DIANE D The Return Of The Other Personality by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 28

Police Officer Speaks To Diane D And Her Family About Kurt’s Nightmares

Three hours later, Officer Kilpatrick is at the Diaz-Davidson Organization speaking to a non-puffy eyed, non-swollen eyed and a non-vicious looking eyed Diane D who is surrounded by her family including Margarita as he says to them, “I was at the hospital and spoke to that guy Kurt.”

“You did?” Margarita asks.

“Yes. He wants me to tell Diane D that he’s sorry for causing that online commercial of her and her cousin Dana not to be aired?”

“What?” the family says.

“Wait a minute,” Margarita says. “That guy Kurt wants you to tell Diane, that he’s sorry for causing that online commercial of her and Dana not to be aired?”

“Yes,” Officer Kilpatrick says. “He wanted me to give her the message.”

“Oh yeah?”


“What made him change his mind about the online commercial and apologize to Diane?” Barry asks.

“He said to keep her from stalking him.”

“What!” the family shouts.

“To keep Diane from stalking him?!” Mary shouts.

“Yes,” Officer Kilpatrick says. “He says he’ll do anything to keep Diane D away from him.”

“What!” the family shouts.

“To keep Diane away from him?!” Tomas shouts.

“Yes, that’s what he said,” Officer Kilpatrick says. “He said he’ll do anything to

keep from having nightmares about her coming after him.”

“To keep from having nightmares about her coming after him!” the family shouts.

“He has nightmares about Diane coming after him!” Tomas shouts. “What him now?! First it was that kid Marcus having nightmares about Diane coming after him, now it’s that guy Kurt?!”

“Yes,” Officer Kilpatrick says, “that’s why Kurt wants me to give Diane D the message for him and to tell her that he’s sorry he and his family caused that online commercial of her and Dana not to be aired!”

“All because he thinks she’s stalking him and he’s having nightmares about her?!”

“That’s right.”

“Listen Officer,” Diane D says, “I’m not stalking that guy! I still don’t remember stalking him!”

“Well Kurt claims if you’re not stalking him while he’s awake, then you’re definitely stalking him in his dreams and nightmares.”

“Stalking him in his dreams and nightmares?”


“See?!” Diane D turns to Margarita and shouts, “He’s still accusing me of shit that I’m not doing and shit that I have no control over!” Diane D turns back to Officer Kilpatrick and shouts, “Yes I feel bad that he and his family caused that online commercial of me and Dana not to be aired, but I’m not stalking him in his waking hours or in his sleep!”

“I understand Diane D, but I still had to pass the information on to you. Kurt even drew sketches of the nightmares he had about you!”

“What?” the family says.

“He drew sketches of the nightmares he had about Diane?” Margarita asks.

“Yes,” Officer Kilpatrick says. “I have copies of the sketches he drew right here.” Officer Kilpatrick pulls out copies of the colored sketches Kurt drew of the Diane D images or Diane D entities from Kurt’s dreams and nightmares. He holds the sketch of the Diane D entities out towards Diane D and her family. He shows them the sketch and says, “This is the copy of one of the sketches Kurt drew of the nightmare he had about Diane D.”

“What?” the family says as Barry takes the copy of the sketch from Officer Kilpatrick. Barry holds the sketch copy to Diane D and the rest of the family. They all look down at the sketch. They become shocked as they look at the sketch and see around fourteen or fifteen identical Diane D images all dressed in identical all-black, high-collard, V-neck, one-piece bodysuits with sleeves to their elbows, all wearing thick black shoes! They have long black waist length hair with bangs with all their hair blowing in the wind. They are all standing in a part-circle partially surrounding the handcuffed, shackled and chained up Diane D entity who’s in the front and center who’s standing upright on her knees trapped in a contortionist position with one of the Diane D entities standing directly behind her holding one of her feet down on the shackles helping to hold the chained up Diane D entity upright as another Diane D entity stands directly behind that one. Six Diane D entities stand on the right side of them in a

partial circle while the other six Diane D entities including the one who kung fu kicked Kurt in the chest and threw a karate chop at his throat stands on the left side of the chained up Diane D entity in a partial circle also. The Diane D entity who kung fu kicked Kurt and threw a karate chop at his throat is still holding the large tree branch as they all angrily stare above the camera with puffy eyes. They are surrounded by the eerie forest or woods with the large hazy moon behind and above them. “Wow,” the family says.

Barry looks up towards Officer Kilpatrick and says, “That guy Kurt drew this?”

“Yes he did,” Officer Kilpatrick says.

“And this is what he saw in his dreams and nightmares?”

“Yes that’s what he said.”

“Wow, it’s a good drawing, creepy though, but why did he draw multiple images of Diane?”

“He claim that’s what he saw in his dreams and nightmares.”

“He saw this in his dreams and nightmares?” Diane D asks, “multiple images, of me?”

“That’s what he said.”

“My God,” Margarita says. “I don’t like the way he has these multiple images of Diane staring towards the camera like that!”

“I know!” Tonio shouts. “It looks like something out of The Village Of The Damned!”

