DIANE D The Musical Drama by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 3


Diane D Is Out On House Arrest: Everyone In Fear Hearing Of Her Presence!



At the organization, three staff members Alex, a tall slim white Hispanic male with straight black hair, Vivian, a stocky black woman and Kory, a slim black male are out in the hallway chit chatting as Vivian shockingly says to Alex, “Are you serious Alex?!  Diane is here, at the organization?!”

“Yeah,” Alex says. 

“What is she doing here?!”

“Yeah!” Kory shouts.  “We thought she was locked up in the mental institution!”

“Well she was,” Alex says, “but she’s not locked up there now, she’s here visiting!”



“How the hell is she able to visit while she’s locked up in a mental institution?!”

“Well they let her out temporarily.”

“They let her out temporarily?!”


“How were they able to let her out temporarily?!” Vivian asks.

“They put her back into her family’s custody temporarily because I think she’s on house arrest.”

“House arrest?!” Vivian and Kory shout. 

“Diane’s on house arrest?!” Kory shouts.

“Yeah,” Alex says, “and she’s right inside Miss Margarita’s office sitting on a chair right beside Miss Margarita’s desk.”

“What!” Vivian and Kory shout. 

“She’s inside Miss Margarita’s office?!” Kory shouts.

“Yeah,” Alex says.

“Where’s Miss Margarita?!”

“She’s sitting behind her desk.”

“She is?  So she got Diane sitting right next to her?!”


“Why does she have Diane sitting there besides her desk?!”

“Because Miss Margarita has Diane on a tight leash!  In other words, she won’t let Diane out of her sight!  She’s keeping a close eye on Diane.”

“She is?”

“Yes she is.”


“When did Diane come out the mental institution?” Vivian asks.

“I think she came out the other night,” Alex says.

“The other night?”



“You know I would like to see Diane,” Kory says, “but I’m afraid to.”

“So am I.”

“Oh yeah?” Alex says.  “You two are afraid to see Diane?”

“Of course we are!” Kory shouts.


“What do you mean ‘why’ Alex, she’s a killer!  In case you didn’t know, Diane killed six people last year, six people!  She didn’t just kill six people, she killed six authority figures!  She didn’t just kill them, she slaughtered them!  She turned into a vicious assassin when those authority figures tried to enter that hypnosis room and she caused that kid Marcus to take his own life when she couldn’t stay the hell out of his dreams and nightmares!”

“Stay out of his dreams and nightmares?  Kory Diane doesn’t have control over anybody’s dreams or nightmares.”

“Well I think in this case, she does!  That’s why I’m afraid to see her!  I don’t want to be her next victim!  I don’t want to have nightmares about her!  I don’t even know why she would be let out of the mental institution after what she did, she should be in prison!  Why didn’t they send her to prison?!”

“Because she was found not guilty due to insanity.”

“Not guilty due to insanity?  That’s why she’s not in prison?”

“I’m afraid so.  I think her mental illness sort of helped her get away with murder.”

“Helped her get away with murder?!  Well if she’s insane, she shouldn’t even be let out of the mental institution because we all could be in danger here!  She should be sent right back to the mental institution and never come back out!”

“Well Diane is going to be here for a short while, so we might all have to get used to it.”

“Oh yeah?!” Vivian shouts.  “I’m not going to get used to it!  I’m not gonna continue to work here while Diane is around!”

“Me neither!” Kory shouts.

“I know,” Alex says.  “Come on.  Let’s get out of here.”  Alex, Vivian and Kory turn and start to walk down the hallway.  Suddenly, a group of pre-teen white and Hispanic children rush down the hallway towards them.  The children anxiously approach them.  Alex, Vivian and Kory puzzled look at the children who seem kind of scared.  “Are you all alright?” Alex asks them.  “Are you all okay?”

“Yeah,” Vivian says to them.  “You all seem sort of scared or something!  What’s the matter?”

“We just passed by Miss Margarita’s office doorway!” one of the white boys shouts out of breath.  “As we passed by her office doorway, we saw Diane inside Miss Margarita’s office sitting in a chair right beside Miss Margarita’s desk!”

