DIANE D (the Musical Drama) by Doris Miller - HTML preview

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An hour later, Dr. Stone and Dr. Kahn sit near Diane D as Diane D continues to lay on the couch with her eyes closed.  Dr. Kahn speaks to Diane D’s subconscious and asks, “Is there another spirit or personality in there using this physical body also?  If there is, we need you to come out and talk to us.  Is there another spirit or personality in there?”  Dr. Kahn and Dr. Stone stare at Diane D.

Diane D continues to lay on the couch as her eyes remain closed. 


Margarita, Mary, Barry, Michael, Tomas, Tonio and Marilyn continue to sit quietly in the back of the doctor’s office puzzled looking at Diane D.


Dr. Kahn continues to look at Diane and says, “If there is another spirit or personality using this physical body and taking over this physical body, reveal yourself.  Come out and speak to us.  Tell us who you are.”  Dr. Kahn and Dr. Stone continue to stare at Diane D.

Diane D continues to lay on the couch not responding.

Dr. Kahn then says, “If there is another spirit or personality using this body, we need you to tell us who you are.  We need you to help us help you.  Please reveal yourself to us and talk to us.”

Suddenly, Diane D starts to breathe hard.   

Dr. Kahn and Dr. Stone anxiously look at Diane D as her chest starts to rise and eyeballs seem to roll towards the top of her head underneath her closed eyelids.


Margarita, Mary, Barry, Michael, Tomas, Tonio and Marilyn anxiously look at Diane D.


Dr. Kahn and Dr. Stone anxiously look at each other, then back at Diane D.

Diane D continues to breathe hard as her eyes remain closed.  Suddenly her breathing slows down, her chest lowers back down. 

Dr. Kahn then asks, “Was that another spirit or personality trying to come out?  If so, try again.  Please come out and speak to us.”

Diane D continues to lay on the couch not responding as her eyes remain closed.


Margarita, Mary, Barry, Michael, Tomas, Tonio and Marilyn continue to anxiously look at Diane D, then sadly look towards her.












































Chapter 43


Margarita Makes Shocking Confession About Diane D



The following week, Principal Cole, Officer Martell, Jessica and Vanessa are all in the backroom of the police station standing and surrounding Margarita and Marcus as Margarita and Marcus sit on chairs facing each other with Marcus still holding his crutches.  Margarita says to them, “Well, Diane has been going to counseling.”

“We heard,” Officer Martell says.  “What happened when she went to counseling?”

“Well the doctors put her under hypnosis.”

“What?” everyone else says.

“The doctors put Diane D under hypnosis?” Jessica asks.

“Yes they did,” Margarita says.

“Well what did they find out?” Vanessa asks.

“Well while Diane was under hypnosis, she was saying to the doctor, that she remembers standing at the edge of the school hallway angrily staring at Marcus while Marcus was way down the middle of the hallway.  Then she said while she was staring down the middle of the hallway at Marcus, all of a sudden, Marcus and the entire hallway area disappeared.”

“What?” everyone says.

“Diane D said Marcus and the entire hallway area disappeared?” Principal Cole asks.

“Yes, that’s what she said,” Margarita says.  “She said she was wondering what happened to Marcus and the hallway area, wondering where did Marcus go and disappeared to and was wondering where did the hallway go and disappeared to.”

“She was wondering where did I go and disappeared to?” Marcus nervously says.  “I didn’t go anywhere!   I was still right there in the hallway!”

“Well from Diane‘s point of view, you and the hallway area disappeared.  The next thing Diane says she remembers, is finding her soul or spirit wandering the universe.”

“What?” everyone else says.

“Diane D found her soul or spirit wandering the universe?” Principal Cole asks.  “You mean out-of-body experience?”

“Yes,” Margarita says.  “Diane said she didn’t know what her soul or spirit was doing out there in the universe at that moment and did not know why her soul or spirit was out there at that time.  So from what my family and I and the doctors learned during Diane’s hypnosis, is that she does not remember attacking Marcus, she does not remember chasing him down the third floor school hallway, she does not remember Marcus throwing any objects at her, she does not remember chasing him in the stairwell, she does not remember kicking and banging the school lobby door wide open then bursting into the school lobby acting like she was about to attack Marcus while he was laying on the stretcher, she did not know or remember how she got the bruises on her body, she does not remember getting back into the van with my family and she did not know why her face was bruised and bleeding until my family and I told her about it later on.”

