DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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Chapter 29


Fight At The Basketball Tournament



Mike and some of the Diaz-Davidson Athletic team are shirtless at the basket ball court wearing dungarees and sneakers, practicing and warming up for the Basket Ball game as a crowd of people cheer and scream on the side.


On the other side of the basket ball court, Mitch and some of the other Diaz-Davidson Athletic team are shirtless, wearing dungarees and sneakers, practicing and warming up for the Basket Ball game as a crowd of people cheer and scream on the side.


Back on the other side of the basket ball court, Mike and the Diaz-Davidson Athletic team finish practicing.  They go to the side.  A couple of other Youth Boys approach Mike and the boys with a big German Sheppard dog on a leash.  The German Sheppard barks at Mike and the Youth Boys.  A crowd of people start to approach a distance to Mike and the other Diaz-Davidson Athletic boys, looking at Mike and the other Diaz-Davidson Athletic boys but do not get too close seeing the German Sheppard.  They are afraid of the German Sheppard.  Mike bends down to the German Sheppard rubbing it.  Little girls, pre-teen girls and teenage girls come a distance to Mike and the boys as they admire Mike.


On the other side of the basket ball court, Mitch and the other Diaz-Davidson Athletic team finish practicing.  They go to the side where a high bar is.  Two long thick ropes are hanging from the high bar.   Mitch goes and stands right between the two ropes.  He bends down then jumps as high as he could and grabs on the two ropes holding them tightly.  The other boys start to surround Mitch.  Mitch takes his entire body and lifts it upside down between the ropes.  He then wraps his legs and feet around the ropes.  The Youth Boys take the ropes and swing Mitch a little.  One of the Youth boys climbs on one of ropes while Mitch is still hanging upside down from it.  The other Youth boy climbs on the other rope while Mitch is still hanging upside down from it.  Both boys run fast with the ropes while swinging Mitch then climb on each rope as the ropes swing high.  All three boys are now swinging on the ropes.  A crowd of people and girls of all age groups, all colors and different ethnic backgrounds start to stand in front of the bars watching Mitch and the other two boys swinging high as Mitch’s back faces the crowd.


Back on the other side, Mike is now standing, holding on to the chain of the dog as a crowd of people continue to stand a distance to Mike watching him and the other Diaz-Davidson Athletic boys.  The dog starts to bark at the crowd as Mike continues to hold onto the chain.  The crowd becomes a little afraid.  The dog tries to go after the crowd.  The crowd becomes frightened and backs away, but Mike jerks at the dog’s chain and pulls the dog back.  The dog tries to go after the crowd again.  The crowd becomes frightened and backs away again, but Mike jerks at the dog’s chain and pulls the dog back again.  The dog tries to go after the crowd again when suddenly Mike runs towards the crowd’s direction with the dog as he continues to hold onto the dog’s chain!  The crowd becomes frightened and backs away when suddenly Mike and the dog turn and race the other way!  The crowd watches Mike race away with the dog!  They then see Mike and the dog turn as Mike and the dog race and disappear around the corner of a fence.


On the other side of the court, the Youth Boys slow down the ropes.  They finish giving Mitch a swing on the ropes.  They climb down from off the ropes.  Mitch unwraps his legs and feet from around the ropes.  He then turns his entire body right side up between the ropes as he holds tightly onto the two ropes.   He faces forward and sees a crowd of people and girls standing right in front of him and the bars, watching and admiring him.  Mitch gently brings himself back down from the ropes as he sees the crowd of people watching him come down.


Back on the other side, Mike comes back to the Youth boys without the dog.  He and the Diaz-Davidson Athletic team grab their towels.  They wrap their towels around their necks and shoulders then go to some bikes.  They sit on the bikes and start to ride the bikes from off the court.


On the other side, Mitch and the other Youth Boys are on the side.  They grab their towels.  They wrap their towels around their necks and shoulders then go to some bikes.  They sit on the bikes and start to ride the bikes from off the court as all the girls look on.


