DIANE D The Return Of The Other Personality by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Diane D Is Out On House Arrest Again: Showtime At The Theater

Alex is walking in the backstage hallway of the theater. He looks to the side and sees Margarita talking with a few staff members. He then calls out, “Hey Miss Margarita!” Margarita turns her head towards Alex. She then walks towards Alex.

Margarita approaches Alex and says, “Hey Alex. How’s it going?”

“Okay. I just want to ask you something. I saw Diane backstage getting ready to perform. I know you and your family were thinking about banning her from performing after she went out-of-control and attempted to break out of the mental institution. I just want to know. What made you all decide not to ban her and let her perform?”

“Well, we all felt guilty about not telling her the truth to why no one was purchasing tickets for the seats near the stage.”

“You all felt guilty about it? How come?”

“Because we figured that if we had just come out and told her the truth in the first place, she wouldn’t have attempted to break out the mental institution to go out to the streets to find the answers herself.”

“So you all feel guilty about not telling her the truth right away?”

“Yes we do.”

“But y’all didn’t tell Diane the truth right away because y’all wanted to spare her feelings, y’all didn’t want her feelings to be hurt if she found out SHE’S the reason why no one was purchasing tickets for the seats near the stage.”

“Yeah we wanted to spare her feelings, but look where it got us! It backfired on us! When she didn’t get any answers from us to why no one was purchasing tickets for the seats near the stage, she attempted to break right out of the mental institution to go out to the streets and winds up getting out-of-control, dragging her family towards the door and then I wound up flogging her for it! My family and I feel real bad about it because Diane wouldn’t have done any of that, if my family and I had come clean with her and just told her the truth in the first place.”

“So you all feel that it’s your fault Diane got out-of-control and attempted to break out of the mental institution because you all didn’t give her the answer right away?”

“Yes we feel it’s our fault, we blame ourselves! That’s why we decided not to ban her and let her perform.”

“So she’s definitely going to perform tonight?”

“Yes she’s going to perform tonight.”

“Oh that’s great, good for her! I’m so happy for Diane being that she’s been so upset and uptight about all the front row seats near the stage not being sold right away!”

“Yeah we’re all happy right now. Let’s go back stage and help everyone get ready.”

“Okay.” Alex and Margarita turn and walk towards the other staff members.

The Diaz-Davidson Organization members are backstage getting ready for their performance. Diane D approaches Barry and says to him, “Hey Dad. Are you sure all the front row seats near the stage are being filled up, or are people still afraid to be near the stage because of me?”

“Yes Diane,” Barry says, “the seats near the stage are being filled up.”

“Really? They are? Or are you just telling me that to spare my feelings again?”

“I’m not trying to spare your feelings this time Diane, it’s the truth, all the front row seats are being filled up now!”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure!”

“I want to go up to the balcony so I can look down and see for myself.”

“You want to go up to the balcony now?”

“Yeah Dad, if it’s okay. I want to take a quick peak.”

“Okay.” Barry turns to Mickey and says, “Mickey?”

“Yeah Dad?” Mickey says.

“Tell your mom, Grandma and Grandpa I’m gonna take Diane up to the balcony real quick.”

“Sure Dad.”

“Thanks.” Barry turns back to Diane D and says, “Come on Diane, let’s make this quick.”

“Okay Dad,” Diane D says as she and Barry turn and hurry out the back door.

Diane D and Barry are walking upstairs on the balcony level of the theater. They can see a crowd of people in the distance sitting on top in the back. Barry then says, “See Diane? Here’s all the people who came to see the show.”

“That’s great Dad,” Diane D says, “those are the people in the back. I’m more worried about the seats near the stage, I want to make sure they’re all filled up.”

Barry reaches the edge of the balcony. He looks down towards the seats near the stage and says, “There you go Diane, all the seats near the stage are being filled.”

“What!” Diane D rushes to the edge of the balcony. She looks down at the audience near the stage. The audience do not see her. She becomes shocked. There are tons of people sitting in the seats at the front of the theater near the stage. “Oh my God!” Diane D says, “the people came! They’re here!”

“Yes Diane, they are.”

“Oh my goodness!” Diane D and Barry continue to look down at the front of the audience near the stage.

Down at the front of the audience near the stage, there are tons of people sitting in the seats at the front of the theater, all the seats near the stage are almost filled as more people are still coming in.

Back up in the balcony, Diane D and Barry continue to look down at the crowd of people near the stage. Diane D gets slight tears in her eyes as she and Barry continue to look down at the crowd.

Down at the front of the audience near the stage, there are tons of people still coming in.

Back up in the balcony, Diane D and Barry continue to look down at the crowd of people near the stage. Diane D still has slight tears in her eyes as she and Barry continue to look down at the crowd. Barry then turns to Diane D and says, “Are you happy now Diane?”

Diane D turns to Barry and smiles, “Yes I’m happy Dad. I’m very happy, thanks.” Diane D and Barry give each other a warm hug. They then let go of each other. Diane D then says, “And Dad? I’m very sorry for my out-of-control behavior when I attempted to break out the mental institution. I guess I was so desperate to get answers to why the front seats weren’t being sold.”