“See!” Marcus shouts.  “I told you all that I think Diane D’s soul or spirit was gone away from her body and wasn’t inside her body anymore!  I told y‘all that!”

“Miss Margarita,” Jessica says.  “If Diane D’s soul or spirit wasn’t inside her body and was wandering the universe during the time Marcus got attacked, then who’s the evil soul, spirit or entity that was inside her body during those vicious assaults and attacks!   Who‘s the evil soul, spirit or entity that attacked Marcus?  Were the doctors able to bring this other soul, spirit or entity out?”

“They tried to,” Margarita says.  “But didn’t succeed.”

“Do they think there is another soul or spirit taking over Diane D?”

“Yes, the doctors do think that there is a possibility, that Diane might be a victim of a Split Personality Disorder.”

“What?!” everyone else says. 

“Victim of a Split Personality Disorder?!” Vanessa says.

“The doctors think that Diane D might have Split Personality?!” Officer Martell asks.

“Yes they do,” Margarita says.

“Oh my God!” Jessica, Principal Cole and Vanessa say.

“See?” Principal Cole says.  “I was right.”

“I thought so too,” Vanessa says.

“What makes them think that Miss Margarita?” Officer Martell asks.

“Well due to Diane’s violent and vicious outbursts in the past, when she attacked those police officers and those security guards, landing some of them in the hospital,” Margarita says, “then attacking the correction officers while they were trying to put her and keep her inside the jail cell and she winds up not remembering any of that, and due to the fact that she had violent and vicious attacks on other people in the past and not remember those violent and vicious attacks, and due to the recent fact that Diane had a violent and vicious attack on Marcus on that third floor school hallway and in the school lobby while he was laying in the stretcher and she doesn’t remember any of that, and due to the fact, that she had such a caring and compassionate heart for the little boy who has leukemia when she thought he existed, the doctors think that maybe she might have two different personalities.”

“Two different personalities?” Principal Cole asks.

“Yes, in her case, the doctors think that there might be two different souls, spirits or personalities sharing the same body.”

“What?” everyone says.

“Two different souls, spirits or personalities sharing the same body?” Jessica asks.

“Yes,” Margarita says.  “One soul, spirit or personality that’s normal and the other soul, spirit or personality that’s violent and vicious.”

“One soul, spirit or personality that’s normal and the other soul, spirit or personality that’s violent and vicious?” Vanessa asks.


“Oh my God.”

“The doctors think that Diane’s normal soul, spirit or personality loves and cares about children and have a compassion for children, and they think that a violent and vicious soul, spirit or personality that comes and takes over her body would literally harm a child or anybody else, if something or someone annoys that personality and triggers that personality to come into her body and take over.”

“Wow,” Officer Martell, Principal Cole and Jessica say.

“My goodness Miss Margarita,” Principal Cole says.  “So the doctors are saying, that by Marcus confessing to Diane D that it was him and his brother who wrote that phony letter to her family about the little boy who has leukemia, telling Diane D that the little boy she came all the way to the school for never existed, having Diane D realize that she and her family had been fooled and tricked into coming to the school, having Diane D realize that she shopped around and bought toys, gifts and fruit for nothing, having Diane D realize that she and her family brought all that stuff to the school for nothing, having Diane D realize that she will never get to meet or see the little boy who has leukemia, and having Diane D realize that she and her family wasted their time and came all the way to the school for nothing, triggered the violent and vicious personality to come into Diane D’s body and take over her body?”

“I believe so,” Margarita says. 

“So in other words, Marcus himself triggered that violent, vicious personality to come into Diane D’s body and take over her body?”

“I’m afraid he did.”

“Oh no!” Marcus frighteningly says. 

“The doctors believe that when Diane’s soul or spirit got angry at Marcus and left her body, the violent and vicious soul or spirit came into her body, took over her body and wind up finishing Marcus off, doing a job on him.”

“Oh my goodness,” Principal Cole says.

“The doctors believe that when the other soul or spirit finished dealing with Marcus, that soul or spirit left Diane’s body while Diane‘s body was riding in the van with my family, that’s when Diane’s soul or spirit came back to her physical body and she wakes up finding herself in the van.”

“That’s why Diane D doesn’t remember getting back into the van with your family?”

