Danger At The Beach by Sandi Circle - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


After a couple weeks of preparation and planning the team was getting under way. Immunizations received, passports delivered, job notices given, they were ready to leave. Luke had flown down immediately after the banquet to get started making contacts and to get accommodations ready for all of them.

Sophia was excited, because after days of talking to Ava about the trip Ava approached Luke about being the fourth member of the team. Ava really had no ties to The Daily Times and this was an opportunity she did not want to miss.

Luke jumped at the chance to have her help. Luke was one of the few people that knew who her father was, and those connections might come in handy at some point in the future. Plus she was a damn fine editor. Also, Ava and Sophia got along well together, so it was a good fit.

The three of them, Sophia, Ava and David were buckled in the plane awaiting take-off. Soon they would meet up with Luke and go over all of the evidence collected so far about the disappearances. They were to land on an air strip not far from the resort and get settled in before they all met for dinner. Everyone was excited with anticipation for the upcoming adventure.

They all hoped they could help to solve this mystery and get the missing girls home safe. There was also dread concerning the possibility that the girls were injured or already dead, but they tried not to think about that right now. They just tried to focus on getting there in one piece and getting started.

The group landed at the air strip tired and hungry and ready to relax at the resort. Luke drove over to pick them up in one of the two GMC SUV’s he rented for them to use while on the Island. They rolled down the windows and soaked in the warm tropical breezes and the fragrant smell of palm trees. They heard beach music playing while they were stopped at a traffic light and could feel the vibe of the island already.

“The Palace in Paradise is right up here on the left,” Luke told them. “My Uncle runs it, so we’ll be staying there and using it as our headquarters while we’re here. He has a conference room all set up for us that we can use for organizing evidence and regrouping.”

We pulled into a huge circular drive way and in front of us stood a majestic building grand enough for a queen. Its sprawling design stood at least fifteen stories tall and over looked the most breathtaking island they had ever seen. The building gleamed all shiny and sparkled in the bright sunlight. There were multiple swimming pools dotting the landscape and all around the resort was a pristine beach with beautiful powdered white sand.  Sophia was overjoyed beyond words. She could not wait to explore every inch of this island.

Luke took them in to the front desk where they checked into their rooms. He showed them where the conference room was and said “Let’s meet back here at five o’clock then we’ll go to dinner, OK?” They all answered “Fine,” very tired from the trip and ready to relax.

As they all briefly looked around the conference room they saw multiple computers, printers and phones. There was a large board with pins to hang paperwork and a dry erase board. They had a few desks to use and also maps hanging on the walls along with a stocked refrigerator and a couch with lounge chairs. Just outside the sliding glass doors was a small private pool for relaxing. They were serious about this investigation. Someone pulled out all the stops to make sure they had everything they needed to find out what is going on with these girls.

“Pretty nice, huh?” asked Luke.

“Oh yeah, this is awesome,” David replied.

“You guys go get some rest, unpack and shower and I’ll meet you back here soon,” Luke said as he pulled Sophia by the hand over to the side. “Let me walk you to your room, OK?”

“OK, sounds good,” said Sophia.

They reached their rooms on the tenth floor. They were spacious and comfortable and very clean. They each had their own room with a balcony.

“Here’s yours, Sophia,” Luke stated as he entered the room and told the others good-bye.

“See you guys at dinner,” said Sophia as she closed the door and the others mumbled their good byes.

Sophia walked over to the sliding glass door and went out onto the balcony. With the sun hitting her she grabbed the rail, closed her eyes, tipped her head back and inhaled deeply letting the light breeze hit her face. Oh yes, this was heaven. Luke walked to the door and just stood watching her with a grin on his face and pride in his heart. He was glad she was here. Sophia opened her eyes and looked down at the beach and glanced out into the water. She gasped! Sophia could see vast reefs with every shade of blue you could imagine. She could envision the coral teeming with colorful tropical fish. She smiled turning around hearing Luke behind her.  She leaned back slowly against the rail, eyes on Luke, and finally exhaled. Sophia was in heaven. She had finally reached her happy place.

“This place is amazing,” Sophia said to Luke.

“Yes, it is paradise,” he chuckled. Getting the joke, she laughed too.

“So, did you have a good trip?” asked Luke while they were heading back inside the room.

“Yep, all in one piece and ready for a nap,” stated Sophia while trying to stay professional. She had been thinking a lot about how she was going to work with Luke after what they shared in the limo. She told herself that she could be professional if she had to, when all she wanted to do was jump straight into his arms.

“OK,” replied Luke. “I’ll let you rest. Call me if you need anything,” as he squeezed her hand in farewell. Sophia felt like screaming but just said “OK, Bye.” Looking dejected Luke left the room.

Sophia threw herself down on the sofa and blew out a long breath. “How am I going to do this?” she thought. If only he wasn’t so damn sexy.

Sophia got up and unpacked her suitcase into the drawers. She didn’t have much since she was going to buy most of what she needed here. There was no timetable given for this investigation, so no one knew how long they would be here. She took a long hot shower and curled up on the sofa for a little nap after setting the alarm on her phone. She had a dream about the beach…