Escape by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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My life as a “paid assassin” I mean “case management agent” had become a reality.

I would have never in my wildest dreams imagined me doing what I do. Some days I still can’t believe it.

I wouldn’t say the jobs became easier but the understanding of why we did what we did made it feel easier to our conscience.


I liked Kaiden and Chandler, they made decisions easier. They are both level headed and none of our cases were closed without great consideration. Being part of a team with them was great!


My friendship with Michael had entered another level also. We were seeing each other a lot more. I would say we were unofficially dating. I mean he stayed at my apartment a lot and we enjoyed each other company.

Finally, an evening off after so many days of surveillance and work. I prepared myself in a pretty gown and made my way to see Michael in “The Man Who Laughs”. I was so excited to see his performance. He didn’t know I was coming so I brought flowers to surprise him.

Amazed I entered this beautiful theater.

So many lights, and fancy people. I looked through the crowd and saw Dianne at a distance. I turned around as if I didn’t see her but she came towards me anyway.


“Katya, what are you doing here?” She said with an uplifting tone.


“About to enjoy a wonderful musical?” I said with a smile.


“I didn’t know you were a fan of Michael Kim?” She said in an inquiring voice.


“Who isn’t?” I said with a giggle.


She smiled and looked away.


“Katya?” Chandler said surprised.


“Chandler? What are you doing here?” I asked with a laugh.


“Accompanying Ms. Dianne.” He replied with a fake smile.


Suddenly the lights dimmed and we made our way to our seats.


“She is sitting in the V.I.P. Section?” Dianne mumbled.


“So? Maybe she likes this show.” Chandler replied.


"V.I.P. is reserved for family and close friends," Dianne added.


“Not always. If you have money, you can buy V.I.P. and she has money.” Chandler argued.


Dianne looked at Chandler with a scowl.


“I’m just saying. Relax.” Chandler added.


Dianne and I kept crashing eyes. As if we were watching each other.



"She dressed as if she was going to be seen," Dianne mumbled.


"Everyone is dressed like that," Chandler mumbled back.


“Shut up Chandler and pay attention," Dianne said out loud.


I watched them carefully from across the theater.


“Why are they here?” I thought.


Just then, the musical began. I was lost in ecstasy, Michael’s voice was so stimulating, so arousing. I could feel him deep in my soul. His recordings had nothing in compared to his voice live. Every now and then, I'd glance over at Dianne and Chandler.

She seemed interested, he seemed like he was working. He kept scanning the upper theater seats. Our eyes kept meeting but she smiled to break the awkwardness. As the musical ended, I made my way backstage. I was so nervous. I wasn't the only girl there to get a close glimpse of him but I was a guest so I walked past everyone.


“Look, she’s going backstage," Dianne told Chandler.


“So what?” He replied.


“Pay attention idiot, does Katya know about this job?” Dianne asked.


"You told me not to say anything until we checked out everything," Chandler said.


"Hmmm," Dianne said.


As I entered his dressing room, I became nervous. He stood there, majestic, still in costume. My heart fluttered as he slowly turned around. I stopped and just watched him.


"Katya?" Michael said with a smile.


I smiled and handed him the flowers. He reached for me and hugged me tightly. I closed my eyes and took it in.


“Did you enjoy the show?” He asked.


“Yes, of course. You were magnificent!” I said with a sigh.


He waited for everyone to leave the room then kissed me. As I opened my eyes, I giggled to see him still in the makeup, with a smile that lasted forever.


“Let me change and we’ll go have a late dinner, yes? Please take a seat, it’ll take a few minutes.” He said excitedly.


I nodded and sat down. I reached for his coat and smelled it. He did smell like peaches, so sweet.

I couldn’t help but think why Dianne and Chandler were there. Were they preparing for a job? But who was the target?


I quickly lost that thought when Michael re-entered the room.


“Are you ready?” He said with a smile.


