirty blonde haircut, “I’m sorry Mrs. Muer, your son died on his way to the hospital.”

“Oh no!” Mrs. Muer and the rest of her family shout.

“He just lost his father last year!” Mrs. Muer cries and shouts.

“He lost his father?” the police officer asks,  “What happened to his father?”

“His father was one of the victim’s that Diane D killed!”

“What!” the police officers shout.

“His father is one of the victim’s that Diane D killed?!” a second officer shouts.

“Yes!” Mrs. Muer shouts.

“Oh no not again!”

“Not again?!  What do you mean ‘not again’?!”

“That’s the same thing that other victim’s family told police!”

“That’s the same thing that other victim’s family told police?!  What other victim?!  What are you talking about?!”

“Remember the story of the victim who got killed last month when his car slammed into a tree?”

“Yes I remember that story!  His family told police that his father was one of the victims who got killed by Diane D also!”

“Right, and it appears that the same thing is happening with your son!  How was your son’s behavior after his father got killed?”

“He hasn’t been the same since his father’s death!”

“That’s the same thing the other family said that the victim hasn’t been the same since HIS father’s death.  What else was happening with your son’s behavior?”

“He kept saying that he wanted revenge on Diane D!”

“He wanted revenge on Diane D too?!”

“Yes!  When he ran out the house this morning, he was shouting ‘I’m going to kill that Diane D, I’m going to kill that bitch for what she did to my father!”

“That’s what he said?!”

“Yep!  He sure did!”

“That’s the same thing that other victim’s family said, that he was shouting that he was going to get Diane D!  What did you all do when your son was shouting what he was gonna do?”

“We tried to stop him of course, but he manage to make it in his car and speed off!  We got scared and called nine one one so the police can stop him because we didn’t want him to wind up being a murderer himself!”

“But your son somehow came into the clinic building where Diane D and her family were,” the first police officer says.  “He got as far as the stairwell, but he never made it to where Diane D and her family were because someone came out of the blue and stabbed him right inside the stairwell and ran off!”

“My God, who did this?!  Does anyone know who did this to my son?!”

“No Mrs. Muer, no one knows.”

“My God!  Now another death happens because of Diane D!  Damn that woman seems to be surrounded by death!”

“Mrs. Muer when your son was shouting ‘I’m going to kill that Diane D, I’m going to kill that B for what she did to my father’ did anybody outside the family hear him say that?”

“Did anybody outside the family hear him say that?!”


“Not that I know of!  Why?!”

“Because maybe a person who really admires Diane D could have heard him shouting that he was going to harm her and might have wanted to put a stop to it by killing HIM!”

“Oh no!  Don’t tell me that Diane D might still have admires out there after what she did!”

“Anything is possible Mrs. Muer.”

“Oh God!”  Mrs. Muer starts to cry uncontrollably.



Several hours later, the police are at the organization again speaking to Margarita, Tomas, Mary, Barry, Tonio, Marilyn, Gracy, Grandpa Mike, Aunt Celeste and Michael about the incident.  The first police officer says, “This young man’s family said that he was also angry about Diane D for what she did to his father last year!”

“My God!” Michael shouts.  “This is the second time someone was out to get Diane then dies trying!”

“I know!  Diane D didn’t have anything to do with this recent tragedy either, did she?”

“No!” Diane D’s entire family shouts. 

“Of course she didn’t have anything to do with that tragedy!” Mary shouts.

“I was just asking,” the officer says.  “I’m just trying to find out who stabbed this victim!”

“Well it wasn’t Diane!” Margarita shouts.  “She was inside the clinic room waiting area with my entire family when that stabbing in the stairwell took place, she was never out of my family’s sight, so she had nothing to do with the stabbing!  She had no idea anybody was even after her that time either!”

“She didn’t?”


“None of us knew anything about someone coming after Diane until you just came in here and told us what this latest victim said about her!” Barry shouts.  “Now I’m scared!  I’m so scared who else might want to come after my daughter!”

“I’m scared too!” Tomas shouts. 

“So am I!” Margarita shouts.  “From now on, we are going to have to watch over Diane like a hawk even more!”  Margarita turns to the police officer and says, “Okay Officer.  We’re going to try to find out what happened.  We are going to try to get to the bottom of this.”

“Thank you Miss Margarita,” the officer says as he turns around.  He then leaves out of the office.



