Danger At The Beach by Sandi Circle - HTML preview

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Chapter 27


The plans were all in place, the equipment all set up, and the people all gathered for the mission. Laura was going over every last detail of how the plan was supposed to be executed. She also went over every possible scenario if things didn’t proceed according to the plan. Everyone was in the room including The Team, Max, Irene and Hemi. They were asked to be present just in case Laura needed anything, but really she just thought they deserved to see this unfold. After all, it was their work that found those girls and she would make sure they got the credit they earned.

Dom came in looking well-groomed, suave and sophisticated. He went over to the man in charge of the electronics and was wired up for sound and video. You couldn’t even tell by looking at him that he had a microphone and camera on his tie. He didn’t have an earpiece in this time. They didn’t want to take the chance of someone seeing it. They could not communicate with him, but they could see his every move and that would have to be enough.

Dom didn’t seem nervous at all, probably from his experience in the military. He was packing a Ruger SRC9- 9 mm in his boot and was hoping there wouldn’t be a search.

“OK, Dominique,” Laura said standing up and walking over to him. “You better get over to the docks. It’s not going to hurt to get there a little early. We’ll have eyes and ears on you. Give the signal and the rescue crew can be there within a minute. Just remember we want to get as much evidence against the owner of that boat as possible before we bring in the cavalry.”

“Got it,” Dom said. “I’m ready to do this.” With that he left the room. We could see on the computer screen him walking down the hall and getting on the elevator. “Testing.”

“Copy that. Mission Go.” Was the reply from the command console, more to the people in the room, not to Dom.

When Dom reached the docks it was pretty quiet. He did however see a twenty foot charter boat tied up on one pier with its lights on. That could be them. “Possible transport,” he whispered as he started walking toward the craft. Dom stood a little ways out to get the whole boat in the camera frame. A short time later he heard voices behind him and turned and saw Luther and another gentleman. He pointed the camera towards them as they walked up.

“Francois, correct?” Luther asked as he walked up extending his hand.

“Yes, that’s right. How are you?” Dom asked.

“Good, good. This here is Stephan. He is also a client,” Luther added.

“Nice to meet you,” they exchanged.

“Let’s get on this boat here to take us over; we will wait on 2 more people. Would you care for a drink?” Luther asked. Both accepted a beverage. Shortly after that a couple other men boarded the boat. “Go ahead and take us over to the yacht,” he called out.

“Yes sir,” came the response from the upper deck.

“Have a seat gentleman. It will only take a few minutes,” Luther said.

The trip was quiet and uneventful. No one talked much. When they arrived at the yacht Dom tried to get camera shots of as much as possible including the numbers on the bow.

They pulled up to the back of the yacht and Dom and the other men climbed up the ladder. Luther ushered them to the upper deck where there were about six other men seated around the deck. Some were talking, most were drinking.

The boat was beautiful with its rich wood and shiny chrome. There was a bar set up at one end with every drink imaginable. There was also a buffet table set up loaded with delicious lobster and caviar with exotic fruits dipped in chocolate. Dom approached the bartender and nodded discreetly. This was one of the undercovers.

“Where’s the other?” Dom asked him quietly with his head down.

“Your six o’clock by the potted plant,” he responded in a whispered hush.

Dom casually turned around, while accepting his drink from the bartender, and located the other operative. Their placement would be crucial to achieve tonight’s goals. He walked towards the group of seated men and tried to get them on camera.

Back at the resort everyone was watching the computer screen intently to see if they recognized anyone.

“Oh my God!” yelled Luke. “That’s Kyle Kaloni sitting on the end! Is he seriously there for the girls? What a douche bag. He was one of my father’s closest friends! I can’t believe he would participate in this!” he continued on.

“What?! Where?!” Max echoed Luke’s outrage.

“Ssshhhh!!” Laura told them harshly. “I’m trying to hear what they are saying. Calm down!”

Dom had already turned towards another section of seating, so the team couldn’t see who was speaking but they heard someone saying “… so have another drink gentleman. The entertainment will be up shortly and I’ve got a surprise for tonight, a real exotic beauty.”

“That had to have been the skipper,” Sophia stated. She wished she could tell Dom to turn back the other way.

“Does anyone recognize anybody else?” Laura asked.

“Not yet,” answered Luke. “I didn’t get a good look at a few of them.”

Dom walked back to the bar to get the whole group in the shot. He whispered to no one in particular “I swear to God I’m going to kill that guy.”

On the computer they watched Kyle motion a waiter over and said something in his ear. About two minutes later the waiter reappeared and following behind him were Christina, Lea, Bella, Susanna, and Camilla.

“Holy crap!” exclaimed Ava…