I nodded yes and got up. He walked over to me and reached around me to grab his coat. I smiled as we stumbled.


“Make sure you are warm, it’s colder now.” He said as he buttoned my coat.


I smiled and he kissed my nose.


"Let's go." He said grabbing my hand and leading me to the indoor private garage.

We got into a dark SUV and headed out. As we passed his fans, he lowered the window a little and wave to his fans. He was so gracious always.


“Where should we go eat?” He asked looking through his phone.


I shrugged my shoulders.


“Should we order in and go home.” He suggested.


I smiled and nodded yes. My mind kept going back to Dianne and Chandler. I had a bad feeling.


“My place or yours?” He asked with a wink.


"Either one," I replied quickly.


We quickly arrived at his place.

“Food will be here soon.” He said as he helped me out of the car.


We walked slowly arm in arm to his apartment.


“Can you stay the night?” He whispered in my ear as we entered the elevator.


"If you want me to, I can," I whispered with a smile.


 He nodded yes and placed a soft kiss on my lips.


“Did I tell you, you look extremely beautiful tonight?” He said as we entered his apartment.


“Only tonight?” I replied with a giggle.


“You know what I mean.” He said with a pout.


He kissed my neck as he removed my coat. I slowly turned and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. My heart began to race as he pulled me closer.


“I’m falling in love with you, Katya.” He whispered directly to my lips.



I closed my eyes as the sensation of his breath on my lips made me tingle all over.


I didn’t even have enough time to answer when he kissed me passionately.


“Can I make you mine tonight?” He whispered in my ear.


I smiled and nodded yes.


The feeling of his soft lips kissing my shoulders made me weak. I shivered.


“Are you cold?’ He whispered.


"No, just nervous," I replied.


His skin was so soft. I reached up and caressed his cheek as I pulled him closer for another kiss. The way he touched me made me melt completely. He gently made me his. I watched his face as he bit his lip while he enjoyed having me. I was in heaven. As we both reached euphoria, he clenched my hands and squeezed.


“I love you, Katya.” He said looking deep into my eyes.


“I love you too, Michael," I replied.


I had never felt like I did at that moment. Our souls had interlaced into an eternal bind that could never be separated. He was my one.

As we laid in each other arms, I fell asleep to the soft humming sounds of his chest. I was startled awake by a nightmare.


“Are you ok?” He asked concerned.


“Yes, I’m ok," I said as I held him tight.


I drifted back to sleep quickly. The next morning I was awakened by the beautiful sounds of Michael’s voice. I smile as I watched him dance around the kitchen. I got up and went into the bathroom.


"Oh, you're up. Did I wake you?" He said in a cheery voice.


I smiled and began brushing my teeth.


“I was thinking, why don’t you move in with me?” He said leaning against the bathroom door.


I smiled and gargled water.


“You want me here all the time? You  must be going crazy.” I said with a giggle.


 “Yes, of course. That’s not being crazy.” He replied handing me a cup of coffee.


I shrugged my shoulders and smiled.


“I can send for your things today, yes?” He said handing me a piece of toast.


I nodded yes.


I took a deep breath and sighed. I was happy. I was in love.


“Oh shit! What time is it?” I said as I snapped out of it.


"It's 7:30." He replied from the shower.


“Come get in, the water is still warm.” He added.


I smiled and did as I was told.


“No funny business, Michael. I have to go to work in an hour.” I said as I got in.


He quickly wrapped his arms around me.


“Michael…” I said.


He smiled and handed me the shampoo.


He was an angel sent from heaven. The way the water glistened on his chest looked like gold. As he dried his hair, I watched him.


“Here’s a warm towel.” He said it to me.


“There is also a nice outfit, I got for you, you know just in case you would ever stay over.” He said with a wink.


“Really? Wow! That’s so nice of you. I did the same for you too.” I said with a laugh.


“Did you?” He said with a smile.


I nodded yes.