Back on the other side, Mike and the Diaz-Davidson Athletic team ride to the bleachers on the bikes.  Mitch and the other boys ride to the bleachers on the bikes.  Mitch and the other boys ride to Mike and the other Diaz-Davidson Youth members.  Mitch stops his bike besides Mike’s bike.  Mike and Mitch are side by side with each other on the bikes.  They start talking with each other as the other Youth member boys surround them.  Mike and Mitch turn to the other boys as the other boys start to talk with them.  A young Latino girl around 12-years old approaches Mike, Mitch and the rest of the boys.  She stands between Mike and Mitch and starts to talk with both of them as she holds onto their bikes.  Mike and Mitch start to ignore the girl and turn back to the fellows.  The Latino girl moves aside a little but stays near Mike and Mitch as Mike and Mitch continue to talk to the other boys.


At a dance studio several miles away, twelve plus size girls of different ethnic backgrounds between the ages of 10 - 14 are doing floor exercises as Diane D walks around them instructing them.  She lectures them and snaps her fingers at them shouting, “Come on girls you got to keep at it, let’s move!”  The girls continue to struggle doing floor exercises.  Diane D then holds her hand out and shouts, “Okay girls you can stop and take a twenty minute break!”

“Thank God,” Jackie, one of the girls say.

“And when you all come back, we’re going to do arm stretches okay?!  Now take a break!”  Diane D turns from the girls and goes to a desk in the front corner of the room as the girls get up off the floor.  The girls start to gather around as Diane D sits down at the desk where a computer is.  The girls turn and leave the room.


Back at the Basket Ball Tournament, tons of pre-teen girls, teenage girls, young women and grown women are on the bleacher stands admiring Mike and Mitch.  “Ooh they are some fine twins,” a young woman says.

“They sure are,” says another woman.  “They got some hot bodies too.”

“They sure do. Too bad they’re too young for me but if I was ten years younger, they both would be mine.”

“If I was twenty years younger, they would be mines,” a third woman says. “Too bad they’re too young for us.  How old are they now?”

“They should be thirteen now,” a fourth woman says.

“They’re thirteen now?” a fifth woman says.

“Yeah.  I know they were twelve several months ago, but two months ago I heard their family gave them a birthday party.”

“They were given a birthday party?” the third young woman says.

“Yeah,” says the fourth woman.  “So they’re thirteen now.”

“Oh well says the third woman. “They’re still too young for me because I’m thirty-four.”  The young woman turns to some teenage girls and says, “Maybe some of y’all might have a chance with Mike and Mitch.”

“Yeah maybe,” says the first teenage girl.

“Let’s call out to them,” says the second teenage girl.

“Okay.”  The teenage girls look down towards the lower bleachers.  “Hey Mike!” the first teenage girl shout.

“Hey Mitch!” the second teenage girl shout.

“We love you Mike and Mitch!” several other teenage girls shout.

“You rock Mike and Mitch!” a third teenage girl shout. 

Mike, Mitch, the Latino girl and the rest of the boys look up towards the teenage girls.  The teenage girls giggle and nervously turn their heads away.  Mike and Mitch look away from the teenage girls.  They start to ignore the teenage girls and continue to talk with the rest of the boys as the rest of the crowd looks at them. 

The teenage girls on the bleachers turn towards Mike and Mitch again.  The first teenage girl shouts again, “Hey Mike and Mitch!”

“Y’all so fine Mike and Mitch!” the fourth teenage girls shout.

“Y’all got some hot bodies too Mike and Mitch!” a fifth teenage girl shouts.

Mike, Mitch, the Latino girl and the rest of the boys look up towards the teenage girls again. 

The teenage girls giggle and nervously turn their heads away again.