“What!” the staff members shout.

“You saw Diane inside Miss Margarita’s office sitting in a chair beside Miss Margarita’s desk?!” Vivian asks.

“Yeah!” the white boy shouts. 

“Yeah Alex just told us that she’s sitting in there!”

“She was facing the doorway while Miss Margarita was on the phone!”

“Oh yeah?”


“But why do you all seem so scared?”

“Because we saw Diane just sitting there in the chair facing the doorway angrily looking out the doorway at us!”

“What!” the staff members shout.

“You saw Diane sitting in a chair facing the doorway angrily looking out the hallway at you?” Vivian asks.

“Yeah!” another boy shouts.  “It looked like she was in a bad mood or something!”

“A bad mood?!”

“Yeah!  And now we’re afraid to go back pass Miss Margarita’s office doorway again because we’re scared to see Diane again!”

“But why would Diane be angrily looking at you all?” Alex asks.

“We don’t know!  All we know, is that we saw her just sitting there in the chair angrily looking out towards the doorway at us!”

“Yeah!” the first boy shouts.  “And when we saw her, we saw a black object strapped around both of her ankles!”

“What!” Vivian and Kory shout.

“You saw a black object strapped around both of Diane’s ankles?!” Kory shouts.  “You mean ankle monitors?!”

“Ankle monitors?!” Vivian shouts.  “Oh no!  Don’t tell me that Diane is wearing ankle monitors!”

“Ankle monitors?” a third boy asks.  “What’s that?”

“It’s something that criminals have to wear, that’s what it is!”

“In other words,” Alex says, “it’s something that people have strapped around their ankle or ankles when they’re on house arrest or something.”

“House arrest?” the second boy asks.  “What’s that?”

“It’s a place that criminals have to be at!” Vivian shouts, “that’s what it is!”

“In other words,” Alex says, “house arrest is when people are confined inside their home or somewhere else instead of being confined inside jail or prison.”

“Instead of being confined inside jail or prison?” the third boy asks.  “So is Diane on house arrest?”

“That’s what we heard.”

“Oh no!  So what are we gonna do?!  We have to go back pass Miss Margarita’s office door again, but we’re afraid to go pass her office door again because we might see Diane angrily looking out the doorway at us again!”

“Yeah and we don’t want to be the next Marcus!” a first boy shouts.

“What!” Alex, Vivian and Kory shout.  “Don’t want to be the next Marcus?!”

“That’s right!  We don’t want to take any chances!”

“Wow that is deep!” Kory shouts.  “Are you kids sure that Diane was sitting in the chair facing the doorway angrily looking out the hallway at you like she was in a bad mood?”

“Yeah we saw her!” one of the girls shouts.

“Did Miss Margarita notice it?  Did she notice Diane’s mood?”

“I don’t think so, because she was busy talking on the phone!”

“So she didn’t seem to notice anything at all?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Wow.”  Kory turns to Alex and Vivian and says, “Do y’all think it could be a possibility, that it’s Diane’s other personality sitting there in the chair inside Miss Margarita’s office beside her desk angrily looking out in the hallway at these kids, and Miss Margarita might not even be aware of it?”

“Well after hearing all of this,” Vivian says, “I’m afraid that it IS a possibility that it could be Diane’s other personality sitting there next to Miss Margarita!  I’m afraid to go pass Miss Margarita’s office door myself!  I don’t want that vicious personality to look at me!”

“But I heard that Diane’s other personality does not come around her family,” Alex says.  “So most likely, that’s Diane’s original personality sitting there in the room with Miss Margarita, not her OTHER personality.”  Alex quickly turns back to the children and says, “When you kids saw Diane sitting there in the chair, did you notice anything odd or peculiar about her facial appearance?”

“Anything odd or peculiar about her facial appearance?” the girl asks.  “What do you mean?”

“I mean did Diane’s facial appearance look different?”

“Did her facial appearance look different?  In what way?”

“Did she look like herself?”

“Did she look like herself?”

“Yeah.  I mean did her face look normal, or did it look sort of pale or did her eyes appear kind of puffy or swollen?”

