DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“Because Barry told me and Stephanie before the meeting that Diane and Nicolas were both fussing and arguing with each other late last night over who gets to do the closing act for the Michael Jackson Tribute that they wind up driving their family crazy all night.”

“They did?” Vivian asks.

“Yeah, and he said that Diane wound up hitting Nicolas on the head with a book.”

“Diane hit Nicolas on the head with a book?” Harvey asks.

“That’s what Barry said.  So during the meeting, Diane and Nicolas found out they both are not gonna be the ones to do the closing act for the Michael Jackson Tribute.”

“They found that out during the meeting?” Vivian asks.

“Yeah.  Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas didn’t pick Diane or Nicolas to do the closing act, they wound up picking somebody else instead to do the closing act.”

“They did?” Crystal asks.  “My God.  No wonder why Diane and Nicolas both didn’t seem too happy when I saw them after the meeting.”

“Yeah,” Vivian says.  “We saw Diane in the meeting room a little while ago.  We called out to her and asked her who’s getting to do the closing act for the Michael Jackson Tribute, her or Nicolas, but she never even turned our way.  She just completely ignored us, left the room then went into the staircase.”

“Oh yeah?” Alex says.


“So if Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas didn’t pick Diane or Nicolas to do the closing act for the Michael Jackson Tribute, who did they pick then?” Harvey asks.

“They picked Wesley to do the closing act for the Michael Jackson Tribute,” Alex says.



“What performance is Wesley gonna do?”

“He might either do a moonwalk, be a Michael Jackson impersonator or just sing one of Michael Jackson songs.”

“Wow,” Vivian says.  “How do Diane and Nicolas feel about that?”

“They were very disappointed about that.  At the end of the meeting, they both tried to apologized to Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas for fussing and fighting with each other last night, but Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas wouldn’t hear of it.  They made their decision and said their decision is final.”

“Wow.  I guess Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas gave it to Diane and Nicolas straight.”

“They sure did.  Now Diane and Nicolas are kind of upset with Wesley.”

“They’re upset with Wesley?  Why?”

“Why are they upset with him?” Crystal asks. 

“They feel he stole their spot,” Alex says.

“They feel he stole their spot?” Harvey says.  “But he didn’t steal their spot, it was given to him, by their own parents and grandparents.”

“Well try telling that to them.  Diane and Nicolas felt Wesley should have just turned the spot for the closing act down when he was chosen to do the closing act.  But it wouldn’t have made a difference if Wesley turned down the part to do the closing act, Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas would have just picked somebody else to do the closing act.”

Harvey, Stephanie, Alex and Crystal look towards the end of the hall and see Wesley, a handsome black male around his early 30’s, coming from the same stairwell Diane D disappeared into.  He comes down the hallway towards Harvey, Stephanie, Alex and Crystal.  Harvey, Stephanie, Alex and Crystal approach Wesley as they say, “Hey Wesley.”  Wesley stops as Alex says, “How you doing?”

“Yeah congratulations,” Harvey says.  “We heard you’re the one who gets to do the closing act for the Michael Jackson Tribute.”

“Yeah congratulations,” Crystal says.

“Thanks,” Wesley says. “But I might turn it down.”

“You might turn it down?” Harvey asks.  “Why?” .

“Because Diane is kind of giving me a problem.”

“Diane is giving you a problem?” Vivian asks.  “What kind of problem?  What is she doing?”

“Well while I was in the stairwell, Diane approached me right in the stairwell.  She told me that she and the girls are gonna do a music video for the Michael Jackson Tribute and she’s inviting me to be in their music video.”

“She and the girls are gonna do a music video for the Michael Jackson Tribute concert and she invited you to be in their music video?” Harvey asks.


“Well that’s good.  What‘s wrong with that?”

“I’ll tell you what’s wrong with that Harvey.  The only reason why Diane is inviting me to be in their music video is so that she can throw daggers at me in the music video.”

“What?” Vivian, Alex, Harvey and Crystal say.

“Throw daggers at you?” Crystal asks.

“Diane wants to throw daggers at you in her music video for the Michael Jackson Tribute concert?” Alex asks.

“That’s right,” Wesley says.

“How do you know that?”

“She told me.”

“She did?”

“Yeah.  She told me right in my face in the stairwell.”