“It does,” the rest of the family says.

“Why does he have one of these images of Diane in handcuffs, shackles and chains locked and trapped in a contortionist position?” Margarita asks.

“Yeah Officer,” Tomas says, “why?”

“That’s what he said he saw in his dreams and nightmares,” Officer Kilpatrick says.

“Wow,” the family says as they stare at the sketch.

“And he saw Diane wearing this black outfit in his dreams and nightmares?” Barry asks.

“Yes,” Officer Kilpatrick says, “he said that’s exactly what she was wearing in his dreams and nightmares.”

“But this is the same outfit she was wearing during her martial arts performance!

He saw Diane wearing this outfit in his dreams and nightmares?”

“Yes, that’s why he drew that.”

Diane D and her family continue to look down at the sketch. “Damn!” Nicolas shouts, “that looks rough, being handcuffed, shackled and chained like that surrounded by so many Diane carbon copies or Diane look-alikes!”

“It sure does,” Mickey says, “and those creepy looking woods that they’re in don’t make it any better!”

“It sure doesn’t, neither does that moon!” Nicolas looks at Officer Kilpatrick and says, “Why does the moon look like that Officer?”

“That’s what Kurt saw in his dreams and nightmares,” Officer Kilpatrick says. “Are you sure he saw multiple images of Diane in his dreams and nightmares?”

“Yes, that’s what he said. Whatever he saw in his dreams and nightmares, that’s what he drew on the sketch.” Officer Kilpatrick turns to Diane D and says, “Do you know anything about those multiple images of yourself Diane D?”

“No, I don’t,” Diane D says.

“You don’t know anything about those multiple images of yourself at all?”

“Is she supposed to know about these multiple images of herself Officer?” Margarita asks.

“Well Kurt thinks that those multiple images of Diane D are actually demons or clones.”

“What!” the family shouts. “Demons or clones?!”

“Of Diane?!” Mary shouts.

“Wait a minute now!” Diane D shouts. “Hold up! Demons or clones?! He’s saying that these are demons and clones, of me?!”

“Yes that’s exactly what he’s claiming happened inside his dreams and nightmares,” Officer Kilpatrick says. “He claim that these demons or clones of you kept terrorizing him in his dreams and nightmares about to set him on fire!”

“What!” the family shouts. “About to set him on fire?!”

“He had dreams and nightmares that these demons or clones of Diane were about to set him on fire?” Michael asks.

“That’s what he said,” Officer Kilpatrick says, “and that’s exactly what he saw in his dreams and nightmares, demons and clones of Diane D surrounding him terrorizing him about to set him on fire.”

“Oh really!” Diane D shouts.

“I’m afraid so. How do you feel about Kurt being set on fire if that happened to him in real life Diane D?”

“How do I feel about him being set on fire if that happened to him in real life?!”


“What kind of question is that Officer?” Margarita asks. “You think Diane is the type of person who would want someone set on fire? Having someone set on fire is very cruel and very barbaric! She would not want that to happen to anybody!”

“You wouldn’t Diane D?”

“No!” Diane D shouts. “Why would I want something like that to happen to anybody Officer?! What kind of person do you think I am? Are you judging me from what that motherfucka Kurt dreamt about?! I don’t control his dreams or nightmares nor anyone else’s dreams or nightmares and I’m tired of everyone thinking that I do!”

“I understand Diane D, it’s just that I had to hear it from YOU. Now that I heard it from you, I feel better! What about this other sketch Kurt drew about his dream and nightmare?” Officer Kilpatrick holds the sketch of the Diane D entity alone in the grass standing on all fours handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position with her head and face upside down surrounded by the eerie forest or woods out towards Diane D and her family. “This is the copy of the other sketch Kurt drew of the nightmare he had about you Diane D.”

“What?” the family says as Barry takes the other copy of the sketch from Officer Kilpatrick. Barry holds the sketch copy to Diane D and the rest of the family. They all look down at the sketch. They become shocked as they look down at the sketch of the Diane D entity alone in the grass standing on all fours handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position with her head and face upside down surrounded by the eerie forest or woods. “Wow,” Barry and some of the family members say.

Barry then looks up towards Officer Kilpatrick and says, “That guy Kurt drew this too?”

“Yes,” Officer Kilpatrick and says.

“Why does he have an image of Diane in the grass handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position with her head and face upside down while she’s in the woods at night?” Mary asks.

“He claim that’s what he saw in his dreams and nightmares.”

“He saw this image in his dreams and nightmares too?” Margarita asks.

“That’s what he said.”

“Wow,” the family says as they look at the sketch.

“He saw Diane wearing this same black outfit in this dream too?” Barry asks.

“Yes,” Officer Kilpatrick says, “he said she was wearing that outfit in that dream also.” Diane D and her family continue to look at the sketch. Officer Kilpatrick then turns to Diane D and says, “Do you know anything about that image of yourself Diane D?”

“No I don’t,” Diane D says.

“You don’t know anything about that image of yourself at all?”

“No I don’t know anything about this image Officer! I was never handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position!”


