Danger At The Beach by Sandi Circle - HTML preview

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Chapter 23


Luke called Laura at the police station and brought her up to speed on everything the team had found so far and she rushed right over. She brought a couple colleagues with her and they had listening devices and other computer equipment to set up.

After much argument and discussion, it was decided that Sophia would be the woman to go with Hemi. Luke did not like the plan, but did agree she was more than capable of the assignment. The mission was to confirm any evidence of the four missing women on that boat and to find out when the next party was to be held.

Hemi and Sophia would both be wearing ear pieces that either one could communicate with.  They would also have a small buttonhole camera attached to their uniforms to get the layout of the boat and images of the people aboard.

Shortly before eight that evening all the food was loaded in the boat and Hemi and Sophia were both dressed in kitchen uniforms. Luke walked them down to the boat while Ava and David stayed with the police and the monitoring equipment.

“Please be careful,” Luke said while giving her a hug on the boat dock.

“I will. I have to do this, Luke. That could be my daughter out there. I feel for those parents,” Sophia replied and Luke knew there was no way he would get her to back out.

“OK then. Get going, stay verbal, and let us know what’s going on,” he stated like he was giving them a pep talk, when in fact it was him that needed it.

“Don’t worry,” Hemi told him. “I’ve got her. I’ve done this many times, in and out. We’ll get what you need and get back as soon as possible, OK?”

“Sounds good, Hemi, thanks,” Luke answered while patting him on the back. “See you soon.”

Luke was back in the conference room and heard Laura testing both of their ear pieces to make sure they were working.

“Yes, I can hear you,” Luke heard Sophia say over the computer.

Hemi pulled out of the dock and took off in the boat. It looked like only a short distance, but actually took about fifteen minutes to get there.

Hemi followed the same routine, so as not to create suspicion. The food was transferred onto the boat by the hoist and they all started carrying small loads at a time to the kitchen. Sophia followed the plan and started acting sick leaning over the side.

“There’s a restroom down the hall,” called out one of the men on the boat. Sophia turned toward him to get a good shot of his face on the camera. That’s when she noticed he had a gun holster on. She started to panic. She really did think she was going to get sick now, so she put her hand over her mouth and started running to the bathroom.

“Calm down Sophia, it’s ok baby,” she heard in the earpiece. It was Luke. His voice instantly calmed her.

“I think your little helper doesn’t like boats,” the man chuckled and said to Hemi as he took in another load of food to the kitchen. “She was looking a little green.”

“Yah, hard to find good help,” Hemi replied and they both started laughing. Hemi was nervous for Sophia now that she was on task. He glanced around uneasy.

Sophia had to act fast. She would only have a few minutes before someone missed her. She quietly slipped out of the bathroom and turned away from the kitchen.

“Go down the stairs to the right,” Laura told her in her ear. Apparently Laura must have previous knowledge of this kind of yacht.

“Now go down that hall and see if there is anyone in the rooms,” she told Sophia.

“I’m just supposed to open the doors?” Sophia asked questioningly.

“Yes, but quietly…. and quickly,” Laura answered.

Sophia had opened a few doors and peeked in when she heard someone coming. She ducked into the next room and closed the door behind her. The footsteps went past her and up the stairs. She started to leave the room when she heard whimpering. She took out her pocket flashlight and pointed it at the far wall. Sitting along the wall on the bed were five women with gags on.

“Good God!” she cried. “You guys getting this?”

“Copy,” affirmed the voice in her ear piece. They were all speechless.

“Thank the Lord!” Sophia exclaimed quietly as she walked over to remove the gags. “My name is Sophia. Am I ever glad to see all of you. I’m with a team of investigators and we are going to get you out of here.” Sophia was weeping as were the girls. “I have to go right now, but we’ll be back. We want to get the guy that runs this whole thing.”

Sophia recognized all the girls from the photos except one and it was Lea who spoke up. “Put the gags back on us. They keep us down here when the food comes. We’re not supposed to make a noise.”

“OK,” replied Sophia as she started to replace the gags. The tears were streaming down her face as she gave each girl a hug and promised to come get them. “Tell me when the next party is. That is when we will return.”

“It’s Saturday,” Lea responded and promptly added “Did you find my bracelet in the cave? I dropped it hoping someone would look there.”

Sophia was shocked. “Yes, we did! That was a major clue. Great thinking Lea.”

“Thanks, I prayed it would work,” Lea admitted.

“I’m so sorry I have to leave,” Sophia whispered. “I promise we will be back in two days. Do you know the name of the guy who owns the boat?”

“No, everyone calls him skipper,” Lea answered. “No one uses names on board, but a man I was with last week slipped up and told me his name was Dan if that helps.”

“OK, thanks Lea,” Sophia said as she replaced her gag. “I promise I’ll be back.” The girls looked at her with such longing. Her heart was breaking.

Sophia stood up and slipped out the door, ran down the hall and up the stairs just as she heard someone yelling wanting to know where she was. He turned around and saw her and shouted “Where the hell have you been?”

Luke was instantly frightened for Sophia. She had no protection. What if something terrible happened to her? He would never forgive himself for putting her in this situation.

“I had to get some air,” Sophia said calmly like it was an everyday thing. “I’m feeling a lot better now. I can help put the food away.” 

He looked like he wanted to strangle her, but instead snarled “Well get to it then, and don’t come back on the next delivery!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t,” she added. “Boats and I don’t mix.”

Luke relaxed. Sophia handled it like a pro. The sooner they get out of there the better.

Back in the kitchen the food was about all put away. Sophia and Hemi exchanged knowing glances, but tried to just get done quickly. The climbed aboard the maintenance boat and started their return to the resort. Sophia let out a long breath she was holding, relieved that they found the girls. She still had her ear piece in and was talking to the team. “Who was the fifth woman, Luke?”

Luke spoke up first “I reviewed the tape and I’m pretty sure it was Camilla from the security building…”