DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“Alright.”  Norman walks away. 

Margarita turns to her family and relatives and says, “I'll be back everybody.”

“Okay!” Margarita’s family say.

Margarita turns and walks away.


A minute later, Margarita enters her office.  She goes to her desk and picks up the telephone receiver.  She speaks into the receiver and says, “Hello?”

“Hello,” a middle aged white male with brown hair says from the other end of the phone as he sits behind a desk. “Is this The Diaz-Davidson Organization?”

“Yes this is the Diaz-Davidson Organization. I'm Margarita Diaz-Davidson, the one in charge of the organization.”

“Hey Miss Margarita!  How are you?”

“I’m okay.”

“That’s good.  You're Diane D's grandmother, aren‘t you?”

“That's right I‘m her grandmother.  What can I do for you sir?”

“Well, I just received a phone call from someone who's a family member of someone in your organization.”

“You did?”

“Yes.  They told me that they just heard that your granddaughter Diane D disappeared with her cousin Dana's boyfriend the other night and left her cousin Dana alone in the room with her husband Michael.  They told me that Diane D and her cousin Dana's boyfriend disappeared for five hours at his apartment at the same time while Diane D’s cousin Dana and Diane D's husband Michael were locked up in Dana’s bedroom together the whole time.  I heard that Dana's mother and grandmother Gracy listened through the bedroom door and heard Dana's bed bouncing and banging against the wall while Dana and Diane D’s husband were locked in there.  Is that true?”

“Who in the hell told you this?  What's their name?”

“I don't know their name.  They never told me their name.  They just said someone in their family is a member of your organization.”

“Oh really!”


“Well I don't care to talk about what happened with Diane the other night!”

“Well I just want to know if Diane D, who's supposed to be a role model, swapping mates with her own cousin?”

“Swapping mates with her cousin?!”


“No she's not swapping mates with her cousin!   She's not swapping mates with anybody at all and I don't care to discuss this anymore!  Have a good day sir!”  Margarita slams down the phone receiver. 

Mary, Tomas, Marilyn and Tonio hurry into the room as Mary shouts, “Que ha sucedido Mama?  Que es la materia?”

“Quien fue que en el telefono?!” Tomas asks. 

“Nadie,” Margarita says.  “Era un numero equivocado.”

“Numero equivocado?  Usted parece enojado para ello por ser solo el numero equivocado.”

“Si Mama,” Marilyn says.  “Te escuchamos slam el telefono.  Que paso?”

“Era que un periodista o alguien del periodico en el telefono?” Tonio asks.

“No no lo era,” Margarita says.  “Era el numero incorrecto.”

“Esta seguro Mama?”

“Si estoy seguro Tonio.  Estoy seguro.  Tengo hambre.  Por que no nos vamos todos en la cocina y fix nosotros mismos algunos alimentos para que podamos comer.”  Mary, Tomas, Marilyn and Tonio turn and head towards the doorway as Margarita follows behind them.  Margarita secretly turns around and worriedly looks at the telephone.  She then turns back forward and follows Mary, Tomas, Marilyn and Tonio out the room.


Three days later, a tired Diane D is inside the hospital lobby, closing her jacket.  Jorge, a Hispanic male hospital staff member approaches her and says, “You're still here Diane?  It's four o'clock in the morning.  I thought you'd be gone by now.”

“Yeah I thought so too,” Diane D says.  “I stayed to do some overtime to make some extra money, the next thing I know is I wound up falling asleep.”

“I see.  So Michael's picking you up, right?”

“Yeah he should be outside now.”

“Okay.  I'll see you later.”

“Okay Jorge.”

Jorge turns and walks away as Diane D turns and heads towards the front door.


Ten minutes later, Michael is driving as Diane D sits in the passenger seat.  Michael turns to Diane D and says, “Diane I got to stop by the store to pick up a few things.  You want some coffee while you wait?”

“Yeah I could use a cup,” Diane D says.

“Okay.”  Michael pulls the car to the curb.


There is a deli store and coffee shop on the block.  There is a newspaper delivery truck in front of the store.  Diane D and Michael come out of the car and close their doors.  They head towards the coffee shop as two delivery guys work on the back of the truck.


Michael and Diane D enter the coffee shop.  They go to the counter.  A white male behind the counter approaches them and says, “Diane D!  Michael!  Welcome to the coffee shop!”

“Thank you,” Michael says.

“What can I get you two this morning?”

“Just get Diane a regular coffee.” Michael hands the man some money and says, “Keep the change.  I got to go next door and pick up a few things.”

