Danger At The Beach by Sandi Circle - HTML preview

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Chapter 18


Luke walked around the maintenance building looking for a vending machine with no luck. He saw some guys getting into a maintenance truck, so he walked over to speak to them.

“Hey there!” he called.

“Hi,” they said.

“You guys work out of this building here?” Luke asked.

“Yah, the office is around back,” the one man replied.

“OK, great, thanks,” Luke said as he started to walk around the building. “Hey wait a minute. Do either of you know these two guys?”

They looked at both pictures that Luke held out and neither one knew the guys in the photo.

“OK, thanks again,” Luke said to both of them and proceeded to look for the office. The building wasn’t very big, but one side of it had an overhead garage door that was closed. He went around the corner and there was door that had an office sign on it. Luke went in.

The office was not very tidy and smelled of motor oil and fertilizer. He stood there for a few minutes wondering what he should do when an older man in coveralls walked in wiping his hands on a shop towel.

“Hi there, just heard the door,” he stated. “I was out there working on a lawn mower. How can I help you?”

“Hi. My name is Luke. I’m on the team working on the investigation concerning the women that went missing. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.”

“Sure thing! I’m Buddy,” He said reaching out to shake Luke’s hand then bringing it back quickly because of the oil on it. “Nice to meet ya. Sorry business about those girls. Lock up your daughters, if you know what I mean,” he said flippantly. “What you wanna know?”

Luke pulled out the picture of the wrappers. “I understand you have a vending machine in here that carries these granola bars. Is that true?”

“Yah, right over there. The guys take ‘em in their trucks,” he answered.

“Are resort guests allowed in here to buy them?” Luke asked.

“Naw, just us. The security guys come over one in a while to get some too. There a little too uppity if you ask me though. I don’t like ‘em in here. Told ‘em so too,” he said peeved.

“Can I look at the machine?” asked Luke.

“Sure, help yourself,” he said. “Mind if I work while you’re looking?”

“No, go ahead,” Luke answered while going towards the machine. He saw the rows of granola bars with the exact wrapper and took a couple pictures of it.

“Can I ask why you don’t like the security people?” questioned Luke.

“Sure, they just act all high-classed and big-headed. No particular reason I guess. They just act all snooty. Comin’ over here actin’ like their somethin’ special,” Buddy said confidently.

“Would you mind taking a look at these men and tell me if you’ve seen them around here?” Luke asked.

“Yah, that’s two of ‘em,” Buddy said dismissing the photos.

“Two of what?” Luke asked.

“Them two know-it-alls coming in here all conceited, dressed fancy and everythin,” he replied.

“Do you know their names?” Luke probed.

“No, but they work over there in that fancy security building” Buddy answered pointing to the big building across the road. “People driving in and out with all those fancy cars all the time. If you ask me I don’t know why we needed such a swanky building for a bunch of nerdy computer geeks and brain dead rent-a-cops. But, that’s none of my business, I guess”

“Now that is a good question, Buddy.” Then Luke asked just to clarify. “So these two men are security workers?”

“I would imagine. Seen ‘em both around here for about six months or so,” he replied.

“Thanks Buddy. I appreciate your help,” Luke said patting him on the back while walking towards the door.

“No problem, come back and visit anytime,” Buddy replied getting back to his lawn mower.

Luke walked across the street to the security building. It was a stark contrast to the maintenance facility. The double doors opened into a very regal reception area of mahogany and silver accents. There were potted plants by each window and it smelled of tropical island flowers. There were several seating areas dividing up the large space and straight ahead was a long wall to wall desk. Seated at the desk was an exotic black haired woman with darker skin of an island native. She sat up a little straighter when Luke walked in and smiled.

“How may I help you sir?” she said forcing her smile.

“Hi, my name is Luke. What’s yours?”

I’m Camilla,” she replied.

“Hi, Camilla, nice to meet you,” has said as he offered her his hand and she shook it daintily.

He took out the two photos and said “I’m looking for these two men. Do you know them? They work here.”

“Sorry, I’m afraid not,” she answered. “I’ve only been here a week and the employees use the back entrance, so I never see them.”

“Do you know if they have a computer log of the employees that you could look them up for me?” he asked.

“There might be, but I don’t even know how to log into this thing,” Camilla said shyly. “To be honest I’m just supposed to sit here and say hi to anyone who comes in.”

“Well that’s an easy job” Luke smiled at her. “How’d you get that position?”

“I was actually working on the mainland as a waitress and was offered this job,” she answered proudly.

“Good for you Camilla, I wish you all the luck” Luke told her. “Thank you very much for answering my questions. I do appreciate it.”

“No problem,” she replied. “You have a nice day.”

Luke walked out the front entrance and went in search of Max…