Mike and Mitch look away from the teenage girls again and start to become sort of annoyed.  They start to ignore the teenage girls again and continue to talk with the rest of the boys as the rest of the crowd looks at them again. 

The teenage girls turn towards Mike and Mitch again.  They start to call out to them again as one of them shouts, “Can we massage you Mike and Mitch!”

“We want to give you a massage Mike and Mitch!” another teenage girl shouts. 

“We want to massage y’all Mike and Mitch!” the first teenage girl shouts.

Mike, Mitch, the Latino girl and the rest of the boys look up towards the teenage girls again. 

The teenage girls giggle and nervously turn their heads away again.  They turn back towards Mike and Mitch again.  They start to call out to them again as the second teenage girl shouts, “Can we rub your shoulders Mike and Mitch?!”

“Yeah can we rub your back?!” another teenage girl shouts.

“Yeah and can we rub your you know what?” shouts another teenage girl.

Mike, Mitch, the Latino girl and the rest of the boys look up towards the teenage girls again. 

The teenage girls giggle and nervously turn their heads away again. 

Mike and Mitch angrily look away from the teenage girls again and become sort of embarrassed as they look at each other not knowing what to do or say as the rest of the crowd looks at them.  Filipe, one of the boys, says to Mike and Mitch, “Wow, y’all got a lot of female admires.”

“Yeah y’all sure do,” Chuckie says.  “Y’all got a whole lot of female groupies to choose from.”

“That’s right,” Juan says.  “So which one of those female groupies y’all gonna fuck tonight?”  The rest of the boys laugh a little as Mike and Mitch look at Juan and become upset.  Mike suddenly raises his entire arm and bangs his elbow right into Juan’s jaw!   The rest of the boys and crowd become shocked as Juan holds his jaw, screams out in pain and shouts, “Aaaaaahhh!!”  Juan continues to hold his jaw.  He is about to attack Mike and shouts, “You motherfu……!”  Mitch quickly jumps off the bike and jumps right in front of Juan, blocking Juan’s blows with his arms then throws several loud quick uppercut blows right into Juan’s face, head and throat as he quickly spins his entire body around!  Juan screams out in pain again and shouts, “Aaaaaahhh!!”  Juan’s cousin Nelson is about to attack Mitch, but Mike quickly jumps right in front of Nelson, blocking Nelson’s blows with his arms then throws several loud quick uppercut blows right into Nelson’s face, head and throat as he quickly spins his entire body around!  Nelson screams out in pain and shouts, “Aaaaaahhh!!”

Several security guards come and grab Mike and Mitch, pulling Mike and Mitch by their upper arms away from Juan and Nelson.  The security guards continue to hold on Mike and Mitch by their upper arms as one of them shouts to them, “What the hell is going on with y’all man, what the hell is going on!”  Mike and Mitch look up at the security guards not having anything to say.  Juan and Nelson hold their faces and throats in pain as the crowd shockingly look on.


Inside the organization office, Mary, Margarita, Barry, Tomas and Tonio are talking with some Tournament promoters.   Crystal, Evette and Monique hysterically come into the office as Crystal shouts, “Excuse us everyone!”  Everyone in the room puzzled looks at Crystal, Evette and Monique.

“What’s the matter Crystal?” Margarita asks.

“We’re sorry for interrupting, but Mike and Mitch practically got into a fight with two of the other kids!”

“What!” Margarita and the rest of her family shout.

“No kidding!” Tomas says.

“Which two other kids Crystal?” Margarita asks.

“Who did Mike and Mitch have a fight with now?!” Barry asks.  “What happened?!”

“The security called downstairs and said that Mike or Mitch had elbowed Juan right in the jaw!” Crystal says.

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Mike or Mitch had elbowed Juan right in the jaw?!” Barry shouts.

“What do they mean Mike or Mitch elbowed Juan right in the jaw,” Mary asks.  “What happened?!”