“Well her eyes did look kind of puffy.”

“It did?!”

“Yeah, but her face didn’t really look pale.”

“Her face didn’t look pale?”

“No, it looked normal to me when I saw her.”

“It did?”


“So the only thing you noticed, was that her eyes appeared kind of puffy?”

“Yeah, but Diane’s eyes always look puffy, she has puffy eyes all the time!”

“Yeah you’re right.”

“I guess she was born that way.”

“Yeah I guess so.”

“So what are we gonna do about going back pass Miss Margarita’s office doorway?!” the first boy shouts.

“Well we have to try to reach Miss Margarita to see if she can get her office door shut.”

“Really,” Vivian says.  “And how are we going to do that if she’s on the phone?”

“Well she might be off the phone by now.  Let me try to call her.”  Alex pulls his cell phone out of his pocket.  He gets on his cell phone and dials a number.  He puts the cell phone to his ear.  He listens for several seconds.  He then takes the cell phone off his ear.  He turns to Vivian and Kory and says, “She didn’t pick up.  She might still be on the other line.”  Suddenly, Alex, Vivian and Kory hear voices coming their way.  They turn the opposite direction from where the children ran and see Stephanie and other staff members anxiously approaching them. 

“Hey you guys!” Stephanie shouts as she and the other staff members hurry to Alex, Vivian and Kory.  Stephanie then shouts, “We heard that Diane is back!”

“She is,” Alex says.

“Really?!” Stephanie says as she and the other staff members approach Alex, Vivian and Kory.  Stephanie then says, “Well we want to see her, but are sort of afraid to.”

“So is everyone else!”

“Yeah we’re all afraid to see Diane!” Vivian shouts.  “These kids right here said that they had just went right pass Miss Margarita’s office doorway and saw Diane just sitting there in the chair right next to Miss Margarita’s desk angrily looking out towards the hallway at them!”

“What!” Harvey, a stocky black male, shouts.  “These kids saw Diane sitting in a chair right next to Miss Margarita’s desk angrily looking out towards the hallway at them?”

“Yeah!” Alex says.  “And when they saw that, that’s when they ran to us.  Now they’re afraid to go back pass Miss Margarita’s office doorway again!  They claim they don’t want to be the next Marcus!”

“What!” the other staff members shout.  “Don’t want to be the next Marcus?!”

“Well shoot can you blame them?!” Harvey shouts.  “I wouldn’t want them to be the next Marcus either!  I’m afraid that if any of us go pass Miss Margarita’s office doorway, that powerful and murderous other personality of Diane’s could come out to the surface and strike again, and I don’t want any of us to be the next Marcus, the next police officers, the next swat team members or the next priest!”

“So you think it could be that OTHER personality sitting there right next to Miss Margarita’s desk and Miss Margarita doesn’t even know it?” Evette asks.

“It could be,” Vivian says.

“Well someone should tell her about it!”

“I just told Vivian and Kory that I heard Diane’s other personality does not come around her family!” Alex says.

“So why is she sitting there in the chair giving these kids a hard look?!” Kory shouts.

“I don’t know Kory!  Maybe these kids just happen to caught her in a bad mood or something!”  Alex turns to Evette and says, “Look Evette.  I tried to call Miss Margarita’s phone to tell her, but she didn’t pick up.  These kids said they saw her talking on her phone when they passed by her office and saw Diane sitting in a chair next to her.”

“They did?” Evette asks.


“Oh.  Well I would like to take a peek inside the room at Diane, but I’m afraid to.”

“So don’t do it then.”  Alex looks to the side.  He suddenly sees two other staff members Monique and Valerie approaching. 

Monique and Valerie approach Alex as Monique says, “Hey what’s up guys?”

“Hey Monique,” Alex says.  “Where are you two on your way to?”

“We’re going to see Miss Margarita real quick,” Valerie says.

“You’re going to see Miss Margarita?”

“Yeah.  We want to know if she can give us some time off next month so we can go to a wedding down in Atlanta.”

“Go to a wedding down in Atlanta?  You two planning to go to a wedding?”