“Okay no problem.”

Michael turns to Diane D and says, “I'll be right back Diane.”

“Okay Michael,” Diane D says.  Michael turns and walks away as Diane D sits on a stool.  Diane D then rests her elbows on the counter and rests her face in her hands.  She hears the sound of bundles of paper being dropped near the coffee shop as the man behind the counter makes her coffee.

“So how are you feeling Diane D?” the man says.  “You look pretty tired.”

“I am,” Diane D says.  Diane D continues to hear the sound of bundles being dropped near the coffee shop as the man behind the counter brings her the cup of coffee.

“Here Diane D,” the man says.  “This should help you a little.”

“Thanks.”  Diane D starts to sip the coffee.

“So how's your family’s charity functions coming along?”

“The charity functions are coming along okay.”

“That's good.  How are your family’s shows and concerts coming along?”

“They're coming along okay too.”

“That's good?”  The man wipes the counter. 

Diane D hears another sound of bundles slam down near the coffee shop as she sips her coffee.  She turns around and looks towards the coffee shop window.  She becomes stunned as she stares out the coffee shop window towards the ground.  She sees a bundle of tabloid magazines on the ground.  She sees a headline on the top magazine with her name appearing to be in it.  She becomes shocked.  “Oh no,” she says.

“Oh no?” the mans asks.  “Oh no what?”

Diane D leaps up out of the stool and hurries to the front door!  She opens the door and hurries out of it.


Diane D rushes onto the sidewalk and looks down at the bundle.  She sees the top magazine.  There in bold print is a headline that reads: DIANE D LEAVES AND DISAPPEARS FROM FAMILY'S HOME WITH HER COUSIN'S BOYFRIEND FOR FIVE HOURS!:  Diane D picks up the bundle of magazines as the man behind the counter rushes out the coffee shop onto the sidewalk.  He comes behind Diane D as Diane D says, “Oh no!”  The man from behind the counter sees the headline.  Diane D looks down on the ground and sees a different bundles of magazines.  She sees another tabloid magazine with a headline that reads: DIANE D’S COUSIN STAYS LOCKED UP IN BEDROOM WITH DIANE D’S HUSBAND FOR SEVERAL HOURS!:  Diane D sees another bundles of magazines with different headlines that read: DIANE D HAS DISAPPEARED WITH A MAN BEFORE!:  DID DIANE D SWAPPED MATES WITH HER OWN COUSIN?  IF TRUE, COULD DIANE D BE SWAPPING HUSBAND WITH OTHER RELATIVES OR FRIENDS?:  ARE DIANE D AND HUSBAND POSSIBLE SWINGERS?:  Diane D picks up the magazines.  She looks at the headlines and shouts, “Oh noooo!”  She turns towards the deli and shouts, “Michael!   Michael!  Come quick!  Hurry up Michael get out here!”  Diane D turns back forward and slams the bundle of magazines back down on the ground.  She turns and hurries to the deli doorway and shouts, “Michael could you get out here!”

Michael quickly comes out the deli and shouts, “What's the matter Diane?!”

“Look!” Diane D shouts as she shows Michael the bundles of magazines on the ground. 

Michael sees the bundles of magazines.  He looks down at the headlines on the magazines as a few people from inside the deli come out and stand behind him looking down at the magazines!  Michael picks up the bundles of magazines and sees different tabloid magazines with different headlines on them!  “Oh my God!” Michael shouts.  “How in the hell did they get this information?!”

“Why are they saying these things about you guys?” a woman from inside the deli asks.

“I don't know!” Diane D angrily shouts, “but I swear I am going to sue the pants off these magazines!  Come on Michael!”  Diane D turns and hurries off!

Michael angrily shouts, “Boy wait till I find out who's responsible for this!”  He slams the bundle of magazines down on the ground and hurries off after Diane D!


Michael and Diane D rush into their car as Diane D gets back into passenger side and Michael gets back into the driver‘s side!  Michael quickly starts up the engine and puts the car into high gear!  He pulls off and speeds away as his car tires screech down the street!


The man from behind the coffee shop counter and the few people from inside the deli look on as Michael's car screech down the street.


In the subway station, a middle age black male is reading a tabloid magazine as he stands on the platform.  On the cover of his magazine is a headline that reads: 'POSSIBLE SWINGERS' 'IS CHARITY COUPLE POSSIBLE SWINGERS? Inside Story:  The man opens up the tabloid magazine and starts to read the article.


