DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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“I would really love to take you Diane!  I really would!”

“So what is your answer, is it yes or no?!”

“I would really love to take the risk, but…”

“What is your answer?!  Is it yes, or is it no?!”

“I…. I….!”

“Yes, or no?!”


Diane D turns away, holding her hand in the air and points her finger forward and shouts, “Moving on!”  Diane D walks away as the Dianettes turn and follow her.

“But Diane!” Deacon shouts.  Diane D continues to walk away with the Dianettes as Deacon and the rest of the fellows look on at them. 

Deacon and the fellows see Diane D and the Dianettes turn and disappear around the corner.  Deacon turns to the fellows and says, “You know guys?  Maybe I should go with Diane.  Maybe I should offer to be her date for that school dance.”

“What?” Omar says.  “You’re going to offer to be Diane’s date for that school dance?”


“Deacon are you crazy?  You’re married!  What if your wife finds out?  You can’t be Diane’s date for that school dance and expect your wife not to find out, Diane is too well known.  That’s why I didn’t offer to be her date for that school dance.  If she wasn’t too well known believe me, I would have jumped at the chance to be her date because she is hot!”

“Man she sure is,” Evan says, “she is gorgeous!  That’s why I didn’t offer to be her date right away either because she‘s too well known and it might get back to my girlfriend.”

“I’m worried that it might get back to my wife too,” Deacon says, “that’s why I hesitated to answer her at first, but I think I‘ll take the chance.”

“You’re willing to take the chance?” Omar says.

“Hell yeah!  If I can get the opportunity to date a hot chick like Diane, I’m gonna go for it!  Since I’m married, I might not ever get another chance to date Diane.  I don’t know about you guys, but I have always fantasized about making love to Diane D.”

“You too?” Jose says.  “I have always fantasized about making love to Diane too?“

“Yeah me too because Diane is one sexy chick,” Carmelo says.

“She sure is man, she is fine!  I fantasize about making love to Diane all the time.”

“I have to admit it, I do too,” Omar says. 

“Man all this talk about making love to Diane is making me anxious,” Deacon says.  “I’m gonna go find her and tell her that I’ll be her date for that school dance.  I’m sure it’s only for a couple or few hours.”

“And after those couple of hours are over, you’re gonna work your way into trying to make love to Diane D, aren’t you?”

“I won’t say no, but we’ll see what happens.  After it is all over, we’ll go our separate ways.”

“But what if people start taking pictures of Diane D with her date and your wife somehow see those pictures?” Jose asks.

“I don’t know.  I guess I’ll have to tell people not to photograph me.  Well, I’m going to go look for Diane and tell her I’ll be her date before she finds someone else to be her date.”

“Okay,” Omar says.  “Well good luck Deacon.  I just hope your wife won’t find out about this.”

“And she won’t find out about this as long as you guys don’t tell her.”  Deacon grabs his belongs.  He turns to the fellows and says, “See you guys later.”

“Okay Deacon.”

Deacon turns and hurries away as the rest of the guys look on.


Diane D and the Dianettes are walking down a large corridor chit-chatting.  “Excuse me Diane!” a woman’s voice shouts.  Diane D and the Dianettes stop and turn around.  They see a medium built black woman in her late 20’s with a very short hair cut wearing a cap, a short jacket and pants at the opposite end of the hallway, standing in the entrance doorway.

“That’s Katy,” Miranda says.

“What does she want?” Bernice says.. 

“She wants Diane,” says Charlotte.  “If you know what I mean.”  The rest of the Dianettes laugh a little.

“Alright now girls let’s not go there, okay?” Diane D says.  The Dianettes quickly stop laughing.  Diane D then says, “Let me find out what Katy wants.”  Diane D turns to Katy and shouts, “What is it Katy?!”

“Could you come over here for a minute?!” Katy shouts.  “I want to talk to you!”

“Okay!”  Diane D turns to the Dianettes and says, “I’ll be right back girls.  Stay here.”  Diane D turns and walks away as the Dianettes look on.


At the opposite end of the corridor, Katy comes into the hallway and walks towards Diane D.  Diane D approaches Katy and they both stop as Diane D says, “Hey Katy.  What’s up?”

“Diane, I saw you outside going around asking all these men to be your date for that school dance,” Katy says.  “Diane, I don’t know how to say this but, I just want to tell you that, if you’re still looking for someone to be your date for that school dance, I can be your date for that school dance, if you don‘t mind.”