“Yeah.  A cousin of mine is getting married, and Monique and I are planning to be there at the wedding.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah so we need Miss Margarita’s permission to take off.”

“Oh, okay.  So you’re getting ready to go into Miss Margarita’s office to ask her now?”


Monique turns to Valerie and says, “Come on Valerie.  Let’s see if we can try to catch Miss Margarita before she leaves her office.”

“Okay.”  Valerie turns to Alex and the rest of the staff and says, “We’ll be right back guys.”

“I hope you two come back,” Kory says.

Valerie and Monique puzzled look at Kory as Monique says, “You hope we come back?!  What do you mean ‘you hope we come back’?”

“I hope you two come back out of Miss Margarita’s office, alive.”

“What?” Monique and Valerie say.

“You hope we come back out of Miss Margarita’s office alive?” Valerie asks.  “What are you talking about Kory?”

“Yeah,” Monique says.  “Why wouldn’t we come back out of Miss Margarita’s office alive?”

“Well some people didn’t make it out alive,” Kory says.

“Some people didn’t make it out alive?  You mean out of Miss Margarita’s office?  Why wouldn’t anybody come back out of Miss Margarita’s office alive Kory?  I know Miss Margarita can be a tough cookie sometimes, but all we want to do is ask her for some time off next month so we can attend a wedding down in Atlanta, that’s all.  What’s wrong with that?  She’s not going to harm us for that is she, she’s not like that.  I mean what is she going to do to us?”

“It’s not what SHE’S going to do to you, it’s what her GRANDDAUGHTER might do to you?”

“Her granddaughter?” Monique and Valerie puzzled ask.

“Who Nancy?” Monique asks.  “Charlotte?  Are they inside Miss Margarita’s office?  Why would they harm us?  Because they don’t want us disturbing their grandmother?” Monique laughs.

“No Nancy and Charlotte aren’t inside Miss Margarita’s office,” Kory says.

“They’re not?”


“You just said Miss Margarita’s granddaughter is inside her office, then you said Nancy and Charlotte are not in there.  I know you’re not talking about Miss Margarita’s other two granddaughters Raquel and Elisa, because they stay and work at her other businesses down in the Dominican Republic.  And I KNOW you’re not talking about Diane either because she’s locked up in a mental institution.”

“Well that’s exactly who I’m talking about.”

“Who?  Raquel and Elisa?”

“No not those two!”

“Then who?”


“Diane?!” Monique and Valerie shout.

“Yes Diane is in there!” Harvey shouts.  “She’s inside Miss Margarita’s office!” 

“What!” Monique and Valerie shout. 

“She is?!” Monique shouts.

“Yes!” Harvey shouts.  “We heard she’s sitting right inside Miss Margarita’s office sitting on a chair right beside Miss Margarita’s desk!”

“What?!” Monique and Valerie shout.

“You’re kidding us right?” Valerie shouts.

“No we’re not kidding you!” Harvey shouts, “Alex saw her!  And these kids saw her too!”

“Oh yeah?!”


“Oh my God, what is she doing here?!  Isn’t she supposed to be locked up at the Mental Institution?!”

“She was but we think she’s out temporarily on house arrest!”

“House arrest?!” Valerie and Monique shout.

“Diane is on house arrest?!” Monique shouts.

“Yeah!” Harvey shouts.

“So if you two want to make it back out of Miss Margarita’s office alive, my best advice, is for none of you to step foot inside that office!” Kory shouts. 

“What!” Valerie and Monique shout. 

“We all heard about the bloodshed that happened inside that hypnosis room last year when Diane turned into an assassin!”

“Turned into an assassin?!” Valerie and Monique shout.  “Oh noo!!”  Valerie and Monique frighteningly look at each other.

“So what are we gonna do?!” Monique asks.

“Well I’m not going in there Monique!” Valerie shouts.

“You’re not?!” 

“Hell no!  I want to come back out of that office alive!  If Diane is in there, we might not make it back out of that office alive!  Like Kory said, she’s an assassin!  Those police officers, swat team members and the priest didn’t make it out of that hypnosis room alive last year!”  Everyone frighteningly looks at Valerie.  Valerie then says, “I got family that I want to see again and they want to see me again too!  All I know is, I’m not going in there!”

