DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“Twenty minutes Carlita,” Rosanna says.  “Twenty minutes.”

“Okay, just asking.”

Rosanna, Susanna and their friends turn back to Mitch watching him as he continues to shampoo the carpet area closer and closer to where they‘re sitting.  Mitch reaches the carpet area near the girls.  He is about to shampoo the carpet area beneath girls’ feet.  He calmly says to them, “Excuse me for a minute?” The girls see that Mitch wants to shampoo the carpet area beneath their feet.  They become excited.  They raise their knees and lift their feet up putting their feet up on the chairs as Mitch shampoos the carpet area beneath their feet.  The girls watch Mitch shampoo the carpet area where their feet were.  Mitch finishes shampooing the carpet beneath the girls’ feet.  The girls’ feet remain on the chairs as Mitch goes to the side and grabs a long roll of plastic paper.  Mitch comes back to the carpet area beneath the girls’ feet.  He bends down in front of the girls and places the roll of paper all along the carpet area where the girls’ feet were as their feet remain on the chair.  Mitch finishes placing the roll of paper along the carpet area beneath the girls’ feet.  He gets back up and stands on the role of paper.  He bends down right in front of the girls again and tends to the water in the vacuum.  He takes the water container out the vacuum and holds it up in the air inspecting it.  He gets back up.  He takes the vacuum water container then goes off to the side.


Twenty minutes later, Rosanna, Susanna and their friends are walking through the organization hallway again.  Jennifer turns to Rosanna and Susanna and asks, “So we’re going back to see the other twin Mike again, right?”

“Right,” Rosanna says.  “We‘re going back to see Mike.”  Rosanna, Susanna and their friends continue to walk through the hallway.


Three minutes later, Rosanna, Susanna and their friends are in the other room, sitting on the side watching Mike as Mike continues to wash the windows, listening to his headphones.  Rosanna and Susanna’s friends start to admire Mike again.  Carlita turns to Rosanna and Susanna and asks, “Do you think I‘ll get to marry any of your twin brothers in the future?  To tell you the truth, I wouldn’t mind marrying both of them.”

“Carlita,” Rosanna says, “believe me, the last thing on any of my brothers‘ minds right now is marriage.”

“That’s right Carlita,” Susanna says, “so get that idea out of your head right now, don’t waste your time thinking about it.”

“Okay,” Carlita says, “I was just asking.  So how long are we going to be in this room?”

“Like I said before,” Rosanna says, “twenty minutes Carlita, twenty minutes.”


Mike stops washing the windows for a few seconds and takes off his headphones.  A lot of voices are heard from the hallway.  Mike turns around and looks towards the hallway. Rosanna then speaks to him and says, “So Mike when are you going to take a break?”

“I don’t know Rosanna,” Mike says.  He then rubs his face down with his hand and blinks a few times as he looks towards the hallway. Voices are still heard from the hallway.  Mike turns back around to the window.  He puts back on his headphones and continues to wash the windows with the long squeegy as Rosanna and Susanna’s friends continue to admire him.


It is two days later.  Two black men and a black woman are at a bus stop reading an article in the paper that reads: DIANE D AND FAMILY WIN OUT OF COURT SETTLEMENT ON LAWSUIT AGAINST THE JOANNIE SHOW FOR AN UNDISCLOSED AMOUNT OF MONEY.  THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON ORGANIZATION WILL RESUME TO PERFORM CHARITY CONCERT IN FOUR WEEKS. One of the men turns to the others and says, “The Diaz-Davidson Organization got an out-of-court settlement from The Joannie Show.”

“Yeah, I see,” the second man says.  “They didn’t say how much they got, did they?”

“No, they kept it confidential, but they’re going to have a charity concert next month.”

“You going to it?” the woman asks.

“Of course I am.  My whole family is gonna go!  We never returned our tickets from last time the concert was canceled!  Our tickets are still good.”

“Yeah my family’s tickets are still good too,” says the second man.