“Yeah me.  I’m available, I’m not seeing anyone right now, so we don’t have to worry about anyone getting hurt.  So what do you say?  Can I be your date for that school dance?”

“I’m sorry Katy, no offense, but, I prefer a man to be my date for the school dance.”

“Diane you might prefer a man to be your date, but all the men are turning you down.  They have wives or girlfriends.  I don’t have anybody.”

“That’s not the point Katy, you’re still a woman.  I don’t want a woman to be my date for the school dance, I prefer a man to be my date.”

“But Diane, I might be a woman on the outside, but I’m all man on the inside.  I was just born into the wrong gender.”

“Oh I understand all of that Katy and believe me, I‘m not knocking you for that, but I still prefer someone who is born a man to be my date.  Sorry Katy that’s just the way I feel.  Now you have a right to your feelings and preferences, and I have a right to mine.  You understand don’t you?”

“Yeah I guess so.  But I just want to say one thing to you Diane while I got the chance.”

“Oh yeah?  Well what is it?”

“I just want to tell you that, I have a crush on you.”

“You, have a crush on me?”

“Yes Diane I do.  I think you’re very gorgeous and attractive.  I was always secretly attracted to you.”

“You were?”


“Wow.   I’m very flattered by that Katy.”

“You are?”

“Yes I am.”

“So you’re not upset about me being attracted to you?”

“Why should I be?  People can’t help who they’re attracted to.”

“Oh so you understand then?”

“Of course I do.”

“Oh that’s good.  Because I heard that there are other women out there who have admitted to a few people, that they’re secretly attracted to you also.”

“What?  Other women have admitted that they’re secretly attracted to me?”

“Yeah.  And other women have admitted that they secretly have a girl crush on you.”

“Other women have admitted that they secretly have a girl crush on me?”

“Yeah, but they just never came out and told you about it.”

“No they haven’t.  Well who are these women anyway?”

“I can’t tell you who they are Diane.  They’re kind of embarrassed and shy about it and they‘re afraid of resentment.”


“Yeah. They’re afraid of rejection too.”


“Yeah.  So how do you feel about other women being secretly attracted to you or having secret girl crushes on you Diane?”

“Well, I guess I’m flattered by that too.”

“You are?”


“So you’re not upset about that either?”

“Like I said Katy, people cannot help who they’re attracted to.”

“Wow Diane.  You seem to be so understanding about other women being attracted to you, and since you’re so understanding about it, what do you say?  Do you think there will ever be a chance of you and I going out together or maybe even hooking up with each other someday?”

“Sorry Katy, my answer is no.”

“It is?”


“Is it because of your husband?”

“No it has nothing to do with my husband at all Katy.  I just don‘t date other women, that‘s it.”

“Wow Diane, I guess this is what those other women were afraid of, being rejected by you, just like you just rejected me.”

“And those other women are right Katy, I will reject them, but thanks for the offer to be my date for the school dance, I appreciate it.  And thanks for the compliment you gave me earlier.  I gotta go now.  See you later.”

“Okay Diane.”

Diane D turns and walks away as Katy sadly stares at her.  Katy then turns and walks the other way.


A few minutes later, Diane D comes down the front steps of the church with the Dianettes.  Nancy, Kelly and Bernice stop at the bottom of the stairs as Miranda and Charlotte stop on the last stoop.  Diane D and Lonna stop on the second to the last stoop standing over the rest of the Dianettes as Lonna turns to Diane D and says, “So Katy really offered to be your date for that school dance?”

“Yeah,” Diane D says.

“What you tell her?”

“I was honest with her and told her that I prefer a man to be my date, that’s all.”

“What she say to that?” Kelly asks.

“She didn’t say much.  It’s nothing she can say.”  Diane D shrugs her shoulders then hears talking and laughter coming from the street.  She turns her head towards the street.  She sees two women and a slim flamboyant black guy around his mid twenties wearing a woman’s short wig walking by talking and laughing as the black guy switches in his walk.  “Speaking of a man, there goes Timothy,” Diane D says.  “Maybe he can be my date for that school dance.”  The Dianettes turn their heads and look at Timothy.  They see Timothy and the two women stop and stand several yards away as they continue to talk and laugh. 

The Dianettes turn their heads back around towards Diane D as Miranda says, “Timothy Hutton?  Diane you know Timothy Hutton’s not into women, you know that right?”

“I don’t want to sleep with the guy or marry him Miranda,” Diane D says.

“We sure hope not.”

“Yeah we don’t need history repeating itself,” Nancy says.