“Well shit I’m not going inside that office either!”

“So what are you two gonna do about asking Miss Margarita if you can take time off next month?” Alex asks.

“I don’t know Alex!” Valerie shouts.  “I guess we will have to try calling her on the phone later or wait to catch her when Diane is not there!”

“How are you going to do that when Miss Margarita is not even letting Diane out of her sight?”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s got Diane sitting right in that chair next to her!  She’s got a close eye on Diane!  So if whenever you see Miss Margarita, you might have to see Diane as well.”

“What!” Valerie and Monique shout.  “Oh no!” 

“Wow this is crazy!” Monique shouts.

“It sure is!” Valerie shouts.

Alex looks to the side.  He becomes excited and shouts, “Hey, here comes Nicolas and Mickey!”  The rest of the people turn their heads.  They see Nicolas and Mickey coming down the hallway towards their direction.  They become excited too as Alex says, “Maybe they can get their grandma to shut her office door.”

“Yeah let’s ask them!” Vivian says.  She then shouts to Nicolas and Mickey, “Hey Nicolas and Mickey!  Come over here!” 

Nicolas and Mickey look towards Vivian as they continue to walk towards her way.

Nicolas and Mickey approach Vivian and the rest of the crowd as Nicolas says, “Hey, what’s up guys?  What’s going on?”

“Your sister!” Vivian shouts, “that’s what’s going on!”

“My sister?  What are you talking about?”

“We hear your sister is back!  We hear she’s sitting right inside your grandma’s office right next to your grandma’s desk!  These kids got scared when they walked passed your grandmother’s office door and saw your sister sitting there in a chair right next to your grandma’s desk facing the doorway angrily looking at them!”

Nicolas and Mickey look at the kids as Nicolas asks them, “You kids got scared when you saw Diane sitting in the chair facing the doorway looking at you?”

“Yeah!” the kids shout.

“They claim they don’t want to be the next Marcus,” Alex says.

“What!” Nicolas and Mickey shout.

“Don’t want to be the next Marcus?!” Mickey shouts.

“That’s what they claim,” Alex says.  “We don’t want them to be the next Marcus either.”

“Yeah!” Vivian shouts.  “When we heard that Diane is back and sitting right inside your grandma’s office facing the doorway angrily looking at these kids, we got afraid to go pass your grandmother’s office door ourselves because we don’t want to be the next Marcus, the next police officers, the next swat team members or the next priest either!”

“What!” Nicolas and Mickey shout.

“Hey listen you guys,” Nicolas says, “for your information, Diane is not thinking about any you or any of these kids!  I think you all are blowing this situation way out of proportion!”

“Blowing this situation out of proportion?!”

“That’s right.”

“So why is Diane sitting in a chair inside your grandma’s office facing the doorway angrily looking out the hallway at these kids?”

“Because she’s upset about something else, that’s why she was angrily looking out towards the hallway!  And what she’s upset about has absolutely nothing to do with these kids!”

“It doesn’t?”


“So what is it then?” Alex asks.  “Why is she upset?”

“Because she wants to open up a personal training class again here while she’s out on house arrest and out of the mental institution temporarily and she can’t seem get any students to apply to her class!  She is having a hard time getting students to apply, nobody wants to apply for her personal training class anymore, that’s why she’s upset!”

“That’s why?”


“How come nobody wants to apply for her personal training class anymore?”

“Because people are still afraid of her OTHER personality!  Not only that, Diane wants to get up from the chair and leave the office for a while, but my grandma is not letting her!”

“She’s not?”

“No!  My grandma yelled at Diane earlier and told Diane that she is not going anywhere for a little while and to just sit in that chair and stay there!  My grandma is making Diane stay in that chair all day and not letting her get up at all, so Diane is upset and pissed off about that too!  So she just sat there angry and started looking out towards the doorway into the hallway since the doorway is right there in front of her, right in her view!  That’s probably when these kids happened to walk by and saw her!  Most likely, Diane was probably already looking out into the hallway when these kids happened to walk pass the office doorway and saw her!  It was the timing of it all, that’s what happened, the perfect timing!”