It is two days later. Around 15 Diaz-Davidson Youth Performers and Athletes surround Mike as they all walk down the organization hallway being very loud and rowdy as they chit-chat.  One of the boys turns to Mike and asks, “So Mike, how do you and Mitch like living with Miss Mary and Miss Margarita’s family?”

“It’s not bad,” Mike says.  “It’s not bad at all.”

“How long are you and Mitch suppose to live with them?”

“For around three or four months.”

“Three or four month?” asks a second boy.  “Where do they have you two sleeping?”

“In the guest room.”

“In the guest room?  By yourself or with Mitch?”

“With Mitch.”

“Don’t y’all miss your family?” a third boy asks.

“Of course we miss our family man, we still get to see our family.  They come by the house almost everyday to visit us, and Miss Mary, Miss Margarita, Mr. Barry and Mr. Tomas take us to see our family, so we still get to see our family.”

“That’s good,” a fourth boy says.  “I heard your sisters Rosanna and Susanna and several of their friends came by here the other day while you and Mitch were washing the windows and the carpet.”

“Yeah they did.   Oh by the way guys, when the organization give that party in the banquet hall next week, I want you all to keep that carpet and the windows clean because if y’all mess that carpet and the windows up, Miss Mary and Miss Margarita are gonna have me and Mitch wash it all up again.”

“They are?”

“Yeah, they‘ll make us clean it up again.  The first person I see dropping any food or drinks on that carpet, I will literally mop the floor with that person, then I’m gonna throw their ass out the party.”

“You are?” a fifth boy asks. 

“You better believe it.”

Mike, the Youth Performers and the Athletes start to be very loud and rowdy again as they continue to walk down the hallway.  They go into the door and go inside the meeting room.


Mike and the Youth Performers and Athletes enter into the organization meeting room continuing to be loud and rowdy.  They approach Mitch who is surrounded by another 17 Youth Performers and Athletes as Mitch sits on top of a chair being loud and rowdy with the 17 other Youth Performers and Athletes. Mike, Mitch and all the Diaz-Davidson Youth Performers and Athletes are being very loud and rowdy amongst each other as a crowd of 200 people look on at them.  Margarita enters the room.  Mike and Mitch see Margarita.  They hurry to Margarita as the rest of the boys follow them.  Mike and Mitch approach Margarita as they say, “Hey Miss Margarita!”

“Hi guys,” Margarita says.  Margarita looks at everyone else in the room and shouts, “Okay everybody!  The rest of my family are on their way back in with some food!  They’re out in the parking lot parking the cars!  Once they come in, we’ll have some lunch then get this meeting started again okay?!”

“Okay!” the crowd says.

Justin, a tall Hispanic guy in his late teens, approaches Margarita and says, “Um Margarita?”

Mike and Mitch turn to Justin as Mike says, “Wait a minute, you can’t talk to her now.”  Mike and Mitch turn back to Margarita and say, “Miss Margarita.”

“What?” Justin says.

Mike and Mitch turn back to Justin as Mitch shouts, “We said you can’t talk to her right now!”  Mitch and Mike turn back to Margarita and say, “Miss Margarita….”

“Listen man, you two don’t tell me who I can’t talk to.”

Mike and Mitch turn back to Justin as Mike shouts, “We just did!”  Mike and Mitch turn back to Margarita and say, “So Miss Margarita….”

“I’ll talk to Margarita if I want to!”

Mike and Mitch turn back to Justin as Mitch shouts, “Not while we’re talking to her man!”

“We’re talking to her now, get away from her!” Mike shouts.  Mike and Mitch turn back to Margarita and say, “So Miss Margarita….”

“Don’t tell me who to get away from either!” Justin shouts.

“We just did motherfucka!” Mitch shouts as he angrily turns towards Justin. 

Male staff members hurry and approach Mike, Mitch and Justin grabbing them, trying to prevent a fight as everyone else start to surround them!  The male staff members turn Mike and Mitch away from Justin as Justin hollers at Mike and Mitch, “Who the fuck are you, telling me I can’t talk to Miss Margarita!  I’ll talk to Miss Margarita whenever I want!”