Around a month later, Kurt Reid, an angry slim young white male around his late-twenties with dark hair and short bangs, is inside his bedroom.  He is pacing back and forth and shouts to himself, “That goddamn Diane D!  She killed my father!  How dare she kill my father, especially so brutal like that, and all she gets is being sent to the mental institution?!  It is not right!  It’s not right that she killed my father and gets to come out of the mental institution temporarily on house arrest?!   She should be in prison for life, especially after killing my dad and all the other authority figures the way she did!  She should never step foot outside of the mental institution at all!  She gets to still see her family and her family still gets to see her!  I will never get to see my dad again, thanks to you Diane D!   Wait until I get my gun on you, you just wait!”  Kurt stops pacing.  He then turns around and stares in the air and shouts, “Wait a minute!  If my father’s own gun didn’t save him from your ‘other’ personality’s violent wrath, then I’m not sure if my gun will save me from that beast or monster inside you either!  What I will have to do, is sneak up on you Diane D and not let you know I’m coming!  Once I sneak up on you, then I am going to shoot and kill you for taking my dad away!”  Kurt quickly turns to the side and bends down.  He grabs a gun then bends back up.  He looks at the gun and says, “Well Diane D.  I’m on my way to your family’s organization, to kill you!  You are going to pay for what you did to my dad and all the other authority figures!  You are going to meet your maker, today!”  Kurt tucks his gun inside his pocket.  He then heads out the bedroom doorway.



A few hours later, Margarita is sitting behind her desk fixing some papers on her desk.  A serious looking Diane D is calmly sitting down on the chair besides Margarita’s desk again with ankle monitors still strapped around both her ankles holding a smart phone in one hand as she firmly looks down at the smartphone sending text messages.  Margarita turns to Diane D and says, “Diane?”  Diane D stops texting and looks at Margarita as Margarita says to her, “Voy a ir a la sala de descanso muy rápido.  Volveré enseguida, de acuerdo?”

“Bien Grandma,” Diane D says.

“Y mientras me haya ido, quiero que te quedes en esta silla, no salgas de esta silla, ¿me oyes?  Cuando vuelva, espero verte en esta silla, ¿entiendes?”

“Entiendo Grandma.”

“Bueno.  Volveré enseguida.”  Margarita turns her chair and gets up from it.  She then walk towards the back hallway as Diane D turns her head and looks at her.  Diane D then turns her head back forward.  She looks back down on her smartphone and continues to text on it.



Kurt is quietly sneaking up a back stairwell inside the organization.  He secretly pulls his gun out and holds the gun as he continues to sneak up the stairwell.


Kurt reaches the top landing of the steps where a door is.  He looks towards the door.  There is another flight of steps going up.  He quietly sneaks up those stairs.


Kurt reaches the top landing of the flight where another door is.  He looks towards the door.  He is about to head towards the door.  Suddenly the stairwell door swings open!  Kurt becomes nervous and looks towards the stairwell door.  To his shock, he sees a serious looking pale faced, puffy-eyed Diane D coming right out the stairwell door from the other side heading straight towards him!  Kurt quickly pulls his gun out on Diane D and shouts, “Wait!  Just hold it right there!”  Diane D stops right in her tracks as Kurt points the gun at her!  Diane D glares at the gun.  She then glares at Kurt with those daring puffy eyes.  She starts to head towards Kurt again as he shouts, “I said hold it!”  Diane D stops in her tracks again as Kurt continues to point the gun at her!  Kurt then shouts to her, “You!  You killed my father!”  Diane D does not say a word.  She continues to glare at Kurt.  Kurt then shouts to her, “How dare you kill my father!  How dare you kill all those authority figures!”  Diane D turns her body to her left and starts to circle Kurt in a clockwise direction as he continues to point the gun at her following her.  He then cries, “You don’t deserve to live after what you did to my father, after what you did to my family!”  Diane D suddenly stops in her tracks and continues to glare at Kurt.  Kurt then shouts to her, “For what you did to my father and what you did to my family, I’m going to have your family go through the same thing you put my family through!”  Diane D turns to her right and starts to circle Kurt in a counterclockwise direction as he continues to point the gun at her following her.  He then shouts to her, “As a matter of fact, how did you even know I was here?”  Diane D stops in her tracks again and continues to glare at Kurt.  Kurt then shouts to her, “You came busting right into this stairwell like you were expecting me, like you already knew I was here!  How did you know I was here?  How did you know I was coming?!”  Diane D turns to her left again and starts to circle Kurt in a clockwise direction again as he continues to point the gun at her shouting, “How did you know that I was coming for your ass Diane D?!  How did you know?!”  Diane D stops in her tracks again and continues to glare at Kurt.  Kurt then shouts, “What’s the matter Diane D?  The cat got your tongue?  You have nothing to say?”  Diane D turns to her right again and starts to circle Kurt in a counterclockwise direction again as he continues to point the gun at her shouting, “Well since you have nothing to say and all you can do is circle me casing me out like you’re about to jump me and my gun, let’s see if you have nothing to say when I shoot your ass!”  Diane D stops in her tracks again and continues to glare at Kurt.  Kurt then shouts to her, “Just for taking my dad’s life and messing up my family’s life, I’m going to kill you right here, right now!”  Kurt is about to pull the trigger and shoot Diane D as Diane D just stands there glaring at him showing no fear!  Suddenly a gunshot is heard as Kurt’s gun drops and he falls backward!  “Aaaahh!” he screams as he lands on the stairwell floor!  He holds his arm in pain!  “Aaaaahh” Kurt screams as he holds his arm and hand in pain!  He looks at his arm and hand.  He sees blood all over his arm and hand and part of his fingers missing!  He shockingly looks up at Diane D.  He sees Diane D just standing there glaring down at him showing no emotion as he lays on the floor helpless, injured and bleeding, not knowing what happened!  Kurt then looks up at the stairwell and sees a white male security guard pointing a gun at him!  He then screams at the security guard, “Oh my God!  It’s you!”  He realize that the security guard had shot him!  He shouts to the security guard, “You shot me!”  Kurt quickly looks back at Diane D!  He sees her still standing there glaring down at him still showing no emotions.  He shockingly looks back at the security guard.  He sees the security guard slowly coming down the stairs towards him and Diane D as the security guard continues to point the gun at him.

