DIANE D The Return Of The Other Personality by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 9

Organization Staff Members And Diane D’s Relatives Come To Visit Her

Michael approaches Alex and the rest of the staff members as Franklin and Fiona stand behind him. “Oh my God!” Michael shouts as he, Franklin and Fiona approach Alex and the rest of the staff members.

“Hey how’s it going Michael,” Alex says as he and Michael shake hands. “Nice to see you again man!”

“Nice to see you too Alex!” Michael and Alex let go of each other’s hand as Michael says, “You remember my parents, right?”

“Yeah of course I do. How are you two doing?”

“We’re okay so far,” Fiona says.

“Yeah,” Franklin says. “We’re trying to hang in there.”

“Wow,” Alex says. “I’m sorry about what you’re probably going through right now with your daughter-in-law and everything.”


Michael turns to Alex and says, “Anyway, what are you guys doing here at the mental hospital?! I didn’t expect to see you here! What are you all doing here?!”

“Well,” Alex says, “we came to see Diane.”

“What? You came to see Diane? Excuse me? Am I hearing this right? You came to see Diane?”


“Wow! What made you all want to even come all the way up here to visit and see Diane? I thought you were all afraid of her after what she did.”

“We ARE afraid of her Michael. But it’s just that we all feel bad knowing she was hurt by the way we treated her.”

“Knowing she was hurt by the way you treated her? You mean by avoiding her like the plague?”

“Yes that, and the fact that everyone else in public seem to be avoiding her like the plague too by not purchasing tickets for any of the seats near the stage.”

“That’s right Michael,” Stephanie says.

Michael turns to Franklin and Fiona and says, “Mom, Dad could you excuse me for a minute? I’ll be right back.”

“Okay Michael,” Franklin and Fiona say.

Michael turns back to Alex and the rest of the staff members and says, “Step over here for a minute.” Michael turns and walks down towards the other side of the lobby as Alex and the rest of the staff members turn and follow him.

Michael brings Alex and the rest of the staff members to the other side of the lobby. He turns to them and says to them, “Look guys, I understand how everybody feels about what Diane did last year and believe me, I’m not knocking anybody for feeling the way they do, but Diane did not know what she was doing that day. She still doesn’t remember what happened that fateful day. She doesn’t remember any of it at all!”

“Still none of it?” Evette asks.

“Still none of it! All she remembers that day, is that the doctors were about to hypnotize her, then felt herself falling asleep. The next thing she knows, is that she’s waking up with excruciating pain all over her body as her family and I were hugging and holding on to her very tight and she had no idea where the excruciating pain was coming from! She says the next thing she knows, is that she’s laying in the hospital in pain wondering if she was in a car accident or did she get run over by something. She had no idea that the pain she was feeling all over her body were self-inflicted from when she broke loose from those chains!”

“My God that is terrible!”

“I know. Days later, she is being told that she killed six people! She got shocked when she heard that, she couldn’t believe it!”

“I bet she couldn’t!” Stephanie shouts. “My God, imagine being told that! I can imagine how Diane must have felt hearing that!”

“She felt real bad hearing about that because she says she’s not a killer, she does not go around harming or killing people! Then the next thing she finds out, is that she is being sent and locked up in a mental institution! To this day, she still doesn’t know why she’s in one, just like when she beat up and harmed that little boy Marcus! She says she does not go around beating up on children! The next thing she knew, is that she was being sent and locked up in a mental institution and didn’t know why she was in one at that time either!”

“My God Michael! Do you believe Diane beat up and harmed that little kid?”

“Yeah I believe it was her body that did it!”

“You do?”

“Of course I do! I don’t think that kid would make up a lie like that! I don’t think he had any reason to lie, I’ve seen what Diane did inside that hypnosis room last year, I was there. I saw what she or should I say ‘her other personality’ was capable of! Now if Diane is capable of doing something like THAT and not remember it, then her beating up that little boy and not remembering it is possible also. She says all she knows right now, is that people seem to be treating her like some type of monster and seem to be avoiding her like the plague. She feels that she is being judged and punished for something she doesn’t even remember doing! To this day, she still doesn’t believe she killed anybody!”

“She still doesn’t believe it?” Alex says. “So she still feels she’s innocent?”

“Yes she still feels she’s innocent! Diane said if she knew what was going to happen after she got hypnotized, she would not have allowed herself to be hypnotized! She said she would have never agreed to have it done if she knew all of this was going to happen and if she knew people were going to avoid her like the plague!”

“Wow,” Stephanie says. “We’re sorry for how Diane feels Michael. We would sure like to apologize to her for our behavior, if it’s okay.”

“Well I have to check with her family. Does her family even know that you’re all here?”

“Well we spoke to Miss Margarita on the phone yesterday. She knows we’re coming today. She said as long as it’s okay with Diane, we can see her.”

“Okay. But I still have to let her give the permission in order for you guys to be sent upstairs.”

“Sure Michael, no problem.”