“Not while we’re talking to her!” Mike shouts.

“Oh no?!  Watch this!”  Justin turns to Margarita and says, “As I was saying Miss Margarita….”

“Not while we’re talking to her man!” Mitch shouts.

“I don’t see y’all talking to her!  As far as I’m concerned, you two are done talking to her!”  Justin turns back to Margarita and says, “So Miss Margarita as I was saying…..”

Mike shouts, “Not while we’re talking to her goddammit!”

“Just wait a second Justin,” Margarita says. “Just wait a second.”  Margarita angrily looks at Mike and Mitch as she points her finger up at them and shouts, “First of all, didn’t I tell you two to stop trying to stop people from talking to me if they need to?!”

Mitch shouts, “But Miss Margarita….”

“Didn’t I tell you two to stop trying to stop staff members, other performers and other athletes from talking to me, Miss Mary, Mr. Barry or Mr. Tomas if they need to?!”

Mike shouts, “But Miss Margarita…..”

“Didn’t I tell you two to stop trying to stop staff members, other performers and other athletes from being near me, Miss Mary, Mr. Barry or Mr. Tomas if they need to?!”

Mitch shouts, “But Miss Margarita…..”

“Didn’t I tell you two that the time you tried to stop Phyllis from talking to me, I almost missed an important phone call because the person on the other end was put on hold for a long time that they hung up?!!  It was a good thing that the person decided to call back later on or else I would have never known who was trying to reach me!  I told you two to stop trying to stop anybody from telling me something or asking me something that might be important!   I told you two that!”  Mike and Mitch angrily stare at Margarita. 

Justin turns towards Margarita again and says, “Miss Margarita?”

Margarita turns to Justin and says, “What is it Justin, what do you have to say?  Is it important?”

“Well…..I just want to say…”  Justin turns his head and looks at Mike and Mitch as he holds onto Margarita’s shoulder.  He then turns to Margarita and starts to whisper in her ear.  Mike and Mitch suddenly break away from the male staff members grip and lunge right at Justin, knocking him backward into Sylvia, Norman, Cynthia and Monique as Mike, Mitch and Justin land on the floor and Sylvia, Norman, Cynthia and Monique fall hard against the walls then to the floor as the crowd screams!  The male staff members quickly go grab Mike and Mitch again!  They lift Mike and Mitch up and carry them away as Margarita, other staff members and the crowd go to Justin and the injured staff members.  Margarita, other staff members and the crowd bend down to the floor and surround Justin and the fallen staff members!

“My God are y’all hurt real bad?” Evette asks. 

“Aaah!” Justin says in pain. 

Margarita angrily turns towards the male staff members and shouts, “Take those two out of here, now!”  The other staff members and the crowd turn towards Mike and Mitch and look on at them as the male staff members quickly carry Mike and Mitch towards the doorway with Mike’s and Mitch’s fists bawling and their faces red with anger staring towards Justin as the male staff members carry them away!  Margarita, the other staff members and the crowd continue to stare as the male staff members disappear into the hallway with Mike and Mitch.  Margarita, the other staff members and the crowd turn back towards Justin and the fallen staff members and continue to bend down to the floor surrounding them.


Twenty minutes later, security officers and some paramedics are outside standing with Mary, Margarita and the rest of the organization members as Mary speaks into a cell phone and says, “Yes Barry you, dad, Nicolas, Michael and Mickey just keep Mike and Mitch inside the office, don’t let them out! ….. Yes we have to cancel the meeting today. …. Yeah.  The paramedics already have Justin and a few people in the ambulances already.  …..  Yeah.”

Margarita turns to Phyllis and the male staff members and tells them, “We’re gonna cancel this meeting today.”

“Okay,” the staff members say.

“Go inside the meeting room and tell everyone in there that the meeting is canceled for today and we’ll continue it next time.  My family and I have to deal with this situation right now.”