“Well the security said some female fans that were on the stands were calling out to Mike and Mitch yelling lovey duvey comments that they love Mike and Mitch, that they’re so fine and everything and yelling to them they got hot bodies and that they want to massage them!” Crystal says.  “Then security said Juan made a comment to Mike and Mitch that Mike and Mitch didn’t like so Mike and Mitch got upset, that’s when one of them raised his elbow and banged his elbow right into Juan’s jaw!”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Yeah!” Crystal says.  “And when Juan tried to go after that twin, that’s when the other twin jumped right in front of Juan blocking him and threw several loud blows right into Juan’s face, head and throat!”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout.

“Yeah!  And when Juan’s cousin Nelson tried to go after that twin, that’s when the other twin jumped right in front of Nelson blocking him and threw several loud blows right into Nelson’s face, head and throat too!”

“What!” Diane D’s family shout again.

“That’s when security grabbed Mike and Mitch away from Juan and Nelson!  Then the security called the nurse and medical unit then they called here.  The security guards are holding Mike and Mitch.  They said when they asked Mike and Mitch why they hit Juan in the first place, the security said Mike and Mitch told them that they’re not gonna tolerate anybody making jokes like that at their expense!”

“They told security they’re not gonna tolerate anybody making jokes like that at their expense?!” Mary asks.

“That’s what the security said.”

“Oh my goodness!” Margarita shouts.  “We gotta get those boys everybody!”  Margarita turns to the Tournament promoters and says, “I’m sorry, we’re gonna have to postpone this meeting until later.”

“Okay Miss Margarita,” one of the promoters say.  “We understand.”

“Thanks.” Margarita turns to her family and shouts, “Let’s go everybody!”  Mary hurries towards the doorway as Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Tonio and the promoters hysterically hurry towards the door after her!  Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Tonio and the promoters head out the door into the hallway as Crystal, Bonnie and Rosa hysterically follow after them!


In the organization hallway, Mary, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Tonio and the promoters hysterically hurry down the hallway as Crystal, Evette and Monique hysterically follow after them.  Mary takes out her cell phone and dials a number.  She puts the cell phone to her ear.  She then speaks into the cell phone and says, “Hola Nicolas?”

“Si, Mama?” Nicolas says on the other end of the phone.

“Mike y Mitch tuvo una pelea con dos de los otros ninos!”

“Yo se que Mama, oi hablar de ello!  Me entere de que Mike golpearon a Juan en la mandibula con el codo y Mitch entro en la lucha!”

“Si, tenemos que conseguir Mike y Mitch!  Estas cerca de la cancha de baloncesto?”

“No Mama, yo soy una milla de distancia de ella, pero puede llegar a ella rapidamente!”

“Esta bien!  Donde estan Diane, Mickey, Michael y tu tia Marilyn?!”

“Creo que Mickey, Michael y la tia Marilyn estan en algun lugar alrededor del area del parque, no estoy seguro de donde!”

“Donde esta Diane?”

“Diane esta dando una clase de salud y fitness para las muchachas jovenes.”

“Tenemos que llamar Diane!  Quiero que todos ustedes de entrar Mike y Mitch!  Nos vemos en la cancha de baloncesto porque Mike y Mitch estan fuera del juego!”

“Usted les esta quitando?”

“Eso es correcto!  Te vere en el parque!”  Mary gets off her cell phone and closes it up as she, Barry, Margarita, Tomas, Tonio and the promoters hurry down the hallway as several staff members follow after them.


Back at the dance studio, Diane D is looking at a computer screen as she sits behind the desk.  She looks at an image of Jonathan again posing on his web page.  Diane D smiles at the picture of Jonathan.  She clicks the mouse and goes to another picture of Jonathan posing.  Diane D smiles at that picture also.  She clicks the mouse and goes to a third picture of Jonathan posing.  Diane D smiles at that picture too.  She clicks the mouse and goes to another picture of Jonathan.  Diane D smiles at that pictures of Jonathan. She clicks the mouse and goes to more pictures of Jonathan posing and smiling, this time, with his girlfriend Candis again.  Diane D frowns at Candis again.  She angrily stares at Candis.  Diane D clicks the mouse again and goes to another picture of Jonathan smiling and posing with Candis again.  Diane D continues to frown at Candis.  She clicks the mouse again and goes to another picture of Jonathan and Candis kissing each other on the lips.  Diane D angrily stares at Candis.

