Dream Rider by Wilf Voss - HTML preview

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Chapter 10

"Hello..." Hilary stepped gently towards the person waiting in the shadows. "Are you okay?"

Susan turned round. "Yes..." She sighed.

"How long have you been out here?" Hilary waited knowing the answer. She had watched Susan waiting in the darkness every night for the month since she had returned to the yard. Susan shrugged.

"He's not here..." Susan wiped her eyes.

"Who?" Hilary stepped towards Susan, putting her arm around her shoulders.

"You wouldn't understand." Susan sobbed.

"Try me..." Hilary smiled. "Let's go somewhere warm." Hilary led the way to the tack room, unlocking the door and turning on the gas heater.

They sat for many hours as Susan told her story and how she was waiting for Adam. Hilary smiled. She didn't know how to reconcile the story, it seemed to be too much to be an hallucination or some bad dream.

"I don't think you have to wait for him here anymore." Hilary finally spoke. "If what you tell me is true, he would have wanted you to live your life, be better."

Susan looked across sadly to Hilary. "I think you are right..." She paused. "I would have just liked to say goodbye."