Dick Rousts the Russkie by Dick Avery - HTML preview

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Vlad’s Ignoble Meltdown

Chapter 38

Megalomania seemed to have its downsides and Vlad was experiencing much angst over the failure. No, more correctly, he was livid, although sorely pissed might better describe the rage he was feeling at the moment. Self-directed recriminations weren’t usually on his personal agenda or included in his lexicon of words, so this was something new and frightening to him. 

Vlad scoured the internet for any and all information on the thwarted attack on Ras Tanura and found much, but little to his liking. The only good news was the fact that all of his team had died at the hands of the SEALS, so he was safe for now.

Rashid would be disappointed. No, he’d be furious that Vlad had failed him on the most important mission of the campaign. Bhutar’s spot bet on the international oil exchanges would be a money loser this time and he’d be blamed. He might have to seek other employment if his masters held a grudge.

Yet, the overall campaign had gone exceedingly well up to now and believed his other good works might offset his failure in this instance. There were still other targets of opportunity out there and Vlad was still the “go to” guy for Rashid and the Bhutaris. He reminded himself he was the best in the business when it came to creating mayhem. With the reassuring thought in mind, he began to feel more like his old self.


    Perhaps he owed Commander Lewis an apology. His visit may have prompted the navy to pay more attention to Ras Tanura or maybe they had all of their bases covered as Lewis had suggested. Regardless, the SEAL’s commando style raid on the ship stopped a major terrorist attack dead in its tracks: emphasis on dead in this instance.

It was big news in the international media, especially so because the target was the largest oil production complex in the world. Now all the second guessing and finger pointing was making the rounds by the political pundits and talking heads that needed filler for their continuous broadcasts. Who was behind the plot? Was there a Middle Eastern cabal involved that was fostering political and economic instability in the region? Might the powers behind the aborted attack be players from outside the region? And who profits if that was the case and how so? Those and many other questions went unanswered and the speculation ramped-up to a fevered pitch to almost a state of hysteria. The State and Defense departments remained mum by issuing hourly “no comment” statements to the snarling news hounds from Hell. The White House deftly passed off all media requests to those departments, thus effectively circling all the wagons.

Dick had learned from the commander that two terrorists had been captured and now being held in custody at the brig at the Navy’s 5th Fleet Headquarters. He was invited to observe the interrogation of the two captives and he instantly seized the gracious offer. He decided to bring along Inspector Jabbar as well to represent Saudi interests. Pet would have to stay behind again while the men folk went about their important business. He hoped she didn’t suffer from separation anxiety or a case of acute misandry. With Pet, either affliction would be difficult for him to deal with. She’d become a good friend who he trusted with his life.

He’d gotten over his lustful fantasies about Pet and now considered himself to be her Dutch uncle, but, unlike the famous Dutch boy, he’d never pun about fingering a resolute dike. So, getting into Dutch with Pet was no longer on his personal agenda. And that was a dam shame!