“Oh I see.  So these kids just happened to walk by your grandma’s office door while Diane was angry and upset about not being able to get any students for her personal training class and your grandma making her stay in that chair?”

“Exactly!  Her anger has nothing to do with these kids.”

“But I don’t get it!” Kory shouts.  “Your sister wants to open up a personal training class again while she’s out on house arrest and out of the mental institution temporarily and nobody wants to apply for her personal training class, that’s why she’s upset?!”

“Yeah that’s why she’s upset.”

“Does your sister really expect anybody in their right mind to apply for her personal training class or any of her classes after what she did?!  I mean is she for real?!”

“It’s not that she expects anybody in their right mind to apply for any of her classes after what she did!  The fact is, she still doesn’t believe she did anything wrong!”

“What!” everyone shouts.

“She still doesn’t believe she did anything wrong?!” Vivian shouts.  “You mean to tell us, that your sister still believes she’s innocent?!  She still doesn’t believe that she killed all those people?!”

“No!” Nicolas shouts, “she still doesn’t believe she did it!”

“But you were there Nicolas!” Harvey shouts.  “You were inside that hypnosis room right along with the rest of your family!  You and your family members witnessed the whole entire thing!  You all saw what your sister did!  You saw all the horror and bloodshed that happened inside and around that hypnosis room!  We heard that you and your family members almost got hurt yourselves when your sister threw that psychiatrist couch right above your heads and practically skinning your heads when she tossed that psychiatrist couch across the room at those police officers and swat team members!”

“That’s right Nicolas!” Kory shouts.  “We heard that when your sister threw that psychiatrist couch right over you and your family’s heads, that you all had duck just in the nick of time!  If none of you had ducked in time, that psychiatrist couch would have slammed right into you and your family’s heads instead of those authority figures’ heads and you and your family would have been the ones hurt or killed instead of those authority figures!  You and your family members were able to save yourselves from that deadly flying psychiatrist couch, but not the authority figures, huh?!  You all were spared!”

“Hey that’s not true Kory!” Nicolas shouts.  “It was a split second decision!  We felt that psychiatrist couch was about to fly right at our heads so we automatically ducked in time!  That’s something anybody would do!”

 “So Nicolas!” Vivian shouts.  “Your sister still believes she’s innocent, she still believes in her whole heart that she did nothing wrong, huh.  Since you’re one of Diane’s family members who WAS there inside that hypnosis room who witnessed everything that happened in there from the beginning to the end, tell us!  Did your sister do it or not!  Did she kill all those authority figures who tried to enter that hypnosis room?!”

Nicolas sadly hesitates.  He then gets tears in his eyes as he sadly says, “I’m not going to lie to you.  The truth is ‘yes’.  It was Diane’s body who did all of that!”

“What!” everyone shouts.  “It was Diane’s body?!  Oh God!”

“But it wasn’t her mind who did that!  Her mind wasn’t there!”

“Her mind wasn’t there?!” Vivian shouts.  “Well who the hell’s mind was there then?!”

“I’m afraid only God knows the answer to that question.”

“Oh my God.”

Everyone frighteningly stares at Nicolas.  They then sadly stare at him.  Alex then says, “Nicolas?  Could you go see if your grandmother can close her office door?  These kids would like to go past that direction again.”

“Sure,” Nicolas says.

“Since you’re going in there, I might as well go in with you.  I would like to go into the office and see Diane.”

“What!” the other staff members shout.

“Diane is not allowed any visitors right now Alex,” Nicolas says.

“She isn’t?” Alex asks.

“No.  She’s not here for pleasure, she’s only out temporary on house arrest to visit for a few or several days.  After the temporary visit and house arrest is up, she has to be sent back to the mental institution.”

“She does?”

“Yeah.  But I’ll see if my grandma will let you visit Diane later on, how’s that?”

“No problem, thanks.”

“Okay.” Nicolas and Mickey sadly turn and walk down the hallway.  They walk down further towards Margarita’s office as everyone