Desperate Choices by Jeanette Cooper - HTML preview

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Five years later


A long white limousine crawled to a stop in front of a tall modern building, a structure made of steel, mortar and glass. The building was the same one that was in the picture, which had hung on the wall behind Michael's desk at the bank; the same building Michael sold after his father and stepmother were murdered. He had been able to buy it back for only a little more than he sold it for.

The chauffeur came around and opened the door, offering a hand to the little four-year-old boy who climbed out first. Then with his other hand, he took a tiny two-year-old girl's hand in his and helped her from the car. With both hands occupied, he stood and watched the beautiful Mrs. Matheson twist on the seat and put her feet on the pavement before exiting. She had a ready smile for him as she always did when he drove her and the children somewhere.

As she climbed from the car and stood on the sidewalk, her eyes drifted up at the name over the large swinging doors that opened on the huge lobby of the building.

“Matheson and Associates Architectural Firm,” she read aloud, a touch of pride swelling in her chest. “Children,” she said, taking their hands from the chauffeur, “that's your daddy's name up there, and some day one or both of you will have your name up there, too.”

“I can draw pictures like daddy,” young Joanna stated proudly, holding up a picture she had brought just for her daddy.

“You can't draw. Can she, mommy?” Jason asked with a scowl on his face.

“Your sister is very talented, but so are you,” she said, giving him a warm hug.

“Shall I wait for you, Mrs. Matheson,” the chauffeur asked, smiling at the beautiful mother with her two small children.

“Yes, Jack. My husband is taking us for lunch. We have something special we're going to celebrate.”

“I bet it's a birthday,” he said, looking from one of the children to the other.

Rochelle smiled, her eyes lighting up with brilliant green lights.

“You wouldn't be far wrong,” she stated happily, and went through the swinging doors with the children who looked like they had just stepped out of an expensive clothing store.

The guard in the lobby called out a hello to the children and waved, and they waved happily back at him.

“Daddy's taking us out to lunch,” young Jason called. “We're celebrating a birthday.”

Rochelle sent the guard a bright smile then pulled the children in the elevator when the doors opened, and pointed to the button the children fought over pushing together.

They exited the elevator and opened a door off the hallway into a large, cheerful reception area, where two secretaries sat behind desks. One was Rochelle's dear friend Mabel.

“Hi, Mabel,” Rochelle said, smiling her warmest smile. “Is Michael busy?”

Mabel rose from her chair, hugging the children, and lifting Joanna up in her arms.

“Aunt Mabel, you're squeezing me!” Joanna squealed in complaint.

Mabel eased off on her hug, smiling with joy as she answered Rochelle. “He's in his office, but I'll let him know you're here,” she said, still holding onto a squirming Joanna while she picked up the phone.

Mabel put Joanna down with a kiss upon her cheek. Then glancing at Rochelle, she said, “He said to come into his office.

There's someone you haven't seen in a while.”

Taking the children's hands, she went toward the door that opened for her as she neared it. Michael gazed at her proudly, took the liberty of a kiss, and then kissed his children. They all stood there while the children greeted their daddy.

“Daddy, we're celebrating a birthday. Can we go to lunch?”

Jason called excitedly.

“A birthday, you say? Whose birthday is it? If it's not mommy's birthday, not mine, not Jason's, and not Joanna's, whose birthday can it be?” He looked up at Rochelle for confirmation, and when she nodded her head, Michael greeted her with a huge smile and another warm kiss.

“Daddy,” Joanna said shyly, tilting her head against her mother's skirt while holding up her picture to her daddy.

“You drew a picture for me?” he asked excitedly, hugging her as if she had just produced a masterpiece. “I'll put it in my office,”

he said, lifting her in his arms. Then to Rochelle, “it's been awhile since you visited. I believe you'll enjoy seeing who's here.”

He led her and the children into his office where Bentley Harrison sat. Mabel had slipped in through the boardroom door and now sat next to Bentley, the two having formed a warm relationship.

“Oh my goodness,” Rochelle gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “Uncle Bentley!” she exclaimed.

Bentley came to his feet, stepping forward. He hugged her generously. They passed several words of greeting between them.

Jason began tugging at his father's hand. “Daddy, mommy said you'll put my name on the sign with your name.”

Michael looked down at his young son, took his hand and walked over to the window overlooking a large stretch of San Francisco. He picked Jason up, holding a child in each arm. “Not only will your name someday be on the sign, son, but you'll be a master architect who will make your old man extremely proud.”

“I can draw pictures like you, daddy,” Joanna volunteered, not wanting to be left out.

“Yes, you can, and if you choose, you will work right along side your brother, and together the two of you will create the finest buildings in the world.”

Rochelle chuckled and said, “You hope.”

There was a bulletin board nearby and putting the children down, Michael made a big show of tacking Joanna's picture on it.

After they admired it a moment or two, he turned to his friends.

“Bentley, if you and Mabel will excuse us, I believe my family and I have a birthday to celebrate.”

“Whose birthday is it?” Bentley asked.

“He or she doesn't have a name yet?” Michael said, and grinned at his lovely wife whose long red hair flowed down over her shoulders.

“You mean you're going to have another one?” Mabel blurted out in her outspoken way.

Rochelle smiled at her and nodded.

“Why am I surprised?” Mabel asked. “You told me you want four.”

Bentley looked at Mabel. “Mabel, do you think we're too old to…” he smiled as she interrupted him.

“Don't even think it,” she laughed.

Laughing, Michael wrapped his arm about Rochelle's slender waist, and sent her a look of devotion. “Do you feel okay, honey?”

“I feel wonderful,” she stated, smiling brightly.

Michael took Jason's small hand. Joanna took her mother's right hand and the Matheson family went out together, chuckling when Joanna asked if they could have a pink birthday cake.



If you enjoyed reading about Michael, Rochelle, and Ramm Prescott, the karate black belt expert, see what new adventures they are up to in the book: Seductive Betrayal. Ramm sets out to gain his trust fund fortune by seducing Jeannie, and his betrayal starts a horror story of conflicts.


Titles by

Jeanette Cooper

(Available in paperback and e-book)

A Killer Amongst Us

Seductive Betrayal

Stripped of Dignity

Under Suspicion

Dark Depths of Love

Violent Visions of Murder

Desperate Choices

Impending Danger

When Justice is Served

Conquered Heart

Wall of Color

Nature & Life: A Poetic Journey

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