“I like pinned stripes and I thought you’d look magnificent.” He said handing me a sleek business suit.


“I hope you like it.” He added.


“Oh wow! I love it! Thank you!” I said holding it up to my body.


I quickly got dressed and made my way to work. I rushed in to see if I could talk with Chandler before Kaiden got it. I walked into my office and sat down. I smiled thinking of making my life with Michael.


“So, is he your boyfriend?” Chandler said startling me.


“What? Who?” I said confused.


“The musical guy, Michael what's his name?" Chandler replied.


I rolled my eyes and turned away.


“What are we in high school now? Why are you in my office?” I replied.


"I'm just asking. You have to really like the guy to go see that boring shit." Chandler added.


“Why were you there then if it was so boring?” I replied with an attitude.


"Preparing for our next job," Chandler said arrogantly.


“What are you talking about?” I asked concerned.


“Wouldn’t it be the shit if you had to assassin your new boyfriend?” Chandler continued.


“That’s not even funny, Chandler," I replied.


He shrugged his shoulders and sipped his coffee.


Suddenly my phone rang.


"Fontaine," I answered.


"Hey it's Dianne, could you come to my office? Don't bring shithead Chandler with you." She instructed.


I got up and began walking towards Dianne’s office.


"Where are you going?" Chandler asked.


“I gotta get something. Wait here for Kaiden please.” I asked.


As I walked in, Dianne had a concerned look on her face.


“Sit down.” She instructed.


"What's going on?" I asked.


“We have a new case. I was told it should be given to KCK.” Dianne said as she handed me a file.


I was afraid to open it, so I held it closed.


“Is it him?” I asked.


“Who?” Dianne responded.


“Michael Kim," I asked.


Dianne nodded.


“Why is it him?” I asked.


“Listen, I can take you off this case Katya but then you will be flying solo, no info or nothing. At least this way, you can try to save him.” Dianne explained.


I slowly opened the folder to find a picture of Michael and a complete file on his family history and secrets.


“You weren’t supposed to fall in love with him. We scheduled you to be on that flight for background information.” Dianne added.


“What? What do you mean?” I asked confused.


"Katya, this case has been going on for a while before you came to work here," Dianne said.


“But why KCK? Why not another team?” I asked.


"Because you guys get shit done," Dianne replied.


“Could it be a mistake?” I asked.


"It's not Katya," Dianne said.

“What if I quit?” I inquired.


“Really? We talked about this. Remember what I told you guys first day in.” Dianne said.


I paced the room.


“Listen, I’m watching out for you. Maybe you can get him to go away for a long time. I don’t know. All I know it’s going to be done in a month at the masquerade ball held by the theater group.” Dianne explained.


We both got up and started to walk toward the conference room.


“Katya, work with your team. Don’t let them suspect anything or you could put yourself in danger.” Dianne ended.


As I entered the room, Mr. Byun entered behind me.


"I'm glad you all are here. Now let's get to business." Mr. Byun ordered.


I handed the file to Kaiden.


“Any questions?” Mr. Byun asked looking at me.


"What's up with this guy?” Kaiden asked.


Dianne looked at me then away.


“Yeah, the file is just a picture," Chandler said closing the file.


“This is a special project.” Mr. Byun said with a smile.


“Special?” I asked.


“Yes. Mr. Kim is not the person everyone thinks he is.” Mr. Byun answered.


“What does that mean sir?” Chandler inquired.


"Let's just say he an unsavory character and needs to be eliminated." Mr. Byun explained.


“Just like that? We usually observe and investigate before anything is decided.” I asked.


“Yes Katya, just like that! This one has been decided for you.” Mr. Byun exclaimed.


As they prepared the plan, I spaced out. What am I going to do? I can’t hurt Michael. Dianne kept watching me as I struggled with everything.


“Katya, you seem to be in another world. Are you listening?” Kaiden said.


I nodded yes.