The security guard then reach the landing still pointing the gun at Kurt staring at him. 

“Aaaaahh!” Kurt shouts again as he holds his arm and hand in agony. 

The security guard then heads right towards Diane D as he continues to point the gun at Kurt. 

The security guard then approaches Diane D.  He stops and stands right next to Diane D as he continues to look down at Kurt and point the gun at him.  He and Diane D continue to stare down at Kurt while Kurt is injured and in pain.  “Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams again!  He shockingly stares at the security guard and Diane D.  He sees the security guard and Diane D just standing there together staring at him being injured as they show no emotions.  “Aaaaahh!” Kurt screams again!  The security guard and Diane D continue to stare at Kurt.  Suddenly, they slowly turn their heads and look at each other.  They slowly turn their heads and look back down at Kurt.  “Diane!” Margarita’s voice suddenly calls out.  Diane D and the security guard quickly look towards the stairwell door.  “Diane!” Margarita’s voice shouts again.  “Donde estas?!”  Diane D quickly turns her head and looks back at the security guard as the security guard looks back at her.  “Diane, a donde fuiste?!” Margarita’s voice shouts.  Diane D and the security guard quickly turn from each other.  They quickly look down at Kurt then turn from Kurt and rush off the opposite direction from each other as Diane D rushes back to the stairwell door and the security guard rushes right back up the stairs!  Diane D rushes into the stairwell door as the stairwell door closes behind her disappearing out of sight.  The security guard rushes up the stairs disappearing out of sight too.  Kurt shockingly stares towards the stairwell door where Diane D ran off to, then looks up towards where the security guard ran up to.  He is left lying there all alone in the stairwell injured and bleeding as he shouts, “Help!  Somebody please help meeee!”



Diane D quickly heads back inside Margarita’s office.  Her eyes are still puffy and her face is still pale as she stops and looks around.  She does not see Margarita or anyone else in the room.  She looks at Margarita’s desk and hurries towards Margarita’s desk.  She approaches the chair besides Margarita’s desk and sits right back down it.  “Diane!” Margarita’s voice calls out again.  Diane D nervously looks to the side where Margarita’s voice is calling her from.  She still doesn’t see Margarita.  She then faces her head forward, holds her head back and closes her eyes.  She quickly falls into a deep sleep. 

Margarita comes from the back hallway and enter back into the office.  She sees Diane D sitting in the chair near the desk with her head back.  She stops and shouts, “Diane!”  She angrily walks towards Diane D.

Margarita approaches in front of Diane D and stands over her.  She finds Diane D sound asleep.  She then shouts, “Diane!”  Diane D hears Margarita’s voice and quickly awakens.  The paleness in her face is practically gone and the puffiness in her eyes are practically gone too as her eyes appear to have just awaken from a deep sleep.  She turns her head, looks up and sees Margarita standing right over her.  She puzzled looks at Margarita with slight sleepy eyes as Margarita shouts to her, “Diane que paso?!  He vuelto aquí y te habías ido!  Where did you go?!”  Diane D puzzled stares at Margarita.  Margarita then shouts to her, “I asked where did you go?”

“Where did I go?!” Diane D puzzled says.

