Escape by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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The investigation into the Idol Suicide had become movie like.

Everyone had their suspicions, their conspiracy theories.

Since I had a desk job at Säkerhet Corp, all I did was search the internet to stay informed. I couldn’t leave my position at Säkerhet Corp or I’d be looked at as an accomplice to Kaiden, who was also being investigated. Plus I need to be near the action. Michael finished his final dates at the musical and basically became a hostage at home because the moment he’d step out the press was on him with questions.


Today seemed different though. I walked through the lobby of our apartment building and it seemed eerily quiet. No reporters hiding in corners. Just a regular day.

I slowly walked into the parking area and realized I forgot my phone. As I walked back to the door, I saw a Black SUV slowly pulling up. Right then I saw Michael who had come down to bring me my phone. But he was being pulled away by masked men. I pulled my gun and ran after them to no avail. People on the street were screaming. I quickly ran back in and looked for the front desk clerk.


"Do you guys have cameras facing the front doors?" I asked out of breath.


The girl nodded nervously.


“I need to see the footage.” I insisted.


She leads me to a back room and pointed at the screen. She began playing the video.


“Stop! Right there.” I said as I took a good look at the grainy footage.


“I know those shoes.” I thought.


“Should I keep playing it?” The girl asked.


I nodded yes as I stared at the screen. On the footage, one of the assailants pointed their gun at me but didn’t shoot. I knew that gun.


"Chandler," I said to myself.


As I exited the room the police were coming in to question witnesses. I walked passed them to the parking area and got in my car.


"Deep breath Katya," I said to myself.


I took a few deep breaths and wiped my tears.


"I'll find you, Michael. I promise.” I said out loud.


I drove towards Säkerhet Corp, carefully checking out my surroundings.


I stopped before I entered and composed myself. As I passed the front desk, I asked Kristen for a new phone. Immediately she had one waiting for me in my office. I entered my dark office and sat down.


“Where did you take him Chandler?” I asked myself.


While I stared out my office window thinking, Mr. Byun passed and smirked at me. I didn't think anything of it because his life's purpose was to torment me.


I stared him directly in the eyes and he did not move his gaze. Just then the police entered my office.


“Ms. Katya Fontaine?” An Officer asked.


“yes?” I replied.


“You are under arrest for the kidnapping of musical star Michael Kim.” The other one said as he put handcuffs on me.


“What? I didn’t kidnap him.” I said out loud.


“Please do not say anything until you have your lawyer present. I will call her for you.” Kristen said.


I felt embarrassed passing all my colleagues handcuffed but I didn't do anything. Mr. Byun smiled as I passed him. I looked back as we got into the elevator and he was holding my lucky rabbit's foot. I knew I had to compose myself so I took a deep breath and looked away. This was his doing, that rabbit's foot was attached to my cell phone, so he knew where Michael was.


Arriving at the police station, there was mayhem. Reporters trying to get the story, his fans wanting to kill me. It was terrifying. I was put in a room by myself.


"Hello, Katya." Deija, my lawyer said as she entered.


"Deija, this is a misunderstanding," I explained.


"Girl, I got you," Deija assured.


"I know who did this. I'm being set up." I explained.


“tell me what is going on?” Deija asked.


“Just get me out of here. I need to help him.” I pleaded.


"I will do my best but you need to relax and at least give me something I can use to get you free," Deija stated.


"This all goes back to that Idol Suicide thing but that's all I can say or they will kill him," I said emotionally.


"Ok, let me see what I can do," Deija said.


I paced and paced the room. Thinking.


“I know Chandler. I trained with Chandler. Where would he take Michael?” I asked myself.


I don’t think I sat down the whole time I was in there. I was taken out a back way to avoid cameras and the fans. As I got in the car, I looked out the window, there it was.

The beautiful mountains.


“That’s it!” I said out loud.


Deija and the officer looked at me as if I was insane. I nodded as if I had not said anything. I arrived at my apartment and it was in shambles. The police had been through it. They had searched through my papers, our personal items even our bed. I looked at my new phone and smiled.


“Could Chandler be that stupid?” I said as I opened my app to find my other cell.


I dialed in my number and waited for the app to find it. To my surprise, it found it at a ski lodge a few hours away. I quickly packed a few things and began preparing my reinforcements. As I packed, I called Kelsey, she was an ex Säkerhet Corp employee and the best at surveillance. She could find a pin in a haystack.


“Hey girl, its Kat from Säkerhet Corp, give me a call asap," I said as I left her a message.


Not even two minutes later my phone rang.


“Hello.” I greeted.


"Girl, what is going on with you? You are all over the news." Kelsey said.