“What?” Crystal says.  “You know Diane is just being a sore loser. You should tell Mary, Margarita, Barry and Tomas about her behavior towards you.  Believe me, they will fix her again.”

“Oh I don’t know.”

“Well either that or just go along with being in her music video,” Harvey says.  “What harm can it do?  Diane is not gonna really throw daggers at you is she?”

“No.  She told me she plans to use special effects for that.”

“Special effects?”

“Yeah, that way it’ll look like I’m getting hurt, she just wants it to look that way.”

“Oh yeah?” Alex says.  “Well then, there you go Wesley.  Go do the music video with her, as long as no one is really getting hurt, what the hell.”

“Okay, you talked me into it guys.  I’ll do that.  Thanks.”

“You got it Wesley.  And the next time Diane approaches you and gives you a problem, just tell her to ‘Beat It‘.”  They all laugh.  They then turn and walk away.












































Chapter 23


The Tribute Concert



It is a month later.  It is 7:00 Saturday evening.  The theater is packed full of excited people.  There are a lot of people holding large banners and large signs high in the air that read, ‘THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON ORGANIZATION’ with very large bold letters printed on them.  A Hispanic male announcer around his late 30’s comes out on stage with a microphone in his hand.  He speaks into the microphone and shouts, “Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization is here!”  The crowd becomes very excited and start to cheer.  Jonathan and the same pleasant looking young black woman who Diane D saw smiling and posing in the web pictures with Jonathan is standing on Jonathan’s right side.  They are standing at the front of the crowd together clapping and cheering too.  The announcer then shouts, “Their first performance is ready to come out!  The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents The Alpha Dancers!”  The Alpha Dancers come out on stage as the crowd cheers more.


Five minutes later, the Alpha dancers finish their performance as the crowd cheers.  The announcer comes back on stage.  He speaks into the microphone and shouts, “Okay everyone the next performers are about to come out!”  The crowd start to cheer again as the announcer shout, “Ladies and gentlemen, here are the Lennox brothers!“  The crowd starts to cheer more as the Lennox brothers come out. 


It is one hour later.  The concert is still going on as the announcer comes out on stage again.  He speaks into the microphone and shouts, “Ladies and gentlemen, the next performers are about to come out!”  The crowd cheers again as the announcer shouts, “Ladies and gentlemen, here are Mike and Mitch and the Diaz-Davidson Youth Show Performers!”  The crowd jumps and cheers again. Three dark silhouettes come out on the stage.  A bright light suddenly shines.  Mike and two Diaz-Davidson Youth boys appear in the light as large sounds of the drum beats.  Music starts to play as the light shines on Mike and the other boys.  Mike and the other two boys suddenly take off their caps and toss their caps to one side of the stage.  The crowd and Jonathan excitingly shout out to Mike as Jonathan’s girlfriend look on at Mike and the other two boys.  “Yo Mike and Mitch!” the crowd shouts.  Mike and the two other boys perform a hip-hop dance routine.  They jump on one leg back and forth then move towards the back of the stage.  Mitch and twenty-nine other Diaz-Davidson Youth boys suddenly appear from one side of the stage as thirty other Diaz-Davidson boys appear from the other side of the stage as the crowd screams and cheers to them!  “Hey Mike and Mitch!" the crowd shouts again.

“We love you Mike and Mitch!” a young woman shouts.  Some people in the crowd are holding up signs and banners reading ‘MIKE AND MITCH‘. 

“Y’all hot Mike and Mitch!” a group of teenage girls shout.  Other people in the crowd are holding up signs and banners reading ‘M & M’.  Mike goes to one side of the stage as Mitch goes to the other side of the stage.  They each grab a microphone.  They run to the center of the stage towards each other.  They grab each other’s hand giving each other a brotherly hand shake.  The crowd screams and cheers again.  Mike and Mitch turn to the crowd looking mean and tough.  They throw their arms in the air as Mitch shouts into the microphone, “Okay people are y’all ready to get down and rumble?!”  The crowd, Jonathan and the young woman with Jonathan cheer again.