“What do you mean?” asks Diane D.

“We don’t want you sleeping with or trying to marry anybody else but Michael.”

“Yeah we got to keep our eye on you Diane,” Kelly says.

“Yeah Diane we can’t let you out of our sight,” Bernice says.  “You might go astray and sleep with another man again like you did with Jonathan.”

“I’m not going to go astray and sleep with another man again Bernice,” Diane D says, “so let’s not even go there, alright?   I’m not looking for a man to sleep with.  I just need a date so we can perform at this school’s dance.  Is it alright if I just borrow a man for a couple of hours?”

“A couple of hours is all it takes to get down and dirty,” Charlotte says.  The rest of the Dianettes laugh as Charlotte faces them, cheering them on.

Diane D places her hand on her hip and annoyingly looks at Charlotte.  The rest of the Dianettes see Diane D not laughing then quickly stop laughing.  Charlotte turns her head and looks at Diane D as Diane D says, “Are you finished?”  Charlotte smiles at Diane D as she shrugs her shoulders.  Diane D turns her head to the rest of the Dianettes and says,  “Come on girls, if I was going to go astray and sleep with another man again, it certainly wouldn’t be Timothy Hutton, he’s not my type. I just need to borrow him for the school dance and that is it.”  Diane D looks back towards Timothy.  She calls out, “Hey Timothy!” 


Timothy and the two women turn and look towards Diane D.  Timothy then shouts in a high pitched voice, “Hey what’s up Diane?!”


Diane D walks down the last two steps with one thumb in her back pocket and waves for him to come to her shouting, “Let me talk to you for a minute!”


“Sure!”  Timothy walks and switches towards Diane D as Diane D walks towards him.   Diane D and Timothy approach each other and stop as Timothy says, “Diane D!  Hey girl what’s up?  How are you?”

“I’m doing just great Timothy,” Diane D says.  “I’m doing just great.  Listen Timothy, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Oh sure Diane D, you can talk to me about anything girl.  So what’s up?”

“Come this way.”


Diane D turns towards the Dianettes and says, “I’ll be right back girls.”  Diane D turns and walks away as Timothy follows off after her switching.  The Dianettes and Timothy’s two female companions look on as Timothy walks off after Diane D.


Later that day, Alex is walking through the church hallway.  He sees Evette.  He approaches her and says, “Hey Evette?”

Evette turns to Alex.  “What’s up Alex?” she says.

“Remember earlier when Diane was going around asking all these men to be her date for that school dance and they all turned her down?”

“Yeah I remember.”

“You know what she did?  She went and asked Timothy Hutton if he can be her date for that school dance.”

“What?  She asked Timothy Hutton to be her date?  Isn’t Timothy Hutton openly gay?”

“Yeah he sure is, but I don’t think that even mattered to Diane.  Diane is so desperate to perform at that school dance that she would ask an openly gay guy like Timothy Hutton to be her date.”

“Wow that is serious.  You know this has got to stop.  I’m going to go tell Diane that this is all some misunderstanding, that she does not need a date to perform at that school dance.”

“I‘ll come with you Evette.”  Alex and Evette turn and walk away.


Alex and Evette are walking down the church hallway.  Alex looks forward and says, “Oh there goes Timothy Hutton right there.”  He calls out, “Hey Timothy!  Timothy!”  Alex and Evette walk towards Timothy. 

Timothy smiles at them and places both hands on his hips as he says, “Hey, what’s up y’all?”

“Hi Timothy,” Alex says.  “Hey Timothy, did Diane ask you to be her date for that school dance?”

“Yeah she sure did.”

“So what you tell her?”

“I told Diane to let me see about it.  I told her that I have to call my job to check my schedule.  When I got on my cell phone to call my job, the next thing I know is that this guy name Deacon was standing in the distance calling out to Diane.  He told Diane that he’s available and he’ll be her date for that school dance.  As soon as he told her that, her eyes lit up and she just took off and ran straight to him!”

“Her eyes lit up?”

“Hell yeah!”

“And she just took off and ran straight to this guy Deacon while you were on your cell phone calling your job?” Evette asks.

“Yep, she ran off to him like a bat out of hell!  Then they both disappeared around the corner just like that!  I mean she just left me standing there like a fool!  She just left me standing there like I’m raw fish you know what I’m saying?”

“Well Timothy, Diane doesn’t need a date for that school dance.  That rule doesn’t apply to her, it was a misunderstanding.”

“A misunderstanding?”