"Long story but I need your help. I'm looking for someone and I have pinned him with my phone but I have no idea how to get to this place." I explained.


“Oh you know I got this. Text me the info and I will get you there. Do you have one of those earpieces we got at Säkerhet Corp near you?” She asked.


“I do” I replied.


"Give me the serial number I'll attach you this way I can keep you company in your search," Kelsey explained.


“That’s awesome! Thanks a bunch!” I said as I loaded my guns and packed them.


“I know the place where your phone is pinging from. It’s about an hour and a half away in  Flumserberg.” Kelsey said.


I smiled and got in my car for the drive.


“So who’s there?” Kelsey asked.


“Where?” I replied.


“Flumserberg?” Kelsey responded.





“I think that’s where Michael is," I replied hopefully.


“How do you know?” Kelsey added.


“I worked with one of his kidnappers. He had mentioned once wanting to hide someone up there.” I replied.


“What an idiot. You never reveal your ideas or sources. He didn’t learn that. Geez!” She said with a giggle.


"That's Chandler for you," I replied.


Kelsey laughed.


I listened to Michael singing all the way there for motivation. I hoped with my heart I could find him. I was actually scared of what I might find due to Chandler's craziness.


"I have pinpointed 2 secluded or abandoned cabins," Kelsey said.


“One east of you and the other straight ahead. You will have to hike a bit though.” She added.


"Ok," I said as I put my gun in my holster and put on my jacket.


"Anything you need, just say so," Kelsey said.


"Ok," I said as I began my hike.


“Please be careful Kat.” She added.


"Damn! It's so cold up here," I said trying to start a conversation.


“Well yeah, you are near the mountain top and there’s a lot of that cold stuff, SNOW! ” Kelsey joked.


"Ok, I'm coming up on the first cabin, it's dark. There are tire tracks but they are covered by snow, when did it snow last here?" I asked Kelsey.


"3 hours ago," Kelsey replied.


“I can’t see anything through the windows, its dark. Looks deserted.” I described.


“You going in?” Kelsey asked as I kicked the door in.


"That's a yes," Kelsey answered.


“Someone was here. The fireplace is still smoldering.” I said as I looked around.


Suddenly I was startled by a cell phone ringing across the room.


“What was that?” Kelsey asked.


"My cell phone. It's here." I replied as I walked towards it.


It was Chandler calling.


“Where is he?” I said as I answered.


"You thought I'd be stupid enough to lead you to him with your phone. Come on, Katya." Chandler taunted.


"I will kill you, Chandler if you hurt him," I replied.


“Yeah, I’m sure you will try. Just remember I got Kaiden and you’ll be next.” He replied with a laugh.


“Chandler!” I said as he interrupted.


“He might be frozen to death by now. It did snow up there.” Chandler taunted.


"or he will be dead by the time you find him," Chandler added.


“If something happens to him, I promise you will pay.” I threatened.


Suddenly Chandlers starts talking to someone there.


“What the fuck! I thought you were dead!” Chandler said to an indistinct voice in the background.


“Chandler! Chandler!” I shouted.


Then I heard gunshots and the phone went dead.


I frantically searched the cabin. There was nothing I can go on.


“Come on Michael, you know me, you had to have left me a clue, Please baby," I spoke out loud.


"Maybe check the surroundings of the cabin," Kelsey suggested.


"I see footprints, but just one set. Hold up there are 2 sets." I said excitedly.


"See how far they go," Kelsey noted.


“Ok. Look at your radar, is there anything going Northeast, like another cabin, stream, anything?” I asked Kelsey.


“There’s an abandoned ski lift about 1 mile in that direction. Is that where the footprints are directing you?” Kelsey inquired.


"Yeah, I'm following them," I advised.


"Please let him be around here and let him be ok," I said to myself.


As I walked I heard movement in the distance so I hid. I looked out to see if I could distinguish which direction it was coming from. I looked at the prints and they kept going towards that area. I pulled my gun out and pointed it in front of me. I suddenly saw Mr. Oh and Mr. Byun so I hid behind a tree.


"Mr. Byun and Mr. Oh are up ahead. They are inspecting something. Ok, they are now walking away, going the opposite direction," I whispered.


"SHIT! Hold your position," Kelsey replied back.


I watched as they walked a distance and got in a car. I let them drive off and bit then I began to approach the abandoned lift slowly.


“Michael? Michael?” I whispered but heard nothing.


I looked around and there was nothing. Then I saw something move in the distance, or I thought I did, so I ran in that direction. I fell in front of a shallow looking grave and began digging with my hands.


