Danger At The Beach by Sandi Circle - HTML preview

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Chapter 32


The team was assembled back in the conference room a couple days later. Christine was in Texas with her Mom, Lea and Susanna were back at work, and Bella and Dom were safely back in France. Hemi was also back at work and cooking up a storm.

The news of Kyle’s death spread fast across the island. Whether they were re-grouping or strategizing their future was unknown, but there was an eerie silence in the organized crime front. Sophia had called Dom to tell him of the death and he seemed somewhat relieved. He had sworn that he would kill Kyle and now that chapter in Bella’s life would be over.

Luke was taking the information he heard about his father very hard. He was still trying to process everything and figure out why he never saw the truth. His relationship with Max was severely strained. Luke believed him about not knowing the whole truth, but the fact the he never told Luke anything hurt the trust they had.

“I asked you all down here so we could discuss some things,” Luke told the group.  “After thinking a lot the past couple days, I have decided to stay on the island and operate an ongoing investigation into the corruption that has taken over in recent years. I spoke with Laura and she is issuing me a PI license to pursue anything related to Kyle Kaloni and his business. She is also implementing a task force to aid in anything I need help with.”

Luke looked around the room to see expressions of pride and confusion. “I’m telling you all of this to let you know that you all have positions in my new business venture if you decide to accept. I’ll give you some time to think about it, if you need to. Max is letting me rent out some rooms indefinitely, so we would be staying here until we can relocate to an office somewhere. Let’s take the rest of the day to discuss any questions you might have. My vote is to hit the beach, get some sun, and try to relax. Who would care to join me?”

They all looked at each other and smiled, but Sophia was the first one to speak up. “I would be very pleased to spend the day on the beach with you, Luke. Also, I don’t need any time to think about working for you. I am already your employee and will continue to do so for as long as you need me.”

“I second that sentiment,” Ava stated. “We are a good team and I see no reason to break up a good thing. What about you David? Will you be joining us?”

“Just try to make me leave this paradise,” he replied. “I think we all deserve a day of fun in the sun and then we get to work.”

Luke sat back very pleased. “I was hoping you would all want to stay. I don’t know what the future will hold for us, but I think we can make a real difference here.” They all agreed.


After a fabulous day at the beach Luke and Sophia decided to spend the evening with each other in Luke’s room. They bid David and Ava goodnight and headed upstairs. They needed some alone time to process everything their future would hold.

They arrived in the room and Luke turned Sophia around and kissed her gently and said “Finally we have some time alone. This investigation has drained me, but it was all worth it. I would just like to take this time to relax, if that’s ok with you. We can order some dinner in if you’d like.”

“That sounds wonderful,” she replied. “Do you mind if I take a shower first?”

“Of course, go ahead,” Luke told her. “You know where everything is.”

She kissed him quickly and headed into the bathroom to start the water. Standing under the warm jets felt divine. She closed her eyes and let the water wash all her worries and stress down the drain. She felt movement behind her and turned around in surprise as Luke had climbed in the shower with her.

“You didn’t think I was going to let you have all the fun, did you?” he grinned.

“Another wonderful idea Mr. Dalton,” she whispered in a sexy voice.

Luke picked up the fragrant lavender soap and started lathering up his hands slowly. He caressed her back and shoulders as she sighed heavily. The steam was rising around them as she leaned back against him and their bodies melted into one another. His arms encircled her as he lathered every inch of her body that was longing for his touch.

Sophia felt like she was in a dream and didn’t want to wake up. She started to realize that this was, in fact, her happy place where she could disappear from life and reality. She was someone exciting.  Everyone had problems in the real world, but if you just relax and let life happen it could be pure bliss. Ahhhhh, it was all so wonderful at the beach….




The End