“Yeah.  I think that rule is meant only for the members of the school, not for Diane.”

Timothy places one hand on his hip and wave the other hand in the air and says, “Well if that rule was not meant for Diane then why is she tripping?  Why is she going around asking all these men for a date to that school dance, what’s up with that, huh?  What’s up with that?”

“You don’t seem too happy about that Timothy,” Alex says.

“No I’m not.  I’m not really attracted to women, but she’s the one who called me, came to me and asked me if I could be her date for that school dance, but she never even gave me a chance to call and check my job schedule.  As soon as this guy Deacon called out to her and told her he‘ll be her date, she just took off, ran to him and disappeared with him and she never came back.  I guess I’m not man enough for her.”

“I’m sorry Diane did that to you Timothy,” Evette says.  “Do you know which way she and that guy Deacon went?”

“Oh they disappeared around the corner somewhere.  I don’t know which way they went.”

“Okay.  Thanks a lot Timothy.”  Alex and Evette turn and head down the hallway.


A few hours later, Deacon and a young medium built black woman Nadine, who is Deacon’s wife, who is pretty well dressed, are arguing and hollering with each other in the street as Nadine shouts, “How dare you try to go out on that school dance date with Diane D?  How dare you Deacon?  I’m your wife!”

“I didn’t expect you to find out about this Nadine!” Deacon shouts.  “How did you find out about this?”

“News spread all over the place Deacon!   This guy name Timothy Hutton was telling everybody, that Diane D was trying all day to find a date for some High School dance that she and the Dianettes are suppose to perform at!  He told everybody that Diane D had came to him and ask him can he be her date for this school dance, then when he tried to check his job schedule, Diane D stood him up!  He told everybody that some guy name Deacon called out to Diane D and offered to be her date for that school dance then she took off and ran to this guy Deacon, then they disappeared together!  When I heard that, I was sure hoping it was some other Deacon out there and not you!  When I found out that it was you, I was devastated!  You got a lot of nerve trying to be a date for Diane D Deacon!”

“She asked me first!”

“Oh so you just accepted it?!  Does she know that you‘re married?”

“I don’t know if she knows!”

“And you didn’t bother to tell her, did you?”

“I guess I didn’t get a chance to tell her.”

“Well it is not going to happen!  You are not going to go to that High School dance with Diane D!  Let her husband take her!”

“Diane D and her husband are not together right now Nadine!  They split up!  They’re separated right now!”

“I can see why they’re separated Deacon!   Diane D‘s a man chaser!  She likes to chase men!  It’s all over town that she swapped mates with her cousin Dana and slept with her cousin Dana’s boyfriend!  Where is Diane D at anyway?!”

“She just went inside the church to get something.”

“Well I am going to go right inside that church and have it out with her!  I’m going to confront her right now!”  Nadine angrily turns around and walks away.

“Oh no Nadine, don’t do that!  Don’t make a scene inside the church! Diane D’s family is in there!”

Nadine angrily turns around towards Deacon and shouts, “Oh her family’s in there?!  Do they know that she was going all over the place hunting men down trying to find a date for that High School dance?  Do they know that she finally found a date with a guy who’s married?!”

“I don’t know if they know!”

“Well if they don’t know, they are about to find out!”  Nadine angrily turns around and walks away.

Deacon grabs her by the arm and shouts, “Nadine no!”

Nadine angrily turns around and jerks her arm away from Deacon and shouts, “Let go of me Deacon!  Don’t touch me!”  Nadine turns back around.  A small crowd starts to gather.  Nadine storms towards the church as Deacon and the small crowd follow behind her.


Deacon and the small crowd continue to follow behind Nadine as Nadine angrily walks on the church lawn storming towards the church as Deacon shouts, “Calm down Nadine, you’re upset!  You shouldn’t confront anybody when you’re upset like this!  It’s only going to get things worst!  Nadine please!”  Nadine continues to storm towards the church as Deacon and the crowd desperately follow her.


Nadine reaches the church steps and walks up the steps as Deacon shouts. “Nadine please!” Nadine ignores Deacon as she reaches the front door.  Deacon shouts then shouts, “Come on Nadine!” Nadine opens the front door as Deacon and the crowd rush up the steps.  Nadine angrily goes inside the front door.  “Nadine!” Deacon shouts.  The front door shuts behind Nadine.

Deacon reaches the front door and quickly opens it.  He anxiously runs inside the front door and shouts, “Nadine!”  The front door shuts behind Deacon as the crowd remai