“Yes that‘s why.”

“So the two souls or spirits would not be inside Diane D’s body at the same time?” Jessica asks.

“I don’t think so.”

“Miss Margarita,” Vanessa says.  “Are you saying that the two souls or spirits would never meet each other?”

“I don’t know.”

“Miss Margarita,” Principal Cole says.  “Do you think there is another personality taking over Diane D?”

“Me, myself, I don’t really know,” Margarita sadly says.  “I don’t know anything about any other soul, spirit, evil personality or any evil entity during the time Marcus was attacked.  The main thing my family and I know, is that whenever Diane gets into these violent outbursts and gets out of control, she hardly ever remembers any of them and thinks my family and I are lying about her violent outbursts and vicious attacks when we tell her about them.”

“So she doesn’t remember any of her violent and vicious outbursts at all?”

“Around eighty or ninety percent of the time, she does not remember them.  Then whenever somebody shows her a video of her violent and vicious rages, she claims that it‘s not her in the video.”

“What?” everyone says.

“She will claim that it’s not her in the video, even though she’s looking right at herself?” Officer Martell asks.

“Yes,” Margarita says.  “Even though she’s looking right at herself, she will still claim it’s not her in the video, because she says she doesn‘t do stuff like that.”

“Wow.  I’m so sorry what your family is going through with Diane D Miss Margarita.”

“So am I,” Principal Cole says.  “Miss Margarita, if Diane D doesn’t remember getting back into the van with your family that night and her soul or spirit wasn’t back inside her body until your family was already driving away from the school, then that means this other spirit or personality got into the van with your family!”

“I guess it did,” Margarita says.

“Wow,” everyone else says.

“Miss Margarita,” Principal Cole says.  “How was this other spirit or personality behaving, when it got inside the van with your family?  Did your family say how Diane D was behaving when she got back in the van with them?”

“Yeah,” Margarita says.  “My family said that Diane was so full of anger when she got back into the van with them!  They said she opened and banged the front passenger door, got into the van with such an angry attitude, then slammed the front passenger door and pound her fist hard into the dashboard and wind up bashing it in!”

“Yeah we heard about that part.”

“After she bashed the dashboard in, she bashed the windshield!”

“What?” everyone says.

“She bashed the windshield too?!” Officer Martell asks.


“Wow,” everyone says.

“Does she remember doing that part?” Principal Cole asks.

“No, she doesn’t remember bashing the windshield either!” Margarita says.  “My family said they told Diane to calm down!”

“They told her to calm down?  They had no idea that another personality had taken over her body at that moment?”

“No I guess not.”


“Two days later, my family told Diane about her behavior in the van that night and she has no memory of it.”

“She has no memory of her behavior at all while she was getting back in the van with your family?”

“She has no memory of getting back into the van period.  She said after her soul or spirit was wandering the universe, her physical body was already inside the van when her soul or spirit was approaching back to it.  Therefore, she has no memory of getting back in the van at all.”

“Wow that is so strange,” Officer Martell says.

“It’s very strange,” Principal Cole says. 

“Miss Margarita,” Marcus says.  “If Diane D remembers standing at the edge of the school hallway angrily staring at me while I was still way down the middle of the hallway then saw that I and the entire hallway area disappeared, then finds her soul or spirit wandering the universe, that means her soul or spirit was actually the one that disappeared and left her body, right?”


“If her soul or spirit left her body while I was still way down the middle of the hallway, that means by the time I started to come towards the edge of the hallway where she was, to get back to Principal Cole’s office, her soul or spirit was already gone!  If her soul or spirit was already gone by the time I got close to her and she was giving me that angry stare like she wanted to kill me, that means it was that evil vicious entity or personality staring at me as I was coming towards the corner of the hallway!  That means it was that evil vicious entity or personality who kept blocking my path when I was trying to get back to Principal Cole’s office!  That means it was that evil vicious entity or personality who kung-fu kicked me breaking my arm and wrist, attacking me, drop kicking me down the hallway, breaking my ribs, kung fu kicking my cell phone right out of my hands, refusing to let me get my cell phone, kicking and banging the stairwell door, chasing me down the stairwell, kicking and banging the school lobby door wide open, bursting into the school lobby acting like it was about to attack me while I was laying in the stretcher!  That means it was that evil vicious entity or personality who got back into the van with your family, riding in the van with your family, that’s when that evil vicious entity or personality left Diane D’s body and Diane D’s soul or spirit came back and got back into her physical body, then Diane D wakes up back inside her physical body finding herself back in the van riding with your family!  So since Diane D‘s soul or spirit was wandering the universe and wasn‘t around, that means it was that violent and vicious soul, spirit or personality doing all that stuff to me!”  Marcus starts to cry uncontrollably.

