Escape by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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I was finally in Zurich. The flight was perfect especially after Michael entered my life.

He’s the perfect gentleman, kinda unreal. We went our separate ways but he said he would find me. Let's see if he's a man of his word.


I walked quickly through the airport, as I exited I saw a man with a name board.


“Fontaine” It read.


“Are you waiting for me?” I asked.


He looked at a picture of me, nodded yes and walked me over to an awaiting limo and opened the door.


“Wow!” I said as I got in.


The ride was quick but full of beautiful views.


"We are here, Ms. Fontaine." The man said as he got out of the car and opened my door.


“These are your keys to your apartment.” He said as he handed me the keys.


“Follow me.” He said as he grabbed my luggage.


I remained quiet in the elevator. The doors opened on the fifth floor.


“Your apartment is number 522.” He said.


He put my luggage by the door and bowed his head. I put the keys in and slowly opened the door. This was an apartment for a queen.

I pulled my luggage in and closed the door slowly. I walked to the window and looked out.


“Wow! This is freaking amazing. Oh my god, look at those beautiful mountains. This looks like a postcard.” I whispered.


I went from room to room with my mouth wide open.


On the table was an IPad with a sticky note that read “your itinerary, Ms. Fontaine”.


I reached for it and turned it on.

The opening screen had the Säkerhet Corp logo and my name. I logged in and began reading.


"Oh, I start next Monday. It gives me a few days to learn about my surroundings." I said out loud.


I got up again and looked at that view.


“Where should I go first?” I thought.


I took off my jacket and threw it on the sofa. Out of my pocket, my cell phone fell. I walked over and picked it up. As I looked there was a text message waiting for me.


“Katya, thank you again for the wonderful dinner date, let's do it again. I will be in touch. XO Michael.” It read.


Automatically I held it to my heart and closed my eyes. I felt giddy. I quickly replied.


“No, Thank you, Michael! You kept me safe and entertained. I truly appreciate it. And yes, let's do it again. Very soon. XO Katya.” I texted.


I wandered around my apartment and noticed I also had car keys so I went to the parking area to see which one was mine.

I pressed the button on the key ring but nothing beeped back. Then in front of my apartment number was a beautiful White Mercedes Benz.

As I approached it, I pressed the button and it unlocked.


“No Freaken shit!” I said as I opened the door.


I slowly got in and started it up.


“You are so beautiful.” I complimented the car as I ran my hands along the leather interior.


"Welcome, Katya." The car replied.


I jumped out of my skin at the sound.



“Shall we go for a ride?” I asked it.


I laughed at the excitement I was feeling.


"Let me shower and get pretty, then we can go cruise around," I said as I turned it off and got out.


I ran back to my apartment with the excitement of a 10-year-old girl with a new toy. I guess the excitement got to me because I showered and fell asleep. I actually slept for a day and a half.


“Oh damn! Did I just sleep for 2 days?” I asked myself as I stretched and made my way to the bathroom.


I was suddenly stopped in my tracks. I heard a familiar voice. I smiled as I remembered who it was. How could I forget it? I slowly walked back into my room and stared at the t.v.


“Oh, Michael Kim, so handsome. I really want to see you again.”  I swooned.


I picked up my phone and dialed the lobby.


“Good morning, this is Samuel.” A voice answered.


“Good morning Samuel, I had a question. It might be strange so please bear with me.” I said in a very proper tone.


“Of course. How can we help you, Ms. Fontaine?” The gentleman said.


“I’m interested in seeing a musical. But I don’t know the name. Is there any way you could help me with figuring this out and getting tickets to it? The price does not matter and any date will be perfect.” I said with a laugh.


“I can help you with that. What do you remember about the musical you want to attend?” The man asked.

“Ummm. It’s the one with Michael Kim. I just saw the commercial for it.” I explained.


“Oh yes, The Man Who Laughs, very popular musical. I will let you know when I have your tickets.” The man said.


“Oh yes! Ok, thank you." I said with a smile as I hung up the call.


