Dream Rider by Wilf Voss - HTML preview

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"Well if you have just joined us you do so at a pivotal time for the equestrian team." The commentator paused looking down at the arena, the coloured jumps had been arranged and it was obvious that everything was ready. "There is just one rider left and that is Caroline Gibbs, she has the chance for both the individual and team gold medals. All she has to do is to jump clear. This is truly a unique situation and what a lot of responsibility Caroline has on her shoulders right now as she prepares to ride."

Caroline was obvious to the commentators words as she sat on her horse in the collecting ring, she had Mozart playing in her earphones, an idea from Susan the team trainer to block out anything that could disturb her before she rode in such a nerve racking environment. She closed her eyes for a moment allowing the piano notes wash over her. She knew that she could do well, she had ridden well throughout the previous rounds and she had a wonderful horse, together they were unstoppable. She felt a hand on her knee and opened her eyes, her groom looked up to her. Caroline pulled the earphones out from under her helmet and handed her iPod to her.

"You can do it..." The girl was close to tears in just another couple of minutes it would be over. She paused, gulping. "Good luck!"

Susan stepped up beside her. "You remember what to do. I believe in you Caroline, you will do this." She smiled and patted Caroline on the back.

Caroline smiled taking up the reins and rode into the arena. If she had not been aware of the near deafening sound she was now, she briefly glanced up at the stands all filled to capacity and the many cameras which would be beaming the event around the world. It had been said that this had one of the largest audiences because of the unique situation that Caroline found herself in with the two gold medals in her grasp.

She cantered her horse on allowing the cheers and applause to bolster her, then there was the sound of the bell, a hush fell over the stadium and it was time for her to perform. She pushed the horse on and towards the first jump. It was a simple upright, she approached counting the strides before pushing on. There was a moment when she was hanging in the air, and then clear one jump cleared and ten more to go.

Caroline pushed on clearing jumps, she knew that she had to be quick but could not make a stupid mistake she just had to jump clear. She took a tight line into the next jump... 'Slow down' she said in her mind, she was showing off trying to trim strides on the approach, the jump was clear but it had been close.

It was now onto the last approach, it was towards a simple upright it ends as it begins. She pulled the reins checking her horses progress towards the simple fence, this was it, jump this clear... She put the thought from her mind.

Caroline counted the strides, four, three, two... Time stopped, there was a collective intake of breath from almost every member of the audience, the television commentators were silent.

The horse leapt, clearing the top pole with millimetres to spare, they landed. Caroline glanced back, it was clear. The crowd exploded with cheers and deafening applause.

"She's done it..." The commentator gulped back tears. "It's the fairy tale ending we all hoped for..."

Caroline pulled her horse up, patting it firmly. Susan ran up. "I knew you could do it..."

Caroline rolled over, pulling the duvet around her a smile on her face.