A few days later, Margarita and her family are inside her office angrily fumbling through tons of mail and envelopes.  Some of them are reading a tabloid magazine headline that reads: 'POSSIBLE SWINGERS' 'IS CHARITY COUPLE POSSIBLE SWINGERS? Inside Story:  Some of Diane D's relatives are reading different newspaper headlines that reads:  DIANE D LEAVES AND DISAPPEARS FROM FAMILY'S HOME WITH HER COUSIN'S BOYFRIEND FOR HOURS WHILE HER COUSIN STAYS LOCKED UP IN ROOM WITH DIANE D'S HUSBAND THE WHOLE TIME!  DIANE D HAS DISAPPEARED WITH A DIFFERENT MAN BEFORE!  DID DIANE D SWAPPED MATES WITH HER OWN COUSIN? COULD DIANE D BE SWAPPING MATES WITH OTHER RELATIVES OR FRIENDS?  ARE DIANE D AND HUSBAND POSSIBLE SWINGERS?:  Alex comes into the office with a cup of coffee in his hand.  He approaches everybody and says, “Hey.  What's going on?  Margarita what's all this mail doing on your desk?”

“I'll tell you what's going on Alex!” Margarita says.  “When those damn magazines printed those headlines about Diane and Michael being possible swingers, couples who are swingers started writing letters to this organization about Diane and Michael!”

“They did what?”

“Yes!  Look what one woman wrote!”  Margarita picks up the letter and reads it aloud as she says, “It says 'dear Diane D.  Is it true that you and your husband Michael are swingers?  My husband and I have been married for twelve years.  We need some excitement in our marriage.  If it's true that you and your husband Michael are swingers, my husband and I are interested in meeting you guys.  I would love to get together with your husband Michael.  I always thought he was good looking’.”


“Yeah,” Mary says.  “And listen to this letter from some pervert.  It says 'dear Diane D.  I am a 32 year old man who's been married for five years.  I'm already tired of being in my marriage.  I'm starting to look to get involved with other men's wives.  If you and your husband are really swingers, I want my wife and I to get to meet you and your husband.  It would be a real nice treat for me to get to know you Diane D.  Next time, I will be the man you disappear with while your husband and my wife be locked up in a bedroom together'.”

“My God,” Alex says. 

“Here's what a couple wrote,” Nicolas says.  “It says dear 'Diane D and Michael.  We are members of a swingers' club.  We would love for you two to join our swingers' club in Cincinnati.  From ‘Married in Cincinnati'.”

“Here’s what another letter says,” Margarita says.  “It says ‘Dear Diane D, I'm a 42-year old man who's been married for 15 years.  Will you come fly away with me while your husband Michael flies away with my wife.  You will be my true flyy girl'.”

“Oh my God,” Alex says.  “Where is Diane?”

“She got so upset about these letters that she stormed right out of here!”

“Are you all still planning to sue those magazines and newspapers?”

“Of course we are!” Tomas says.

“Yeah!” Barry says.  “We're not going to let those morons who printed these headlines get away with invading our family's private lives like this!  Boy wait until I find out who's the person who called the magazines about this whole thing!”  Diane D's family continue to look at the letters as Alex takes one of the letters and reads it.


Three months later, Diane D, Michael, her family and relatives are walking in the court house hallway.  They are heading towards the courtroom.  A few fans excitingly approach Diane D and Michael and shout, “Hey Diane D!  Hey Michael!”

“So you're getting ready to sue those tabloid magazines and newspapers for labeling you two possible swingers, huh?” a man asks.

“Yes we are,” Michael says.

“Okay good luck.   Hope you win.”

“Yeah me too.”  Michael, Diane D and the rest of Diane D's family and relatives walk away from the people and head towards the courtroom.


A few days later, a man on the city bus is reading a newspaper with a headline that reads: DIANE D, HER FAMILY AND HUSBAND WIN LAWSUIT AGAINST THE TABLOIDS FOR INVASION OF PRIVACY:


The next day, Diane D and the Dianettes are in the organization hallway dressed in mini-skirts, stockings and shoes, happily dancing and throwing their arms up in the air through the corridor.  Alex, Kory, Evette and Harvey approach them as Evette holds a newspaper.  Diane D and the Dianettes stop as Alex says, “Hey. Boy y'all in a happy mood today.”

“We are!” Diane D says. 

“We see why!” Evette says.  “We just saw this headline Diane.”  Evette shows Diane D the newspaper headline.  “You, Michael and your family won the lawsuit against the tabloids and newspapers!  We're all happy for you!”

“How do you feel about this Diane?” Alex asks.

“I have never felt better!” Diane D says. 

“That’s good.  How does Michael feel about it?”