I went back and laid down. I still couldn’t believe the life I was about to live.

2 days here and I was loving it and I hadn’t left the apartment yet.

I switched the channel on the tv to see what I caught my attention. I got up, made breakfast and began watching a talk show. Across the room, my cell rang. I ran to catch it on the last ring.


“Hello?” I said.


“Hello? Ms. Katya Fontaine?” The voice said.


“Yes, this is she," I replied.


“Hello, this is Kristen from Säkerhet Corp. Would you be able to come into training today? Another case agent canceled so you can begin training in his place if you'd like.” She said.


“Absolutely. Give me an address and I’ll be in.” I responded.


"Ok, I will text it to you." She added.


"Ok," I said.


“When you get here text me back and I’ll let Dianne know you are here.”  She ended.


I hung up and ran into my closet to get dressed. In no time, I was on my way to Säkerhet Corp. For the first time in my life, I didn't get lost and I was on time. I pulled up to a gigantic structure. A man came out and opened my door.


"Hello, Ms. Fontaine. I will park your car for you." He said reaching for my keys.


I nodded ok and walked towards the building. I suddenly felt important. I had to be dreaming. This was insane.


“Katya Fontaine!” A lady yelled across the room, which woke me up from my daydream state.


I waved and approached her.


“Welcome to Säkerhet Corp. I’m Dianne, your case coordinator. Are you ready to begin your training?” She said with a smile.


“Oh yes, definitely," I replied.


“Come on, I will introduce you around.” She said as she grabbed my wrist.


We entered a gigantic conference room with dark windows.


“Everyone, this is Katya.” She introduced.


Then she pointed one by one.


“That’s Kaiden Jongin and this is Chandler Park. They will be your team members.” She added.


“Was every man good looking out here?” I asked myself.


Kaiden was tall, dark and handsome. Chandler was extra tall, gawky but super handsome with a contagious smile. I was wondering what our jobs would be because they look like freaken supermodels.


“You guys were specifically selected for this team. You will train together.


You will be each other’s shadow. All cases assigned will be worked on by the 3 of you. All decisions on the outcome of all cases must be unanimous.” Dianne explained.


“What type of cases will we have?” Kaiden asked.


“We will be closing some of Säkerhet Corp confidential cases," Dianne replied.


“Your training is exclusive and confidential. You will not discuss any of your cases with anyone but each other. You have all signed confidentiality waivers so speaking of anything to do with your work can have bad consequences.” She added.


She turned around and pulled down a projector screen.


"The first case, we are talking in general right now. Person “A” had been accused of horrible crimes against children. You were given the opportunity to make things right. Right with the universe. What would you do?” Dianne asked.


“I’d kill him. I’d take him to a secluded place in the mountains and torture him. Kill him slowly.” Chandler lashed out.


“Would you if you have the opportunity?” Dianne questioned.


"Yes, if I wouldn't get caught," Chandler said with a laugh.


“How about you, Katya?” Dianne asked.


“I don’t know. Maybe give him a punishment suitable for the crime.” I explained.


“That’s death. You shouldn’t mess with children.” Kaiden added.


“Between the 3 of you, decide unanimously what would happen to Person “A”," Dianne said as she paced the room.


We pulled our chairs closed and discussed the matter.


"Katya, as a team leader what is the decision?” Dianne asked.


“We decide he must be put to death," I said.


“Unanimous decision?” Dianne asked.


We all nodded yes.


“Ok, who will do it?” Dianne prodded.


We all looked at each other.


“Who will do it?” I asked confused.


“Yes, which one of you will put him to death?” Dianne asked.


We all looked at each other confused.


"I'll do it," I replied.


"Ok," Dianne said with a smirk.


She grabbed 2 folders and handed them to us.


“Folder 1 has one method and Folder 2 has a different method you can use to dispose of case client. Please read thoroughly and choose.” Dianne instructed.


We looked through and chose folder 2.