Mike shouts into the microphone, “We said are y’all ready to get down and rumble?!”  The crowd and Jonathan scream and cheer again as Mike shouts, “We see the people in the back ready!  Make some noise people in the back!”  The crowd in the back scream and cheer as they hold up signs and banners reading ‘MIKE AND MITCH‘.  The crowd, Jonathan and his girlfriend look on at Mike and Mitch as Mike walks towards the center of the stage.  All the boys start to circle him.  Mike looks at all the boys then shouts, “Let’s go!”  Mike, Mitch and all the other boys start to perform a hip hop dance routine. Mitch and all the other boys start to circle around Mike and do a hip hop dance as Mike dances in the center of all of them.  Mitch and the other boys close the circle in on Mike then open the circle wider as they all continue to do a hip-hop dance routine. 


A few minutes later, Mike, Mitch and all the other boys finish their act. The crowd and Jonathan cheer and applaud as Jonathan‘s girlfriend smiles and claps.  Mike, Mitch and all the other boys throw their fists in the air towards the crowd as they turn and leave the stage.  The crowd continues to hold up signs and banners reading ‘MIKE AND MITCH’ and ‘THE DIAZ-DAVIDSON ORGANIZATION YOUTH SHOW‘. The announcer comes back on stage.  He speaks into the mike and shouts, “Wow, what a wonderful performance that was!  Let’s give it up one more time for Mike, Mitch and the Diaz-Davidson Youth Show Performers!”  The crowd cheers and applauds again!  The announcer then shouts, “Okay ladies and gentleman! We have another wonderful performance!  Ladies and gentlemen The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents Michael and The Diaz-Davidson Band!”  The crowd jumps and cheers as Michael and six young black and Hispanic band members come out on stage.  Michael and the band members smile and wave to the crowd.  They start to play the instruments.  The crowd jumps and becomes excited as Michael and The Band continue to perform. 


Five minutes later, Michael and The Band finish their performance.  The crowd cheers.  Michael and The Band turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage. The announcer comes back on stage.  He shouts into the microphone, “Wow what a wonderful performance that was!  Let’s give it up one more time for Michael and The Diaz-Davidson Band!”  The crowd cheers and applauds again! The announcer then shouts, “Okay ladies and gentleman! We have another wonderful performance! Ladies and gentlemen, The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents brothers, Nicolas and Mickey Diaz-Davidson!”  The crowd becomes very excited and starts to cheer. Nicolas and Mickey come out on stage and wave to the crowd.  They sit on the stage with their guitars.  They smile to the crowd.  Nicolas and Mickey start to play the guitars and sing some tunes. The crowd starts to cheer. 


Five minutes later, Nicolas and Mickey finish their act.  The crowd cheers and applauds.  Nicolas and Mickey take a bow.  They turn and wave to the crowd as they leave the stage. The announcer comes back on stage.  He speaks into the microphone and shouts, “Wow what a wonderful performance that was!  Let’s give it up one more time for The Diaz-Davidson Brothers, Nicolas and Mickey!”  The crowd cheers and applauds again!  The announcer then shouts, “Okay ladies and gentleman! We have another wonderful performance! Ladies and gentlemen The Diaz-Davidson Organization presents Diane D and The Dianettes!”  The crowd jumps and cheers again.  A large screen appears at the back of the stage.  Music starts to play.  A music video starts to play.




A serious looking Diane D singing dressed in a short black blazer with black leggings comes on the screen with her hair blowing against strong wind as the crowd scream and cheer.  The Dianettes suddenly appear in the video singing also dressed in short black blazers with black leggings and strong wind blowing against their hair as the crowd scream and cheer.  Diane D and the Dianettes start to dance as the Dianettes dance in a circle around Diane D.  Wesley suddenly appears in the video walking by.  Diane D and the Dianettes look at Wesley as he goes by.  Diane D points her finger at Wesley and shouts, “There goes the person who took our spot!”  Wesley turns and looks at Diane D and the Dianettes.  Wesley puzzled looks at Diane D and the Dianettes.  “Go get him!” Diane D shouts.  The Dianettes turn and start to run towards Wesley.  Wesley becomes frightened.  He turns and runs the other way. 

The Dianettes chase after Wesley.  Wesley runs right towards a corner of a fence.  He looks at the fence corner.  He realizes that he is trapped.  He turns around and sees the Dianettes standing there surrounding him looking at him.  Wesley looks behind the Dianettes and sees Diane D still in the distance.

Diane D bends down and grabs a baseball bat from off the ground. 

The Dianettes turn and bend down.  They grab some tennis balls, a volley ball, hand balls, ping pong balls, baseballs and golf balls from off the ground. 