“Okay.” The staff members turn and walk away.


It is the evening now.  Members of the Diaz-Davidson Organization are waiting around the hospital.  Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas, Marilyn, Tonio and Nicolas approach the crowd.  The crowd approaches them as Tonio says, “Here we go again.”

“I know here we go again,” Evette says.  “How are Justin and the rest of them doing?”

“Well the doctors are gonna release Sylvia and Norman,” Mary says, “but they’re going to keep Justin, Cynthia and Monique overnight for observation.”

“They’re going to keep Justin, Cynthia and Monique overnight?” Alex asks. 

“Yeah,” Barry says.  “We heard they all hit their heads when they fell.”

“My God,” Harvey says.  “Are any of them planning to presses charges?”

“We don’t know what any of them are planning to do,” Margarita says.  “They’re not saying much.”

“They’re not?”


“Where are Mike and Mitch now?” Spencer another staff member asks.

“They’re still at the police station,” Mary says.  “The police are gonna take them to Juvenile Detention.”

“The police are gonna take Mike and Mitch to Juvenile Detention?” Alex says.


“Finally they get locked up!  For how long?”

“We don’t know yet,” Margarita says.  “We will find out tomorrow.”  The staff members sadly look at Margarita.  “Come on, let’s all get out of here,” Margarita says.  She, her family and the staff members turn and walk away. 


The following day, around 14 Diaz Davidson Youth Performers and Athletes are walking and talking in the organization hallway.  One of the boys turns to the others and asks, “Hey, where’s Mike and Mitch today?”

“You didn’t hear?” a second boy says.  “Mike and Mitch are both locked up in Juvenile Detention.”

“Mike and Mitch are locked up in Juvenile Detention?!” a third boy asks.

“Yeah man.”

“For how long?” the first boy asks.

“Twenty-four hours I heard?”

“Twenty-four hours,” asks a fourth boy.


“So when are they coming back to the organization?” a fifth boy asks.

“I’m not sure. We would have to ask Miss Mary or Miss Margarita.”

“Oh.”  The Diaz Davidson Youth Performers and Athletes continue to talk as they head towards the meeting room.


The Diaz Davidson Youth Performers and Athletes enter the meeting room.  They head towards the center of the room as other Diaz-Davidson Organization performers and staff members are quietly eating snacks and drinking coffee.  The Diaz Davidson Youth Performers and Athletes crowd around each other talking quietly amongst each other.  Phyllis, Crystal and Evette are on the side eating snacks and drinking coffee as they look at the Youth Performers and Athletes.  “My,” Crystal says.  “The boys aren’t so loud and rowdy today.”

“Yeah I notice,” says Evette.

“I notice too,” Phyllis says.  “They’re more quiet today than usual, now that you know who aren’t here today.”

“Mike and Mitch right?”

“That’s right, those two little gangsters.”

“It’s always more quiet around here whenever Mike and Mitch aren’t around,” Crystal says. 

“Yeah I notice,” Evette says.  “I think their many friends miss them.”

“Yeah I think so too,” Phyllis says.

“How long are Mike and Mitch gonna be locked away in juvenile detention?”

“I heard twenty-four hours,” Crystal says.

“Twenty-four hours?” Phyllis says.  “That’s it?”


“Man I wish those two little gangsters can stay locked up in Juvenile Detention forever and never come back here.   It’ll be less trouble and pain around here.”

“Yeah you’re right about that Phyllis.  And this whole thing started, just because Mike and Mitch didn’t want Justin to talk to Margarita while they were talking to her?”

“Yeah.  Just like they didn’t want me to talk to Margarita while they were talking to her and tried to stop me!  They tried to stop other staff members, other performers and other athletes from talking to Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas while they were talking to them.”

“Whaaat?!” Beverly says.  “That’s crazy, what is their problem?  So what if somebody else talks to Margarita, Mary, Barry and Tomas while they’re talking to them, who are they to stop anybody?”