 “Ok. Remote activated explosive.” Dianne said.


We nodded yes.


“This cell phone will activate an explosive that would kill Person “A”, would you activate it?” Dianne suggested.


We looked at one another and nodded yes.


“Ok, at 3:36 pm as part of your training exercise, you will dial the number given and tomorrow we will discuss the results. When you are done, you are dismissed.” Dianne instructed.


She handed me the phone. Kaiden and Chandler watched me. Dianne walked out of the room leaving us alone.


“That’s in 5 minutes," Chandler informed.


"You got this, Katya," Kaiden said.


“Yeah, no worries. It’s a training exercise. I don’t know if I could do it for real though.” I replied.


“I don’t know if I could if it was for real too," Kaiden replied.


 I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.


I watched the clock. At 3:35 pm I dialed the number, as soon as it hit 3:36 I pressed send.


Nothing happened.


Or so I thought.


"Easy peasy," I said to the guys as I walked out with a sassy strut.


On the way home, fire trucks and ambulances passed me in a rush. I turned on the radio to see what was happening. Nothing but music played. Suddenly my phone rang.


“Fontaine," I answered.


“Hey, it’s Kaiden. Are you watching the news?” Kaiden said.


“No, I’m not even home yet. Why?” I replied.


“There is mayhem going on in the downtown district. Big explosion.”  Kaiden added.


"Ok?" I said unsurely.


“That wasn’t us, was it?” He whispered.


“What? No way! We did a training exercise. This is a coincidence.” I replied nervously.


I was detoured in a different direction when I reached the affected area. All I saw was a car on fire and emergency vehicles everywhere.


“Hello? Hello?” Kaiden repeated.


“Kaiden, I'll call you back," I said and quickly hung up.


I finally got out of all that traffic and made it home. I walked slowly towards my apartment, just thinking if we could have had something to do with that incident.


"There's no way," I said to myself.


As I passed the lobby desk, all televisions were discussing the explosion. I stopped and looked.


“Ms. Fontaine?” The front desk clerk said.


"This came for you today." She added handing me a gift-wrapped box.


"Oh thank you," I said as I looked at the box.


"I wonder who this is from," I said to myself in the elevator.


I rushed to my apartment and as soon as I was in I turned on the tv. The news talked about how the explosion killed a known pedophile. I stared at the tv trying to make sense of this. My attention suddenly fell on the gift. 12 dozen long stem white with pink trim roses. I smelled them and smiled.


“I was hoping we could have dinner soon. XO Michael.” The note read.


I raised the flowers to my nose again and inhaled.


“Ohhh so pretty," I said out loud.


"let's find a pretty vase to put you in," I said as I scanned my apartment for something to put them in.

I walked back into the living room and became mesmerized by the tv news again. My mind didn’t want to believe this could have been us. I reached for my phone to call Chandler. As I began to dial, I stopped.


"I'll discuss it with him tomorrow," I said to myself.


I searched for my phone for Michael’s number and began a text.


“Thank you so much for the beautiful roses! And yes, let me know when and I’ll meet you for dinner.” I wrote and sent it.


Immediately I received a message back.


“How about tonight?” It read.


I smiled and replied, “Sure why not?”


“Pick you up at 8?” His text reply said.


"Yes, I'll be waiting," I replied.


"Maybe dinner with a great man will distract my mind from this," I said as I entered the bathroom and turned on the shower.


As I showered the thought of me being responsible for this became stronger and stronger. I got out of the shower and ran to my closet.


"Gotta find something cute to wear," I said.

I slipped on a slinky black dress and tried on 100 pairs of shoes until I found the ones.

In no time I was ready to go. I walked slowly through the lobby and stood at the door. I realized I had left my cellphone upstairs as I looked through my purse.


“Should I run back up and get it?” I thought to myself.


The concierge suddenly appeared next to me and every other thought left my mind.


“Mr. Kim is in waiting in the car, follow me please.” He said.


I nodded and followed him.


He opened the door and instructed me to get in.