“Oh Kelsey, they buried Michael in the snow," I said frantically.


“Shit!” Kelsey replied softly.


“Michael? Michael?” I said as I unburied his frozen body.


“Oh my gosh! Is he dead?” Kelsey asked.


 I remained quiet as I dug deeper and uncovered his face and chest.


“No there is a faint heartbeat and he’s breathing but very shallow," I said as kept digging.


"Sweetheart, wake up," I said as I removed my coat and wrapped it around him.


“Do you need paramedics?” Kelsey asked.


“No! No! I got him.” I replied.


“Michael, baby. Wake up” I said as I used my body for warmth.


“Are you sure? Is he coming to?” Kelsey asked.


“I’m sure. He was slowly coming to.” I replied with relief.


He slowly opened his eyes and smiled softly.


"Baby, I need you to get up so we can get out of here," I instructed him.


He tried but was too weak from being left in the cold so long.


"Come on baby, you can do this. I can't carry you and I don't want to drag you. Come on baby!" I said coaching him to get up.


With all the strength left in him, he rose and held onto me.


I slowly began to walk. He was heavy but I wasn’t going to leave him there to die. So I channeled every bit of strength I had.


"Come on baby, just a little more," I said as we walked.


Suddenly I heard a break in the snow and a figure was standing there in the distance.

 I got in front of Michael.

At that moment, I flashed back to telling him I was prepared to die for him and I was.

As the fog cleared up I saw who it was or who I thought it was but it couldn’t be.


“Dianne?” I mumbled.


"Dianne? Isn't she dead? The cold is getting to you, get out of there." Kelsey replied.


Suddenly I hear a loud popping noise and a cold wet feeling running down my shoulder.


“Katya!” Michael yelled as we both fell to the ground.


“Kat! Kat! Oh my GOD! What is happening? What do I do?” Kelsey called out.


I fell to my knees. Then again another popping noise and now a numb feeling fill my body.

As I lay there looking up, all I saw was snow falling on my face and the tops of trees.

It was actually a beautiful view.

My vision kept fading in and out. My last view was Michael’s beautiful face over me.


“Help her. Please help her!” I heard Michael pleaded.


I suddenly saw Dianne appear behind him.

Then I felt and heard nothing.

I was dead or was I?

I must be dead because Dianne was dead and I just saw her.

Maybe she was my guardian angel.


Well if this was it, I died content and in love. And what is better than seeing the love of my life as my last vision. I tried to say I love you before passing out but nothing came out. But I think he knew.


“Oh my GOD! What did you fucken do?” Michael yelled to Dianne.


I didn’t hear a reply but I could still feel Michael’s tears fall on my face. He was cradling me in his arms tight as I faded away.


“I had to shoot her, to save you and her," Dianne explained.


“What! That’s ridiculous! You  killed her.” Michael wailed.



"No, I didn't Michael, relax.  She will be fine. I will get you to a safe place and you will see. She’s resilient.” Dianne said proudly.


With a surge of energy, I opened my eyes and saw Michael praying over me. I could feel his fast heartbeat near my face.


“We are almost there baby, hold on please.” He repeated as he kissed my forehead.


“Is she still breathing?” Dianne asked.


Michael nodded yes.


“She bled enough in the snow for Benji to think she’s dead and since they buried you alive, they will believe your dead also," Dianne explained.


“What the hell are you talking about?” Michael asked confused.


"It's a long story, Katya will tell you about it someday," Dianne mumbled.


“Why does everyone know about Benji wanting to kill me, except me?” Michael argued.


“You’ll be fine now, Michael. You will take Katya away. Do not tell anyone about where you will go. Just disappear.

Trust me, Katya and I spoke about this before.” Dianne explained.


Michael nodded in agreement.


“In this bag, there are new identities for both of you with no connection to Säkerhet Corp, money and other things you might need." Dianne explained.


“Michael Kim and Katya Fontaine are gone forever. Understood!” She added.


Michael nodded yes.


I knew Michael would miss his old life more than I would miss mine. Considering who he was but he was ready for a quiet life. Dianne had my wounds taken care of and in a few days, my love and I were on our way to a new life.


We never looked back.

We got married and lived happily for many years without a care in this world.

We had a beautiful little boy and trust me, life was better than any Kdrama.


Until that one day, I remember it clearly. It was my birthday.

There was a knock at our door and our son opened the door to see who it was.


“Mommy someone left you a gift.” He said with a big smile.


As I opened my hand to receive was he was giving me I froze.


“Michael!” I called.


As I opened my hand, Michael gasped. It was my lucky rabbit's foot with a note saying


“You can hide but you can’t ever escape…BB”