“Marcus, the doctors do say, that it seems like the violent and vicious soul, spirit or personality might be protective of Diane.”

“What?” everyone else says. 

“The doctors say that it seems like the violent and vicious soul, spirit or personality might be protective of Diane D?” Officer Martell asks.  “What do they mean?”

“Well the doctors say that it seems like whenever Diane gets upset, annoyed or angry about something or someone, the violent and vicious soul, spirit or personality would come into her body, push her soul or spirit out of her body and take over her body and wind up becoming violent and vicious towards whatever or whoever made Diane upset,” Margarita says.

“That‘s what the doctors say it seems like?”

“Yes, so the doctors think that when Diane realized Marcus and his brother tricked her into coming to his school then she winds up getting shocked, hurt and angry by it, the violent and vicious soul, spirit or personality, didn’t like it!   So that‘s when the violent and vicious soul, spirit or personality came to Diane’s body while she was standing in the corner of that school hallway, took her soul or spirit out of her body without her control and put her soul or spirit out into the universe for the time being, came into her physical body and took over her physical body in the school hallway, gave Marcus an angry stare like it wanted to kill Marcus, then took care of Marcus by harming and attacking him, refusing to let him go and probably would have done more harm and damage to Marcus, if Marcus hadn‘t escape into the stairwell!”

“Wow,” everyone else says.

“My goodness Miss Margarita!” Jessica shouts. “If this violent and vicious soul, spirit or personality would have done more harm and damage to Marcus like maybe even kill him, how would Diane D’s soul, spirit or personality feel about it?!”

“Most likely Diane’s soul, spirit or personality wouldn’t remember killing Marcus, if that would have happened, just like her soul, spirit or personality doesn’t remember attacking Marcus at all!  So if Diane doesn’t remember attacking Marcus at all, most likely, she’s not going to remember killing him either, if that would have happened.”

“My God!  Miss Margarita, are the doctors planning to hypnotize Diane D again?”

“Yes, they’re gonna try again to see if they can bring this other personality out of her, to find out why this other personality attacked Marcus.”

“Well if those doctors do hypnotize Diane D again, they need to step up their game and try harder to bring this other personality out of her!  They probably didn’t succeed in bringing this other personality out of Diane D the first time because, maybe they didn’t try hard enough!”

“Those doctors did try hard enough to bring the other personality out of Diane Miss Whitley, my family and I were there!  Now if you think, you can do a better job than those doctors, to try and bring this other personality out of Diane yourself, then go right ahead, I will not try to stop you!  Maybe you just might succeed in bringing this other personality out of Diane!  After all, Marcus already succeeded in bringing this other personality out of Diane!  He met that other personality face to face!  And the meeting between Marcus and that other personality wasn’t a good one.  That was a bad experience for Marcus!  That other personality had no problem in harming him at all!  You want to try next and meet this other personality face to face?!  If you want to meet this other personality face to face, it’s simple!  All you have to do, is go right up to Diane and try to shock, hurt or upset her, the same way your son did and you might just trigger that other personality to come out of her.   Now if you do succeed in triggering this other personality out of Diane so you can confront that personality and challenge it by asking it ‘why did it beat the crap out of your son‘, I wouldn‘t want to be around when that happens.”

Jessica frighteningly looks at Margarita.  She then says, “I’m sorry Miss Margarita, I didn’t mean to say that about the doctors.”  She then cries, “It’s just that I want to get to the bottom of this whole thing and find out, why that other personality attacked and injured my child, that’s all.”

“I just told you all why the doctors think, that the other personality attacked Marcus.  They think that the other personality didn’t like the fact, that Marcus had shocked, hurt and upset Diane and wanted to attack him for it.”

Everyone frighteningly stares at Margarita.

Margarita then says, “That’s why the doctors want Diane committed to a state hospital for a while.”

“What!” everyone says. 

“The doctors want Diane D committed to a state hospital?!” Principal Cole asks.