“Thank you," I whispered.


He smiled and closed the door. I looked down then up at Michael.


“Hello, Katya.” His beautiful voice said.


“Hello," I whispered shyly.


“I hope you weren’t busy.” He said with a smile.


“Not at all. Thank you for inviting me.” I said nervously.


“I needed to get out for a bit. Too much work makes a person dull.” He said as he looked out the window.


Did I mention, his profile was totally perfect. I didn’t mean to stare but with the sunset hitting his face, he looked like a god. And he did smell like peaches, I wasn’t imagining it.

“So where are we going?” I asked.


“I’m sure somewhere very nice. My manager knows what I like. He plans very well.” He explained.


I smiled and looked out the window. When I looked back I noticed he was looking at me.


“You are very pretty.” He said softly.


“Thank you. So are you.” I stupidly said.


We both laughed.


“We are here.” He pointed out.


He got out of the car and grabbed my hand to help me out.

I felt so fancy.

We were ushered into the most beautiful room I had ever seen. It was dimly lit with candles and a soft fireplace. The table was decorated in white satin with white roses. It even had an area we could sit and talk and a small place to dance in.


“I’m sorry it’s so private but if we tried to eat out there the photographer’s flashes would make us blind.” He explained.


I understood. He was more famous than I thought.


“By the way, your voice is heavenly," I whispered.


He smiled and looked away.


“Thank you.” He whispered as he pulled back the chair so I can sit.


I watched as he removed his jacket and sat across from me. He was so charming.


“Katya Fontaine, tell me about you.” He said with a grin.


“There is nothing exciting about me," I replied with a giggle.


“There has to be something.” He added.


I giggled.


The night became better from there on.

We spoke to each other as if we had known each other for years. He was very funny, even though I read on a website that he wasn’t.

We ate and talked for hours.

Then we sat in front of the fire and talked some more while we had hot chocolate with marshmallows.

I could look at his smile for hours.

I love the way his teeth slightly poked out. It was so adorable.

As we watch the fire crackle, a beautiful soft tune came over the speakers.


"Let's dance." He suddenly suggested.


“Dance? Ummm. ” I said hesitantly.


He grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor.

I felt afraid to look at him so I stared away with my head on his shoulder. I could feel his heartbeat against mine.

His peachy smell was so hypnotizing.

His hands were so soft and his touch was gentle. As the song ended, I became nervous.

As I back away, he smiled and looked down as if he was shy.

He then pulled me close and kissed me.

I think I completely lost it.

I felt as if I was floating.

I didn’t want the kiss to end so I gently grabbed his face to hold him to me.

He didn’t seem to mind because he kept on kissing me.

This dance couldn’t have ended better.

We walked hand in hand back to the couch and sat quietly.


“Thank you.” He whispered.


“for?” I replied.


“For joining me tonight.” He added.


"It was my pleasure," I said with a smiled.


I didn’t want the night to end but I had to be realistic.

On our way back, we sat next to each other, he held my hand the entire time.


“I don’t want the night to end. I'm having a great time.” He whispered.


I smiled because I thought the same.


“Can I kiss you again?” He asked.


I nodded yes, smiled and moved closer to him.

I was in complete heaven.

 We finally said our goodbyes and I exited the car.

I floated up to my hotel room where my evening was about to get completely ruined.

I walked in to find over 20 missed calls on my cell, plus a number of text messages from Kaiden and Chandler.


I dialed back the last one who called.


“Where have you been?” Chandler said.


“What do you mean? I was out having dinner.” I replied with an attitude.


"We were called into the office for a briefing," Chandler added.


“OK?” I replied.


“Katya, that explosion. The one all over the tv. Was us!” Chandler exclaimed.


“What do you mean?” I whispered.


“We pushed the fucken button that killed someone.” He added harshly.


“Oh my god, no way. Should I come into the office now?” I asked concerned.


"No. No. We'll meet in the morning, at 8 am. And never leave without your cell phone again." Chandler instructed as he hung up.