Diane D bends back up with the baseball bat as the Dianettes bend back up and stand in a straight line side to side with Nancy at the left edge and Bernice at the right edge.  They face Diane D.

Diane D holds up the baseball bat ready to take a swing with it as she looks at Nancy. 



Nancy throws a golf ball right towards Diane D. 

The golf ball flies and speeds right towards Diane D.  Diane D takes the baseball bat and swings it right at the golf ball.

The golf ball flies the opposite direction and speeds right towards Wesley missing him as he ducks for cover. 

Diane D then sways the baseball bat and positions herself again.  She holds up the baseball bat ready to take another swing with it as she looks at Miranda. 

Miranda throws a volley ball right towards Diane D. 

The volley ball flies and speeds right towards Diane D.  Diane D swings the baseball bat right at the volley ball. 

The volley ball flies the opposite direction and speeds right towards Wesley missing him as he ducks for cover again. 

Diane D then sways the baseball bat and positions herself again.  She holds up the baseball bat ready to take another swing with it as she looks at Kelly. 

Kelly throws a tennis ball right towards Diane D. 

The tennis ball flies and speeds right towards Diane D.  Diane D swings the baseball bat right at the tennis ball. 

The tennis ball flies the opposite direction and speeds right towards Wesley hitting him on his side.  Wesley bends and holds his side in pain.

Diane D angrily looks at Wesley.  She looks away from Wesley then sways the bat and positions herself again.  She holds up the baseball bat ready to take another swing with it as she looks at Lonna.

Lonna throws a hand ball right towards Diane D. 

The hand ball flies and speeds right towards Diane D.  It is about to hit Diane D right on her side, but Diane D quickly backs up her feet and abdominal causing the hand ball to miss her side.  She turns her head towards Lonna and annoyingly looks at her.

Lonna puts her hand over her mouth realizing her mistake.  She tries again and throws another hand ball right towards Diane D.  

The hand ball flies and speeds right towards Diane D.  Diane D swings the baseball bat right at the hand ball. 

The hand ball flies the opposite direction and speeds right towards Wesley hitting him on his shoulder!  Wesley holds his shoulder in pain. 

Diane D sways the baseball bat again.  She positions herself again and holds up the baseball bat ready to take another swing with it as she looks at Charlotte. 

Charlotte grabs a ping pong ball.  She positions the ping pong ball as she holds it up to one of her eyes and closes the other eye. 

Diane D patiently waits for the ping pong ball. 

Charlotte then throws the ping pong ball right towards Diane D. 

The ping pong ball flies and speeds right towards Diane D.  Diane D swings the baseball bat right at the ping pong ball. 

The ping pong ball flies the opposite direction and speeds right towards Wesley hitting him in the stomach!  Wesley holds his stomach in pain.

Diane D angrily looks at Wesley again.  She looks away from Wesley and positions herself again.  She holds up the baseball bat ready to take another swing with it as she looks at Bernice. 

Bernice throws a baseball right towards Diane D. 

The baseball flies and speeds right towards Diane D.  Diane D swings the baseball bat right at the baseball. 

The baseball flies the opposite direction and speeds right towards Wesley hitting him on the head!  Wesley holds his head in pain.  He then falls to the ground. 

Diane D stands straight up with the baseball bat as she firmly looks at Wesley. 

Wesley lays on the ground in pain.  The Dianettes run from Wesley and run towards Diane D.

The Dianettes approach Diane D.  Diane D then turns around as the Dianettes come behind her in two lines.  Diane D starts to march forward as the Dianettes march behind her.




Diane D and The Dianettes suddenly come out on stage marching, wearing the exact same outfits they wore in the video with Diane D still holding the baseball bat. 

The crowd screams and cheers.  Jonathan and his girlfriend smile and clap as they look at Diane D and The Dianettes. 

Diane D and The Dianettes march towards the front of the stage as Diane D looks around the crowd.  Diane D stops and stands still.  She points her finger at the crowd.  The crowd screams and cheers.  Diane D then stomps her foot and sway her shoulder.  She and the Dianettes start to do a Michael Jackson dance routine. 

Jonathan and a few Hispanic and white guys who are standing at the front of the crowd look at Diane D and the Dianettes smiling and admiring them.  They then turn to each other talking and nodding to each other.  They turn and look back at Diane D and the Dianettes smiling and admiring them again.  Jon