“Si!  Dónde estaban ustedes?”  Diane D continues to puzzled look at Margarita.  Then she puzzled looks around the office.  She puzzled looks back at Margarita as Margarita shouts to her, “Pregunté dónde estabas!”

“Dónde estaba?” Diane D asks.

“Sí, donde estaban ustedes?!  Me fui al baño, vengo de nuevo y usted no estaba en la silla!”

“Yo no era?”

“No, no lo eras!  Ahora te voy a preguntar una vez más jovencita!  Dónde estabas?”

“Yo estaba aquí Grandma.”

“No, no lo eras!  Cuando regresé del baño, no te vi!”

“Usted no me vio?”

“No, no lo hice!  Dónde has ido?  Pensé que te dije que no ir a ninguna parte!”

“No fui a ninguna parte Grandma.”

“Entonces, por qué no te vi sentado en esta silla cuando regresé antes?”

“No recuerdo dejado esta silla Grandma.”

“Usted no recuerde dejando la silla?”


“Qué Recuerdas cuando salí de la oficina hasta que te desperté?”

“Recuerdo que me sentí un poco mareado.”

“Te sentiste mareado?”


“Qué pasó después de eso?”

“Supongo que me quedé dormida.”

“Te parece? Estabas durmiendo, Diane. No estabas en esta silla antes. Fui a buscarte.  Cuando te encontré, estabas profundamente dormida en esta silla!”

“Yo era?”

“Sí, lo eras.”

“Cómo me dormí tan rápido?  Si yo no estaba en esta silla, no recuerdo dejarlo.”

“Usted no?”

“No, no lo hago. Por lo que yo sé, nunca he dejado esta silla en absoluto.”

“En absoluto no?”


“Oh no. Espero que esto no está sucediendo de nuevo.”

“Esperas que esto no vuelva a pasar? ¿de qué estás hablando, Grandma? Usted espera que lo que no está sucediendo de nuevo?”

“Diane, no recuerdas tu alma o espíritu vagando por el universo mientras dormías ¿verdad?”

“Recuerde mi alma o espíritu vagando por el universo mientras yo dormía?”


“No, no recuerdo mi alma o espíritu vagando por el universo esta vez Grandma.”

“Usted no?”

“No es que yo recuerde.”

“Oh, muy bien,” Margarita sighs.  “Supongo que no sucedió esta vez.”

“Adivinas lo que no pasó, Grandma?”

“Esa otra alma, espíritu o personalidad que se apodera de ti otra vez!”

“Esa otra alma, espíritu o personalidad que se apodera de mí?”


“No creo que la Grandma.”

“Estás seguro?  Lo siento, en realidad no sabrías si pasó algo o no porque tu alma o espíritu original no estaría aquí, así que no sabrías si pasó algo.  God.  Bueno, si no oímos nada extraño sucedió entre el momento en que salí de la oficina hasta el momento en que volví y te desperté, supongo que no pasó nada probablemente. Si ocurriera algo, lo más probable es que lo escuchemos más tarde. Esperemos que no haya pasado nada.”  Margarita and Diane D worriedly look at each other.  Margarita then turns to her desk.  She goes around Diane D then goes behind her desk.  She starts to sit on the chair behind the desk as Diane D puzzledly looks around the office wondering what had just happened.  Diane D then sees her smartphone on the desk.  She takes the smartphone leans back on the chair and starts to surf the internet.



Twenty minutes later, police and paramedics are in the stairwell surrounding Kurt as he still lays on the stairwell floor injured.  Kurt then shouts to the police, “I’m telling you that Diane D was here when that security guard shot me!  The security guard and Diane D seemed to have been working together!”

“Seem to have been working together?” a male white police officers says.  “What do you mean they seem to have been working together?”

“Working together to harm me!”

“Working together to harm you?  Why would they want to harm you?”

“Because I told Diane D that I was going to get at her for what she did to my father!”

“You told Diane D that you were going to get at her for what she did to your father?”


“What do you mean by ‘you told Diane D that you were going to get at her for what she did to your father’?  Were you threatening her?”

“Well, no.”

“No?  It sound like you were from what you just said.  Then what happened after you told her that?”

“That’s when that security guard came out of nowhere and shot me!”

“That’s when the security guard shot you?”


“Okay young man, hang in there.  We’re going to get to the bottom of this.” 



A half hour later, police are at the organization swarming around Diane D and her family as Diane D shouts, “I’ve never been in the stairwell!  I don’t remember ever being in there!”

“You weren’t in the stairwell Diane?!” Barry shouts.

“No Dad, I wasn’t!  If I was in the stairwell, I don’t remember being there!”

“You weren’t in the stairwell with that security guard?!” Tomas shouts.