I slowly put my phone down and walked over to the tv.


“Do I want to turn this on?” I said out loud as I pointed the remote at the tv.


“You know what? No, I’m gonna go to bed and deal with this in the morning.” I added.


I tossed and turned all night. That couldn’t be true. I did as instructed. No one said anyone would get hurt. It was a training exercise. I think I closed my eyes for one second and my alarm rang.


"Ughhh 6 am already?" I moaned.


To my surprise, I had a sweet message from Michael.


"Thanks for last night. I hope you have a great day!" It read.


I smiled and held my phone to my chest.


His text was overshadowed by the idea of killing someone. I dressed, had coffee and made my way to the office. Kaiden was arriving at the same time.


“Good morning Katya.” He said in a serious tone.


"Good morning," I replied.


We both entered the elevator and stood quietly. He glanced over and gave me an approving smile. As the doors opened to our floor, there was pandemonium.


“What the hell?” I said to myself.


"Let's go to the conference room," Kaiden suggested.


We watch Dianne and some other people complement each other on the wonderful strategic work done by Team KCK.


“Are we KCK?” Kaiden asked.


I shrugged my shoulders. In the middle of the craziness, Chandler came in.


“Hey, are we KCK?” Kaiden asked.


“Are we what?” Chandler replied with a confused look on his face.


Just then Dianne entered the room.


“Take your seats.” She instructed.


Kaiden raised his hand as if he was a student in school.


“Kaiden?” She acknowledged.


“Are we KCK?” He whispered.


She nodded yes as she turned towards the projector screen.


"First of all, congratulations on a job well done," Dianne said.


We looked like three idiots.


"We haven't done anything," Kaiden said.


"Oh, you didn't hear Kaiden? We blew up that guy last night. The one on the news.” Chandler added.


“That can’t be true, right Dianne?” I asked carefully.


She smiled and motioned for me to sit down.


“Listen, I explained that we’d be working on some difficult cases,” Dianne explained.


“But you never said we would be killing people.” Chandler interrupted.


“What if we get caught?” Kaiden added.


“Relax, let me talk. We at Säkerhet Corp are professionals. This is our job so we plan and execute every case with no loose strings. To the T.” She said.


“So we are professional assassins now?” Chandler interjected.


“No. Not yet” Dianne said with a smile.


"I didn't sign up for this," Chandler said.


“Well Chandler, there’s the door but becoming part of Säkerhet Corp is easier than leaving Säkerhet Corp.” She said with an attitude.


“What the hell does that mean?” Chandler argued.


"Remember all the papers you signed for that lovely sign up bonus. Well, that was payment for this case. So you have completed that one. But you signed on for 4 more." Dianne explained.


“So you are saying, we are bound to this company. We are going to have to kill 4 more people to be able to leave Säkerhet Corp?” Kaiden asked.


“Don’t think about it like that. Think of it as closing a case. These cases are investigated and if they aren’t to Säkerhet Corp standards we do not accept them.” Dianne replied.


I sat there in silence.


“Katya?” Dianne called.


“Do you have anything to add before the board comes in to meet with you all?” Dianne asked.


I looked at the guys then nodded no.


Dianne opened the door to let 2 gentlemen in.


“Everyone, this is your governing board. They investigate your cases and approve your end decisions.” Dianne said.


Katya, Chandler, Kaiden, this is Mr. Oh and Mr. Byun.” She introduced.


“Wonderful job carrying out your first case.” Mr. Byun said proudly.


“It was very well executed.” Mr. Oh agreed.


“We will give you a few days of training before giving you another case," Dianne added.


“Yes. Have they had sniper training yet?” Mr. Oh asked.


"No, they are scheduled to begin today," Dianne assured.


We looked at each other in shock.


"Ok, when that is completed we will meet again." Mr. Byun said and walked towards the door.


“Nice to meet you all.” Mr. Oh said as he followed him out.


“Dianne, sniper training?” I asked confused.