“Not that I remember!” Diane D puzzled turns to her family and says, “Was I Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, Dad? Was I ever handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position that I wasn’t aware of?”

“No Diane!” Mary shouts, “you were never handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position!”

“I wasn’t?”

“Of course you weren’t Diane!” Margarita shouts. “Are you sure?”

“Of course we’re sure! Why would you think you were ever handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position?”

“Well after all, I WAS handcuffed, shackled and chained to a psychiatrist couch during my hypnosis when I wasn’t aware of it.”

“Diane,” Tomas says, “if you were ever handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position and wasn’t aware of it, we would have told you about it by now.”

“Not only that,” Barry says, “you would never be handcuffed, shackled and chained like that, because we would never allow that to happen to you whether you’re aware of it or not!”

“That’s right Diane!” Margarita shouts, “we would never allow that to happen to you! This sketch of you handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position looks too barbaric!”

“It sure does! You think we would allow something barbaric like this to happen to you?!”

“That’s right Diane!” Mary shouts, “we would never allow that!” Mary turns to Officer Kilpatrick and shouts, “See Officer?! Look what you’ve done!”

“Look what I’ve done?” Officer Kilpatrick says. “What did I do?”

“You just HAD to come here and show these nightmare sketches to us and Diane! I wonder if you or that guy Kurt are happy that you ruined Diane’s trust in us!”

“Ruined her trust in you? What are you talking about ruined her trust in you?”

“Now that she saw these sketches of herself handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position, from now on she’s going to wonder whether or not she was ACTUALLY handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position and wasn’t aware of it!”

“That’s right Officer!” Margarita shouts. “This image of herself handcuffed, shackled and chained trapped in a contortionist position is always going to be in the back of her mind now! From now on, she’s going to wonder ‘was she ever really handcuffed, shackled and chained up trapped in a contortionist position’ even though we told her she never was!”

“It’s okay Grandma,” Diane D says, “Mom, Dad and Grandpa, I believe you all. I didn’t lose my trust in you.”

“You didn’t?”

“Of course I didn’t.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah I’m sure.”

“Thanks Baby,” Margarita says as she gives Diane D a loving kiss on the cheek.

“Sorry,” Officer Kilpatrick says. “I didn’t mean to cause any confusion. It’s just that Kurt wanted you all and Diane D to see this. I’m sorry if I caused any confusion. Now that I know how Diane D really feels if Kurt was about to be set on fire in real life, I feel better!”

“YOU feel better? Why do you feel better Officer? Are you relieved to hear from Diane herself that she doesn’t think like these entities in that guy Kurt’s nightmares?!”

“Yes, I am. I just had to hear it from HER, that’s all.”

“Look Officer,” Diane D says, “it’s not easy when people assume that you have control over their dreams and nightmares when you don’t! I don’t have superpowers like that, so I don’t know anything about these so called demons or clones that guy Kurt had in his dreams and nightmares!”

“You don’t?”

“No! The only thing I do know about demons or clones is, that they don’t exist.”

“What! That they don’t exist? You don’t believe demons or clones exist Diane D?”

“No I don’t! I believe that demons and clones are figments of people’s imaginations!”

“Figments of people’s imaginations?! You believe that demons and clones are figments of people’s imaginations?!”

“Yes I do! I believe that demons have been figments of people’s imaginations all throughout the ages!”

“You do?”

“Yes, just like I believe witchcraft and the devil have been figments of people’s imaginations throughout the ages.”

“You believe witchcraft and the devil are figments of people’s imaginations too?”

“Yes I do. I believe all that stuff is in the mind!”

“In the mind? You believe all that stuff is in the mind?!”

“Yes I do.”

“Wow! What about clones, do you believe in that?”

“None of us believe in clones Officer,” Margarita says.

“You don’t believe in clones at all?”


“What about demons? Do you agree with Diane D that demons don’t exist Miss Margarita?”

“Well we believe that there are dark forces somewhere out in the spiritual realm, we’re not sure exactly what to call them.”

“Oh no? I see. Okay then I respect your beliefs. By the way Diane D, Kurt and his family also want to know what about the apology that you owe them.”

“What!” the family shout.

“The apology that she owes them?!” Mary shouts. “What apology?!”

“They said that Diane D was supposed to make an apologetic speech to them before,” Officer Kilpatrick says. “They said she never gave that apologetic speech to them. They said they and the rest of the victims’ families want an apologetic speech from her.”

“They did?!”

“Yes. They said they deserve an apologetic speech from her.”

“What!” the family shout.

“They said they deserve an apologetic speech from Diane?!” Barry shouts. “That’s what they said,” Officer Kilpatrick says.

“Okay Officer,” Diane D says. “If they want an apologetic speech from me, I’ll make that apologetic speech to them.”

“You will?”

“Yeah, I’ll give them that apologetic speech.”

“Oh wow, that’s great Diane D! That’s great! What made you agree to give that apologetic speech to them?”

“Because I feel bad for everything that happened to their family and for the loss of their loved ones and all the other ones who got hurt, that’s why I’m agreeing to apologize to them if I h