Dick Plays in Drug Traffic by Dick Avery - HTML preview

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Disingenuous Decisions

Chapter 34


Albert was a bit panicky and understandably so. He’d made his decision and would stick to it come hell or high water or Dick Avery or Kris Amar or the Thai cops. He was taking a powder, getting out of Dodge, flying the coop or whatever asinine expression Albert could think of for describing what he was about to do. It would be a risky move, but he realized he was in over his head and wanted nothing more than to extricate himself from the mess he was in at the moment. He realized he was in a no-win situation and badly wanted out. And that’s exactly what he planned to do: cut and run.

Albert believed Kris might cut him some slack and not kill him because he’d given him a heads-up on the trap Dick Avery was setting. If not, he’d track Albert down to the ends of the earth and make good on his promise. He was extremely obsessive when he got his Irish up. Albert thought that was a silly expression since Kris was Indian. Perhaps he would scalp him instead. He chuckled to himself at his little attempt at humor.

Albert had been consumed with anxiety before making up his mind as to what to do. So much so, he’d been taking antacids by the handfuls to settle his upset stomach. That was no way to live, he thought, always worrying about his future while watching his back. He felt much better after making the decision to move on to other, hopefully greener and quieter, pastures. He no longer felt cowed by his circumstances.

He’d already discreetly started disposing of his worldly goods. He’d sold the mortuary to his top aide for a fire sale price of 860 thousand Thai baht or about 23 thousand U.S dollars at the current exchange rate. He wired the money directly to his numbered bank account in the Cayman Islands for safekeeping. It was merely pin money to him considering what he’d been earning with Amar. However, what he’d stashed away at the offshore institution was fairly substantial and enough to keep him high and dry in the rainy days he saw ahead.

He made plans through his relatives to buy a cottage in China’s Szechwan province and live out the rest of his life in comfort. The two million dollar bounty on Kris Amar’s head, courtesy of the U.S. State Department, would top off his bank account and make the dream come true. 

One problem had to be resolved though before he could make his final exit from Thailand, the damn Lady Boy who watched his every move, for his protection. She shadowed him everywhere he went. So, he had to somehow shake her loose when he decided to flee. That might not be so easy, he thought. Albert Wu started to fret and sweat once again. His delicate constitution simply couldn’t take the stress of more intrigue. However, it would soon be all behind him and he’d have no more worries or ulcers to contend with in his new life.