"You are the leader of this team. Get with it." Mr. Byun added.


“I got it!” I said and left the room.


“What’s wrong with her?” Kaiden questioned.


“She likes her facts about a case, let her go. She’s probably going to research him.” Dianne assured.


"Well, nothing can be approved without Katya," Chandler stated.


“Just prepare your ideas then present them to her. I will return in a week. If nothing is solved, we may have to replace her.” Mr. Byun said as he walked out.


Dianne looked at the guys with worry on her face.


“That’s the guy Katya was with the other night, she’s not going to do this, Dianne," Chandler whispered.


“Shut up! You don’t know that! She is very serious about her job. Maybe she has been investigating him all along.” Dianne scolded.


“What is the background of this guy? Why does Mr. Byun want him taken out? It kinda seemed personal. Didn’t it?” Kaiden asked.


“It’s confidential. You guys are paid to do your jobs, not to get acquainted with the person.” Dianne ended.


I stood outside the office building, thinking. This has to be a mistake. Then my phone rang.


"Fontaine," I answered.


“Hello my love,” Michael replied.


"Hi," I said with a swoon.


I loved the sound of his voice.




“What time will you be home? So I can have dinner ready?” He said.


“Home? Wait, you are cooking dinner?” I said with a surprised voice.


“Yes, I had a few of your things moved over and yes I can cook.” He said with a laugh.


“Maybe 5 or 6, but no later. You have no schedule today?” I asked.


“No, I’m off for a few days. So I’ll be home resting.” He replied gleefully.


“Ok. I’ll see you soon.” I whispered.


“See you soon.” He replied.


I returned to my office and sat in front of my computer.


“Where do I begin?” I said to myself.


Kaiden lightly tapped on my door.


“Hey what’s up?” I said as I motioned for him to enter.


“I wanted to ask you the same.” He replied.


I nodded and looked away.


“Are you seeing this guy?” He whispered.


I remained quiet.


"Oh damn Katya," Kaiden said pushing his fingers through his hair.


“There has to be a solution?” I said.


"Is there ever a solution? No, Katya, there isn't." Kaiden stated.


“Then I’m going to have to do what I have to do," I said.


“Come on Katya, you’re really going to do this job?” Kaiden asked.


I shrugged my shoulders.


“If I were you, I’d run. Run away as far as I can. But remember he will always be a target.” Kaiden suggested.


“We will both be targets then. “ I added.


“Do you love him?” Kaiden asked.


"I think I do," I whispered. 


Kaiden scratched his head as he paced the office.


"We are your team, I will do what you ask of me but Chandler is a different story," Kaiden whispered.


I took a deep breath.


“We’ll discuss it tomorrow. I need to think.” I said concerned.


Kaiden smiled and left the office as Dianne was entering.


“You ok?” Dianne asked.


“No, how am I supposed to do this?” I argued.


"Between us, you don't," Dianne whispered.


"I know I just met him but I have fallen hard for him," I confessed.

“Then protect him. Protect him with your life.” Dianne suggested.


I looked at her confused.


"You are a team leader. Be a team leader. You have control over your team.” Dianne instructed.


“But I don’t...” I said


“Don’t worry about Chandler, I got him.” Dianne interrupted.


“So it’s me and Kaiden but this puts Kaiden in a bad place because then he will have to do it if I don't," I explained.


"Not necessarily," Dianne added.


“I don’t know.’ I said concerned.

“I have your back, Katya. I will do what I have to do to help you but you need to do your part so no one gets suspicious.” She added.


"Ok," I said unsurely.


"I'm going to go home, I'm feeling shitty today but I will be in for the meeting tomorrow," Dianne assured.


“Ok. I will do some research for the meeting then I’m going home. He’s making dinner.” I said with a smile.


Dianne smiled and waved goodbye from the door.


I searched the internet for any bad press on Michael and found nothing. This was an inside hit. Someone here at Säkerhet Corp wanted him dead but who?  I thought.