“Okay, I’ll be right back.” Michael turns and walks away back across the lobby towards Franklin and Fiona.

Michael approaches Franklin and Fiona and says, “You can come with me upstairs now.”

“Okay Michael,” Franklin and Fiona say. Michael turns and walks towards the back of the lobby to the elevator as Franklin and Fiona turn and follow him.

Michael, Franklin and Fiona approach the elevator then get into it as the elevator doors close behind them.

Fifteen minutes later, the elevator doors open. Michael comes out the elevator alone and walks back into the lobby towards Alex and the rest of the staff members.

Michael approaches Alex and the rest of the staff members as Alex says, “Hey Michael. Where’re your parents?”

“I left them upstairs with Diane’s family,” Michael says.

“Oh okay.”

“Grandma Margarita says I can bring you guys up now.”

“She did?” Evette asks.

“Yeah. Now before I bring you guys up, are you sure you want to see Diane?”

“Well what is she doing now?” Harvey asks. “Is she busy or anything?”

“Well, remember when you were all at the organization and went inside Grandma Margarita’s office to see Diane when she was sitting there in the chair right besides Grandma Margarita’s desk glaring at you all, hardly saying anything to you?”

“Yeah we all remember that. It was creepy, but what about it?”

“Well the same thing is happening right now.”

“What!” the staff members shout.

“The same thing is happening now?!” Harvey asks.

“Yes,” Michael says, “Diane is just sitting there in the chair right beside Grandma Margarita’s desk not saying anything.”

“Oh no, not again!”

“Why is she just sitting there like that again Michael?!” Evette shouts.

“Because Grandma Margarita is making her sit there,” Michael says.

“Miss Margarita is making Diane sit there like that again?!” Stephanie shouts. “Don’t tell me that Miss Margarita has Diane glued to her desk again and not letting her get up from the chair which makes Diane upset, because I don’t know if I want to see Diane in that state of mind again!”

“Me neither!” Evette shouts. “It was creepy seeing Diane just sitting there next to Miss Margarita’s desk looking at us with an evil eye, not saying a word to us knowing what she did last year! Nicolas told us that Diane was upset because Miss Margarita made her sit in that chair all day and didn’t allow her to get up from that chair at all!”

“Well Grandma Margarita is making Diane sit right in that chair again all day,” Michael says, “and believe me, Diane’s not happy about it again.”

“I bet she isn’t! Why do Miss Margarita keep doing that to Diane, making her stay in that chair all day?”

“To keep an eye on her, what do you think?! Plus on top of that, Diane’s still upset about people not purchasing tickets for all the seats near the stage!”

“Doesn’t she know or realize, that SHE’S the reason people aren’t buying tickets for the seats near the stage?” Harvey says. “Doesn’t she know or realize that?”

“Not really.”

“Not really? She doesn’t know?”


“Why not? No one told her?”


“I don’t get it!” Stephanie shouts. “How come no one told Diane that SHE’S the reason why the seats near the stage aren’t being sold? How come no one told her yet?”

“Because no one wants her feelings to get hurt if she finds out that SHE’S the reason people aren’t purchasing tickets for the seats near the stage! She’s already angry and pissed off about people not purchasing tickets for the seats near the stage, that we feel we don’t need to add to it!”

“Oh. I see.”

“So before I bring you guys up, are you sure you want to see Diane? Because you all look nervous! Are you sure you want to see Diane?” Alex and the rest of the staff members hesitate. They nervously look at each other. Michael then says, “I don’t hear yoouu. Are you guys sure you want to come up and see Diane, because if you change your minds and don’t want to see her, it’s fine, we can stop right here. Now I’m going to ask again. Are you guys sure you want to come upstairs to see Diane?” Alex and the rest of the staff members hesitate again. They nervously look at each other. Michael then says, “Now I know you all didn’t drive all the way up here for nothing! Are you guys ready to come up and see Diane or not?” Alex and the rest of the staff members hesitate again. They nervously look at each other again. They then look back at Michael.

“Michael,” Evette says, “if we do go up to see Diane, which personality would we be looking at, her original personality, or the OTHER one?”

“You mean which personality would be looking back at us,” Stephanie says, “her original personality, or the OTHER one?”

“Her original personality,” Michael says. “Her original personality? Are you sure?”

I hope.”

“YOU HOPE??!!” the staff members shout.

“Never mind Michael!” Harvey shouts. “I think we better stay down here, for our safety!”

“Oh come on you guys!” Michael shouts. “It’s NOT the other personality up there now.”

“NOW??!!” the staff members shout.

“Never mind again Michael!” Harvey shouts. “I think we still better stay down here!”

“Oh come on now!” Michael shouts. “Her OTHER personality isn’t there! Listen! If you guys want to hurry and see Diane, maybe you should all do it now before her OTHER personality comes back!”

“COMES BACK??!!” the staff members shout.

“Never mind again Michael!” Harvey shouts. “I think it will be safe if we stay down here!”

“Okay okay!” Michael shouts. “Her OTHER personality is NOT there.”