“Diane D?” a young girl’s voice says. “Diane D?” 

Diane D quickly shuts off the computer screen.  She looks up over the computer monitor and sees Tisha standing there.  She becomes frustrated and says, “What is it Tisha?”

“You have a phone call in the office.  I think it’s one of your family members.”

“One of my family members?  Okay thanks Tisha.”  Diane D turns off the computer as Tisha turns and leaves the room.  Diane D gets up off the chair.  She walks away from the desk and heads towards the door.


At the park, Nicolas is walking down the path as some staff members follow behind him.

“Nicolas!” a woman’s voice shouts.  “Nicolas!”  Nicolas and the staff members stop.  They turn their heads to look.  They see Marilyn, Mickey and Michael coming from the distance.

“Hey Aunt Marilyn,” Nicolas says.

“Hey Nicolas,” Marilyn says.  Marilyn, Mickey and Michael hurry towards Nicolas and the staff members.  They approach Nicolas and the staff members as Marilyn says, “So what’s going on Nicolas?  Your Mom just called us about Mike and Mitch getting into another fight with two of the other kids!”

“Yeah Mike and Mitch got into a fight with Juan and his cousin Nelson!  We gotta get Mike and Mitch and take them out the game!  Mom, Grandma and everybody else are gonna meet us over here!  Michael is Diane on her way?”

“She should be,” Michael says.  “She was in the middle of instructing the Health And Fitness class when we called her and spoke to her about the fight so she had to stop teaching the class.”


“Come on,” Marilyn says.  “Let’s get those boys.”  Marilyn, Nicolas, Michael and everybody else turn and head down the path.


Back at the dance studio, Diane D quickly puts on her light short jacket.  Five of the regular and plus size pre-teen girls stand aside looking on.  A few fitness instructors approach Diane D as Cassey one of the instructors says, “You’re leaving Diane?  We heard Mike and Mitch got into a fight with two other boys at the Basket Ball Tournament and you and your family have to go get them and pull them out the game.”

“We do,” Diane D says, “so Ethan’s got to give me a quick ride to the Basket Ball Tournament because Michael got the car.”

“Okay.  So are you coming back here afterwards?”

“I don’t know.  I have to find out what’s going on at the Basket Ball Tournament once I get there.  Don’t worry.  I’ll try my best to come right back here to finish teaching the Health And Fitness class after I find out what’s going on at the Basket Ball Tournament.”


“That’s good you’re going to try to come back Diane,” Vonzell a black male instructor says, “but what if your family doesn’t show up at the Basket Ball Tournament by the time you get there?”

“Then I’ll just wait for them to show up that’s all,” Diane D says.

“Yeah Diane but your parents and grandparents are at a meeting with some promoters, and that meeting is kind of far away from the Basket Ball Tournament.  What if they take too long to show up at the Basket Ball Tournament?”

“Then I’ll just wait for my other family members to show up.”

“But what if your other family members take too long to show up at the Basket Ball Tournament Diane D?  What if….”

“What if, what if, what if …. what’s up with all the ‘what if’s’ Vonzell?”

“I’m just curious to know, what if all of your family members take too long to show up at the Basket Ball Tournament, what are you going to do with Mike and Mitch?”

“I guess I’m just gonna have to bring them back here with me.”


“Bring them here?” Cassey says.

“Yeah,” Diane D says, “if my family members take too long to show up.”

“Really?  You’re gonna bring Mike and Mitch here?!”
