DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 1


The Mental Hospital



Several of Diane D’s family members including her parents Mary and Barry, her maternal grandparents Margarita and Tomas, her paternal grandparents Gracy and Grandpa Mike, her husband Michael, her older brother Nicolas, her younger brother Mickey and some of her cousins Eduardo, Raquel, Elisa, Nancy and Charlotte are sadly standing inside the lobby of the mental institution talking and drinking coffee.  They then turn and head towards the elevators. 


Across the lobby, several family members of some of the other patients in the mental hospital look across the lobby at Diane D’s family members.  They watch Diane D’s family members head to one of the elevators then enter the elevator.  They then see the elevator doors shut behind them.  They turn around to a white male security guard around his mid-40’s who is standing behind them talking with a couple of other male security guards.  One of the family members, a Hispanic male around his mid-40’s, says to the security guard, “Excuse me sir.”

The security guard turns his head and looks at the man.  He then approaches the man and says, “Yes sir, what can I do for you?”

“You know I don’t understand.”

“You don’t understand?  Understand what?”

“Why do several of Diane D’s family members get to stay here in the mental institution with her, while only one of us get to stay here with our family member?”

“Because we have to make sure a lot of Diane D’s family members are here to keep that other vicious personality of hers at bay.”

“What?  You have to make sure a lot of Diane D’s family members are here, to keep that other vicious personality of hers at bay?  What do you mean keep that other vicious personality of hers at bay?”

“We have to make sure that the other vicious personality do not come here and take over Diane D’s physical body while she’s here.”

“What?  You have to make sure that the other vicious personality do not come here and take over Diane D’s physical body?”

“Yes!  When those two doctors hypnotized Diane D last year, they found out that she had two other personalities and both of those other personalities came out to the surface.”

“Yeah we heard about that,” one of the women says.

“We sure did,” another man says.

“Yeah,” the security guard says.  “The doctors spoke to the other two personalities and the other two personalities spoke back to them!  I heard that one of the personalities did mention to the doctors, that whenever Diane D is locked up anywhere like inside jail, prison or the mental institution, that personality will come to Diane D’s physical body, pull Diane D’s original soul, spirit or personality out of her physical body then enter her physical body and take her original soul, spirit or personality’s place while her physical body is in jail, prison or the mental institution.  I heard that personality told the doctors that they do not come to Diane D’s physical body and take her original soul, spirit or personality’s place while her family members are around!  That personality told the doctors that they do not get involved with Diane D’s family members nor want to be around Diane D’s family members.”

“That other personality doesn’t get involved with Diane D’s family members nor want to be around her family members?” another woman asks.  “Why not?!  Why doesn’t that other personality want to get involved with Diane D’s family members nor want to be around her family members?”

“I heard that the other personality leave that part to Diane D’s original soul, spirit or personality.  So if Diane D’s family members are not here, that other soul, spirit or personality might come right to her physical body again, pull her original soul, spirit or personality out of her physical body then go into her physical body and take her original soul, spirit or personality’s place and none of us will even know it!”

“Oh nooo!” everyone else shouts.

“We’ll just all assume that it’s Diane D’s original soul, spirit or personality!  If that evil, vicious personality go into Diane D’s physical body and take her original soul, spirit or personality’s place again, who knows if that evil vicious personality might start killing people here!”

“Oh no!” everyone else shouts as they frighteningly stare at the security guard.

“Oh yes!  It already killed a lot of those authority figures who tried to enter that hypnosis room last year!”

“We know!” the second man shouts, “three police officers, two swat team members and a priest!  That’s six people altogether!

“That’s right, that vicious personality killed six people and it injured a lot of other police officers, swat team members and a lot of other security guards too!  One of them wound up brain dead, another one is still in a coma!  They can still die later!”

“Oh God!” everyone else shouts.

“We don’t want to be next!”

“We don’t blame you!” the first woman shouts.  “We understand!  We heard that Diane D’s other personality even caused that little kid Marcus to take his own life by coming into his dreams and nightmares!  That’s seven people altogether!  That’s seven people Diane D’s other personality killed so far!”

“That’s right, that’s true!  If what that evil vicious personality did to all those authority figures can happen before, it can surely happen again!  I don’t want that evil, vicious personality to come here!  I don’t want to be on the receiving end of that vicious personality’s wrath!  Now you don’t want that evil, vicious personality of Diane D’s to come here to Diane D’s physical body, snatch and pull Diane D’s original soul, spirit or personality right out of her physical body then enter her body and take her original soul, spirit or personality’s place and cause havoc here do you, especially while your family members are patients here!”  The people frighteningly stare at the security guard.  He then says, “I don’t want that beast coming here!  That’s why Diane D’s family members HAVE to be here, to keep that vicious killer other personality away from her physical body and to keep it away from here!  I want to make it out of here alive and get back home to my family!  They want to see me again and I want to see them again too!”

“Well if that evil vicious personality might come into Diane D’s physical body again and take over her physical body while she’s here, I’m transferring my family member the hell out of this mental institution!” the first man shouts.

“Me too!” the first woman shouts.  “I don’t want that evil vicious beast to kill my family member!”

“Me neither!” the second man shouts.  “I hear that evil vicious personality of Diane D’s is very powerful!  I hear that it has superhuman strength!”

“It does have superhuman strength!” the security guard shouts.  “I mean anybody that is capable of lifting a heavy psychiatrist couch right up off the floor and hold it real high up in the air, then starts spinning it around and around while several broken chains are still hooked and attached to them, then tossing the heavy couch twenty to thirty feet across the room at a very fast speed like if it was a piece of rag and take down six men, especially cops and swat team members who had guns and rifles, has to be the work of something supernatural!  I mean that’s not normal!”

“It certainly isn’t!” the first woman shouts.

“That’s why we have to keep several family members of Diane D’s here to avoid that other personality or evil, vicious entity from approaching Diane D’s physical body and take over it again causing havoc and I would not want to be around if that ever happens here and I know none of you would want your family members to be here either if that ever happens!”  The people frighteningly stare at the security guard.