“Not there?”

“No it isn’t.”

“Are you sure Michael?” Evette asks. “Because we can stay down here! We don’t mind!”

“Don’t worry, her other personality isn’t there. You won’t be harmed.”

Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure. Come on. I’ll bring you all to see Diane. Are you all finally ready to see her?”

“I’m not so sure yet Michael,” Alex says.

“Don’t worry guys. Diane’s other personality is not there. Her family is up there with her.”

“They are?”

“Yes, so if her family is up there with her, then the other personality is definitely not up there.”

“Are you sure her family is up there with her?”

“Yes her family is up there with her, she’s surrounded by her family!”

“She is?”


“Okay then, as long as her family is up there with her, then I guess we’re ready to go up and see her, at least we can stand behind her family and be safe.”

“You’ll be safe.”

“Good, and we want to see her ORIGINAL personality, not the OTHER personality, we want nothing to do with the OTHER personality!”

“You’ll see Diane’s ORIGINAL personality up there, NOT the OTHER one.”

“Are you sure? Are you sure it will be Diane we’ll be seeing and not the other personality?”

“It’ll be Diane you’re seeing.”


“But before you guys come upstairs, you need to get rid of your camera phones for now.”

“Get rid of our camera phones?” Stephanie asks. “Why?”

“Because the hospital authorities and Diane’s family don’t want anybody coming here to take pictures or videos of Diane then try to sell it or post it online and we don’t want that.”

“Take pictures or videos of Diane then try to sell it or post it online? We had no intention of doing that Michael.”

“Yeah we’re not here to expose or exploit Diane Michael,” Alex says, “we just want to see her.”

“I know that,” Michael says, “but the hospital authorities and Diane’s family want to be on the safe side and make sure everybody turns in their camera phones. Don’t worry, you’ll all get your camera phones back when you leave the building.”

“Okay Michael, we understand.”

“Okay good. Let’s bring your camera phones to the security before I bring you guys up. Follow me.” Michael turns and walks away towards the security area as Alex and the rest of the staff members turn and follow him.

Margarita, Tomas, Gracy and Grandpa Mike are inside the upstairs hallway talking with Dr. Stone and another white male doctor Dr. Morgan as Dr. Stone says to them, “Thank you Miss Margarita, Mr. Tomas, Miss Gracy and Mr. Mike. Thank you and your family so much for staying here to help keep an eye on Diane.”

“Yeah,” Dr. Morgan says. “We don’t know what would happen if you and the rest of your family members weren’t here! That other personality would creep right back into Diane and we wouldn’t even know it! The only reason why that other personality hasn’t creep back into Diane yet, is because you guys are here.”

“Yeah thank God. Is Diane still upset about people not buying the front seats near the stage at your concert?”

“Yeah she’s still hurt and upset about that Dr. Stone,” Margarita says. “My God. So what are you all planning to do about those empty seats?”

“We don’t know yet,” Tomas says. “We’ll try to think of something.”

“Okay. But in the meantime, you’re not gonna have Diane sit and stay in that seat right next to your desk again, are you Miss Margarita?”

“Yep,” Margarita says. “I sure am.”

“All day?” Dr. Morgan asks.

“That’s right Dr. Morgan, all day. I have to keep my eye on Diane so she won’t sneak to meditate and won’t sneak from the chair again like she did at the organization. It was her meditations that got her into this trouble in the first place! Plus I have a lot of work to catch up on and I want Diane right next to me so I can keep my eye on her.”

“I understand Miss Margarita.”

“By the way Dr. Stone,” Gracy says, “how’s Dr. Kahn doing? Have you seen him lately?”

“Yes I’ve seen him lately Miss Gracy,” Dr. Stone says. “He’s pulling through from the injuries he sustained.”

“He is?!”

“Yes he is.”

“Wow that is so wonderful! I’m happy to hear that!”

“Thanks. He’s not really out of the woods yet, but hopefully he’ll get there.”

“I hope so too.”

“So what is he planning to do if he gets better?” Tomas asks. “Is he going to come back to his practice?”

“I’m afraid not Mr. Tomas,” Dr. Stone says. “I’m afraid he’s planning to take disability.”

“Disability?! Oh no! Sorry to hear that Dr. Stone! Is there any way our family can visit him or is there anything we can do for him?”

“No there’s not much anybody can do for Dr. Kahn Mr. Tomas, but he’ll appreciate the thought.”

“How has your injury come along so far?”

“Well I pulled through a lot as you can see.”

“Well thank God! We’re so happy to see you’re still walking around.”


“By the way Dr. Stone,” Margarita says, “what ever happened to that dream you had about Diane’s other personality when we were all riding in the van to bring her here to the mental institution and you screamed because you had a dream that Diane’s other personality reached you from the back seat of the van, grabbed you by the neck and tried to strangle you while you driving the van, then you said the van went off a cliff with all of us in it! Have you ever had that dream or nightmare again and did it keep coming and