I stared off as I tried to make sense of this.


“Mr. Byun?” I said to myself.


I began searching for him. Come to know, that he and Michael were in a musical group together 20 years ago and the group came to an end at the height of their career due to the mysterious death of the 3rd member.


“Wow!” I said as I read on.


Michael Kim and Benji Byun were both suspects but neither were ever convicted of any crime towards the 3rd member.


“Does Michael know something he shouldn’t?” I asked myself.


I quickly grabbed my phone and called Dianne. Her phone just went straight to voicemail.


“That’s weird. She always answers even if she’s sick.” I said as I redialed the number.


Again it went to voicemail.


As I looked up, Chandler happened to be passing my office. I motioned him to come in.


“Hey, Dianne isn’t answering. Do you know what’s up?” I asked.



“She felt sick. Maybe she just went straight to bed when she got home.” Chandler replied.


“True. What are you doing today?” I responded.


“Waiting on you, team leader. This job can be so easy, considering you have access to this guy any time.” Chandler enforced.


"We need to go through the protocol. A plan must be put in place so everything goes how it should. No  mistakes.” I said.


“Oh, so you are in? Really?” He asked with a cocky tone.


I nodded yes.


"Well, I have some good ideas for the job. Easy quick ones.” He said with a smile.


"Put them all on the table tomorrow," I said with a forced smile.


"You can just go home and shoot him in the head in his sleep," Chandler said as he walked to the door.


I nodded in disagreement.


“or.” Chandler continued.


“Tomorrow Chandler. Bye.” I said.


I printed out some articles and grabbed my purse and made my way out. I waved at Chandler as I exited.


“I don’t trust him.” I thought as the elevator doors closed and we looked at each other.


And I knew he was thinking the same about me.


I sat in my car for a while before heading out. My cell phone ringing startled me out of my thoughts.


“Fontaine?” I answered.


“They are on to you. Protect yourself and him.” A whisper said.


“Hello? Hello? Who is this?” I said but the call was lost.


“What the hell was that?” I said as I scrolled through my call log.

I dialed back but the call couldn’t connect. I took off and raced home. As I got out my car I glanced around. I rushed inside and locked the door.


“Michael?” I said as I entered.


He was in the kitchen, washing his hands. I hugged him tight from behind.


“Are you ok?” He asked.


"I am now," I said as I slowly kissed him.


“I missed you too today.” He said as we separated from the kiss.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door. I shuttered.


“Are you sure you are ok?” Michael asked as he went to answer.


I rushed past him and looked through the peephole.


I slowly opened the door.


“Hello. I have a letter for Mr. Kim.” The gentleman said.


"Oh thank you," Michael replied.


“Sign here please.” The man asked looking at me.


I knew him. He worked at Säkerhet Corp.


"Thank you, sir, have a nice evening." He said as he walked away.


"I wonder what this is," Michael said as he opened the envelope.


I just stared.


“Oh its tickets to the Masquerade ball at the theater where I perform. You are going with me, right?” Michael asked with a smile.


"Yes, if you want me too," I answered quickly.


“Katya, are you really ok? You’ve been acting a bit weird.” Michael reassured.


“Oh yeah! I’m fine honey. It’s a new atmosphere. I get the jitters with new places and your apartment is new to me.” I said.


“Our apartment.” Michael corrected.


He smiled .


“Hungry?” He said leading me to the kitchen.


I nodded yes and he smiled.


"Well, let's eat." He added.


I watched him as he served me and then sat across from me to eat. He was so handsome. I couldn’t hurt him. But if I didn’t, what would happen?


"This is delicious," I said tasting the food.


Michael nodded in agreement.


“I also made dessert.” He said breaking my thoughts.



“Really?” I said with a smile.


“Peaches and cream.” He said with a smile.


 I smiled back because that’s how I identified him smelling like peaches.