“I know.”

“So what was it that Justin had to say to Margarita in the first place when he came and approached her.”

“Margarita doesn’t know,” Crystal says.  “She said because as Justin held on to her shoulder and started whispering in her ear, the next thing she knew is that Justin got knocked down to the floor by Mike and Mitch and never got a chance to tell her what he wanted or had to say to her.”

“My god that is terrible.”

“It is.”  Crystal, Phyllis, Beverly and Evette continue to look at the Youth Performers and Athletes.  Margarita enters the room.  The Diaz Davidson Youth Performers and Athletes walk towards Margarita.  “Oh oh,” Crystal says.  “Those boys better not go near Margarita or even talk to her.”

“I know what you mean,” Phyllis says.

The Diaz Davidson Youth Performers and Athletes approach Margarita.  “Hey Miss Margarita?” the Youth Performers and Athletes say.

“Hi fellas,” Margarita says. 

Alex approaches Margarita and says, “Um Margarita?”  The Youth Performers and Athletes turn and look at Alex.  Alex looks back at the Youth Performers and Athletes and says, “Oh I’m sorry, after you guys.  After you.”  Alex jokingly bows towards the Youth Performers and Athletes and points his hand towards Margarita as the Youth Performers and Athletes laugh a little.  Alex bends back up and says to them, “Go ahead and talk to Miss Margarita guys.   I don’t want to step on anybody’s parade.  I will not talk to Miss Margarita while you all are talking to her.”  The Youth Performers and Athletes laugh again.  Alex then says, “I don’t want to get knocked down.  As a matter of fact, I won’t even be near Miss Margarita while you all are talking with her.”  Alex points his palms up towards Margarita and jokingly backs away from Margarita.  The Youth Performers and Athletes laugh again as Margarita smirks at Alex.  Alex then says, “As a matter of fact, I won’t even look at Miss Margarita while you all are talking with her.”  Alex jokingly turns his back towards Margarita and looks up in the air away from Margarita as the Youth Performers and Athletes laugh again.

Margarita continues to smirk at Alex then says, “Stop it now Alex.” 

Alex smiles as he turns back towards Margarita and the Youth Performers and Athletes and says, “I was just kidding guys, I was just kidding.  Go ahead guys.”

The Youth Performers and Athletes turn back to Margarita as one of them says, “Miss Margarita, when are Mike and Mitch gonna come back here?”

“They’ll come back here as soon as they learn to calm down,” Margarita says.  “That’s why they’re gonna be sent to their anger management program tomorrow.  In the mean time, we’re going to get the meeting started shortly.”

“Okay,” the boys say.

Margarita turns to the rest of the crowd and shouts, “Okay listen up everybody!”  The rest of the crowd turns to Margarita as Margarita shouts, “We’re going to get this meeting started in fifteen or twenty minutes to talk about the Michael Jackson Tribute and our upcoming tours, alright?!”

“Okay Miss Margarita!” the crowd say.

The Diaz-Davidson Youth Performers and Athletes turn towards each other and start to talk amongst each other as Margarita turns and walks away towards the front of the room.  Members of the organization start to sit down and face forward.  Mary, Barry and Tomas go to the front of the room.  They go to stand behind the long table as Margarita goes to the side.

Nicolas, Mickey, Michael and the Dianettes are on the side as they all surround Diane D.  Margarita approaches them and says, “Hey you guys, how’s it going?”

“Okay Grandma,” Nicolas, Mickey, Michael and the Dianettes say.

“Good.  How about you Diane, how do you feel?  You feel alright?”

“Yeah I feel alright Grandma,” Diane D says. 

“You do?  You don’t look too happy.  What’s the matter?”

“We were just talking about the lawsuit and the out of court settlement.”

“Oh yeah?  What about it?”

“We felt that the media should have kept it out the newspapers that’s all.”

“Yeah they could have kept it out the papers.  How do you feel about the out of court settlement anyway?”

“I feel great about the out of court settlement