“He’s happy about it too.”

“That’s good.”

“Hopefully those darn tabloids will leave us all alone.”

“That‘s true.”

“So what are you, Michael and your family planning to do with all that money?” Kory asks.

“I’m going to put my part of the money in the bank,” Diane D says. 

“That’s good.”

“What about Michael?” Harvey asks. “What’s he going to do with his part of the money?”

“He’s going to put his part of the money in the bank too,” Diane D says. 

“That’s good.  What is Margarita planning to do with the rest of the money?”

“Grandma is going to put the rest of the money in the bank too.”

“She is?   Can we get a raise?”

“Can you get a raise?  Do y’all think y’all deserve a raise?”

“Well it doesn’t hurt to ask.”

“And it doesn’t hurt to say ‘no‘.”  Diane D excitingly grabs the Dianettes' hands and tells them, “Come on girls!”

“Ariiight!” the Dianettes shout.  “Let's go!”

Diane D turns to Alex, Kory, Evette and Harvey and says to them, “See yah!”  Diane D turns back forward as she and the Dianettes excitingly hurry away and happily run off down the hallway as Alex, Kory, Evette and Harvey turn and look towards them.


Diane D and the Dianettes dance down the corridor, kicking, throwing their arms up in the air and spinning and twirling around through the corridor again.  They spin around a corner. 

Suddenly Diane D looks to her right and stops right in her tracks causing the Dianettes to bump right into her.  The Dianettes puzzled look at Diane D as she says, “Oh my god, who's that guy?”  The Dianettes turn to their right.  They see a dark skinned black male, around his early 30's in the distance wearing a cap smoking a cigarette and chewing gum as he leans against a wall. 

“I don't know who that guy is Diane,” Nancy says.

“No?  I wonder who he is.  I've never seen him before,” Diane D says as she lustfully looks the man up and down.

“That's just some guy leaning against the wall,” Lonna says.

“Well who is he?  He looks mighty sexy leaning against the wall like that. Let me go talk to him.”

“Oh no here we go again,” Miranda says.  “I see another Jonathan incident about to happen.”

“Jonathan incident?  Well he does kind of looks like Jonathan.”

“But he’s not Jonathan Diane.  You don't have time to talk to that dude.”

“Why not?  It'll only take me a few minutes.  Wait right here girls.”  Diane D is about to walk away from the Dianettes, but the Dianettes hold her and stop her.  Diane D turns to them and says, “What are y'all doing?”

“You can't go talk to that fellow Diane,” Lonna says.  “We know exactly what you're gonna do.  You're gonna flirt with him.”

“Flirt with him?  That never even crossed my mind Lonna.  I just want to talk to him about that cigarette.”

“The cigarette?” Charlotte says.  “Yeah, right Diane, there's no time for you to talk to that dude.”

“Just let me talk to that fellow real quick.”  Diane D tries to go to the fellow again as the Dianettes stop her again.

“Leave that guy alone Diane,” Bernice says.  “You're married already.”

“I'm not trying to marry the guy Bernice.  Did you hear me say I want to marry the guy?”

“We don’t have to hear you say it Diane.  We remember what happened before when you tried to marry Jonathan.”

“I never tried to marry Jonathan.”

“Yes you did.”

“No I didn’t.”

“Yes you did Diane, you just don’t remember it.”

“I sure don’t remember it because it never happened.”

“But it did happen Diane,” Kelly says. 

“Okay you guys win, I probably did try to marry Jonathan.  Well I’m not going to try to marry this guy though.”

“Yeah right Diane.”

“That's not gonna happen, I swear by it.  I just want to talk to that fellow.”

“Yeah sure,” the rest of the Dianettes say.

“Come on Diane, let's go,” Miranda says.  The Dianettes start to pull Diane D forward.

“Wait a minute.” Diane D turns her head and calls out to the fellow shouting, “Excuse me sir?!” 

The man does not see or hear Diane D.  He continues to lean against the wall smoking a cigarette.

The Dianettes pull Diane D forward again as Nancy says, “He doesn’t see or hear you Diane.  Forget about him.”

“Just let me talk to the guy real quick Nancy,” Diane D says.

“Ah ah say goodbye girl!” Lonna says.

“It'll only take a minute.”

“Tell him byyy girl,” the Dianettes sing.

“But wait.”

The Dianettes laugh and pull Diane D forward.  Diane D bends her head and upper body backward trying to look at the guy as she and the Dianettes are about to disappear behind the corner of the wall.  The Dianettes continue to laugh as they pull Diane D forward!