“Well you now understand the reason why the front seats weren’t being sold, don’t you?”

“Yeah I know the reason now. You all told me that people are still afraid of me because of what they heard happened last year and they think a monster is gonna come out of me while I’m performing on stage. It’s not going to happen Dad.”

“Are you sure Diane?”

“Of course I’m sure. Why wouldn’t I be sure?”

“Because if something happens while you’re up on stage, your original personality is not going to be aware of it! It’s not going to have any control over it at all and is not going to remember it, just like last year!”

“That’s not going to happen again Dad.”

“No? How are you so sure Diane?”

“I’m sure. It won’t happen again. I promise you.”

Well, let’s hope it doesn’t.”

“Don’t worry Dad, it won’t. I’m going to give these people my best performance and show them that I’m no monster.”

“You’re going to show them you’re no monster?”

“I sure am.”

“Okay Diane. You got this! Let’s hurry and get back downstairs so we can start the show.”

“Okay Dad.” Diane D and Barry take one last look back at the crowd. They then turn and hurry away.

Around ninety minutes later, Diane D and the Dianettes finish their performance. They are standing on stage side by side holding hands as the audience cheers. Diane D turns to the Dianettes and says, “Come on girls, let’s take a bow!” Diane D and the Dianettes take a bow to the audience as the audience continues to cheer. Diane D and the Dianettes then turn and disappear off the stage.

Around a week later, Margarita is inside her office sitting behind her desk doing paperwork. There is a knock at the door. Margarita stops her paperwork, looks up at the door and sees Alex. She says, “Hey Alex. Come on in.”

“Hey Miss Margarita,” Alex says as he approaches Margarita. He then says, “Hey Miss Margarita?”

“What’s up Alex?”

“I just saw Diane inside the gym doing martial arts rehearsing with those instructors from Asia. It seems like she got several instructors from Asia in the gym with her. Why do she need so many of them in the gym with her rehearsing?”

“Because she can’t fly to Asia being that she’s locked up and on house arrest, so she just have to fly them all from Asia to here.”



“I also see young Asian martial arts performers in the gym also around five or six of them. I saw Lynn Cho in there too. I recognize two other ones who performed with Diane before.”

“Yeah they’re all rehearsing for the martial arts performance we’re going to put in the fundraising show next month.”

“What! You’re putting on another fundraising show?”

“Yes we are. It’s the most we can do for the victims and their families.”

“And you’re going to put martial arts in the show?”

“Yes that’s why those martial arts performers are here. They’re all going to be in the show, that’s why they’re all in the gym practicing.”

“Wow that’s wonderful Miss Margarita! What about Diane, is she gonna be in the martial arts performance too?”

“Of course she is, that’s why she’s practicing with them.”

“Oh really?”


“Wow, this I got to see. I love when Diane performs martial arts. I think she’s very great at it!”

“You do?”

“Yeah! I think she has one of the best instructors in the world!”

“You think so Alex?”

“I know so Miss Margarita! But Diane doesn’t mind putting herself out there in front of people again after what she did last year?”

“She can’t change what happened last year, but she IS trying to show support for the victims and their families again by performing and trying to help raise money for them. She IS trying.”

“I understand Miss Margarita. Well anyway, would you like me to help out with this new fundraising show you’re setting up?”

“Sure Alex. Let’s get a head start until my family comes in here.”

“Okay.” Alex and Margarita grab some papers off the desk.

Inside the organization gym, Diane D is wearing an all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuit with sleeves to her elbows with her hair in bangs and a long thick braid down her back and black slip on shoes. She is wearing ankle monitors. She is practicing martial arts with six young Asian martial arts performers, four males and two females. One of the females is Lynn Cho, who performed martial arts with Diane D three years prior. They are rehearsing with five older male martial arts instructors from Asia.

Nicolas, Michael and Mickey stand on the side of the gym looking on with other young Asian performers.

Two of the male instructors around their 50’s hold a board up high in the air as one of the male performers who is around his late-20’s attempts to high kick the board.

The performer runs right towards the board. He then high kicks the board and the board breaks in half! Everyone claps. The instructors pick up another board. They hold the other board up towards Lynn Cho. Lynn Cho runs right towards the board. She then high kicks the board and the board breaks in half! Everyone claps. The instructors pick up another board. They hold the other board up towards Diane D and the other performers. Diane D and another male performer who is in his early 20’s who has his hair in a slight mop top get ready to run towards the board at the same time! They slightly bump into each other, practically getting in each others way! They stop and quickly glare at each other, then Diane D angrily waves her left arm at the male performer for him to get out of the way as she attempts to run towards the board. Diane D runs towards the board! The male performer gets slightly frustrated as he points his hand at Diane D. He then gets in line as Diane D runs to the board. Diane D approaches the board then high kicks the board and the board breaks in half! Everyone claps. The instructors pick up another board. They hold the other board up towards the male performer as Diane D