Escape by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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I woke up this morning feeling lost. I just wanted a change. Life had become routine.

Same shit, a different day.

I looked around my room as the sun peeked through the shades.


“I hope I have a response this morning.” I thought as I kissed my lucky rabbit's foot for luck and reached for my phone.


I quickly got up as I saw I did have a response to the new job application.


“Oh great! Finally." I said excitedly.


“Dear Ms. Fontaine, You have been accepted for our work project. We will be in contact shortly with additional information. We are excited to have you as part of our team.” It read.


I jumped up and danced around the room as I dialed Karen’s number.


“Hello?” A groggy voice said.


"Hey Karen, it's me, Kat, guess what?" I said excitedly.


“If you didn’t win the lotto you better not be calling me so damn early," Karen replied.


“It’s kinda like winning. Remember that job in Zurich I applied for?” I said.


"Mhmm," Karen mumbled.


“I freaken got it!” I yelled.


"Oh damn, Kat! That's great!!!" Karen replied.


“All I’m waiting for is the additional stuff and I’ll be on my way. Bye old life, hello new life.” I sang.


“That’s awesome girl! I knew you’d get it.” Karen assured.


“Thanks! Do you wanna have dinner tonight?” I asked.


“Hell yeah, we need to celebrate!” Karen agreed.


“Olive Garden at 7?” I suggested.


"See you there," Karen added.


I was super excited. Who would have thought all that weird hunting experience I had from camp would get me this far. I was beyond ecstatic.

A new job in a new country.

A totally new adventure for me to dive into. Just then my phone rang.


“Hello?” I said nervously.


“Hello, Ms. Katya Fontaine please?” The voice said.


“This is," I replied cheerfully.


“Hello, My name is Kristen, I’m calling Säkerhet Corp to prepare you for your trip to Zurich.” She said.


“Yes of course," I replied.


“When do you think you’d like to relocate?” She asked.


"As soon as possible," I said.


I could hear her typing away.


“How about if I prepare your arrival for this coming Monday? That’s a few days away. This way you can tie up loose ends over there.” She suggested.


“That’ll be perfect! I have a question about housing?” I interrupted.


“Everything is part of your elite employee package with Säkerhet Corp. Your flight, housing, transportation, and a substantial upfront hiring bonus. We like to treat our extreme case agents well.” She explained.


“You really don’t have to do anything but show up for your flight. You do have a passport, correct?” She added.


“Yes, I do. Did you say upfront hiring bonus?” I questioned.


“Yes. A courier will deliver you a debit card with your 1st deposit on it for you to spend as you wish. You’ve earned it.” She said.


“Wow! That’s awesome!" I said nervously.


“Ok Ms. Fontaine, I have you set for your flight direct to Zurich on Monday. Upon arrival here, you will be escorted to your apartment where you will be given keys and your itinerary for the week.

On Wednesday, you will be introduced to the full board at Säkerhet Corp.

Then we will go from there.” She said in one full swoop.


“Ok. It sounds perfect!" I said with a sigh.


“Ok then, any other questions?” She asked.


“No, no.  No questions.” I stuttered.


 “Ok then, that will be all. Have a wonderful trip to Zurich and welcome to Säkerhet Corp.” She ended.


"Oh thank you," I said with a grin.


I hung up with a huge smile on my face. I couldn't believe what was happening. My job had turned into a dream. I was totally set up in Zurich. Right then, a loud knock on the door startled me.


“Who is it?” I yelled from across the room.


“Top Courier Service, I have a package for Ms. Katya Fontaine.” The voice behind the door said.


“Hold on, I'm coming," I yelled as I sprinted across the room and opened the door.


“Ms. Fontaine?” The guy asked.


"Yep, that's me," I said with a smile.


“This is for you. Can you sign here and here please?” He asked pointing at two different spots.


"Of course," I said grabbing the package.


“Have a great day!” He said.


I smiled and closed the door.

It was a heavy package. I tore it open immediately. It contained my i.d. card for secure entry to the Säkerhet Corp building, some pamphlets to read and a debit card with instructions on how to access it.

I quickly grabbed my phone and downloaded the bank app. I had to do a double take when I saw the amount in my account.


“$50,000 hiring bonus? WHAT THE!” I said out loud.


I stared at the card then at the app. My name was the owner of this account so it was really mine.


“There’s gotta be a mistake but she did say substantial, though," I added.


I smiled as I threw myself on the bed.


“Should I buy new clothes here or just buy them there?” I contemplated.


I rolled around excited and sat up.


“I do need a new purse to carry my beautiful new card.” I giggled.


I was shocked but it was about time good things happened to me. Plus I needed a change of scenery.

The job I had now was awful but I needed it to survive.

I swear my boss was a perv.

He always had something to say and it was never nice.

It was more disgusting than anything.

I had heard he had been investigated for child porn but I never looked into it.

I felt it wasn’t my problem. As long as he wasn’t bothering me, who really cared? I know that’s a bad way to be but I needed this job.


“Ohh man, I get to quit today! Yeyyy!” I said happily.


“Let's see what Jonesy has to say now," I added with a laugh.


I quickly dialed the phone.


“Hey Rhonda, can you pass me over to Mr. Jones please?” I asked nicely.


"Sure, Katya, hold please," Rhonda said.


“Where the hell are you? You are late!” He said as he picked up the phone.


“Mr. Jones.” I tried to interject.


“GET YOUR LAZY ASS HERE NOW!” Mr. Jones interrupted.


"I'm not coming in," I said in a cocky tone.


“You are obviously not sick, what is your problem now?” He added.


“I quit!” I said with relief.


“Hahaha! You what? Don’t make me laugh.” Mr. Jones laughed.


“I quit. I don’t need that job anymore.” I repeated.


“Ok ok. I’ll be sure to save some singles so I can give you when you’re showing your tits at the strip club. You ungrateful little bitch.” He added with a disgusting laugh.


I smiled and hung up.


“Ughhh, such a perv.” I shivered to myself.


I felt like a boulder had been taken off my shoulders. I hated going to that job. I actually felt sorry for the remaining employees. Mr. Jones was a horrible human being if we can even call him that.

I sat around reading about my new job. I tried looking online for more info but I couldn’t access the site. No big deal. I had the job so it didn’t matter.


As I arrived at Olive Garden, Karen was waiting for me.


“Hey Kat!” Karen said as she waved me over to her table.


“Hey!” I said with a big smile.


“You look happy.” Karen joked.


"Girl, look at this," I said showing her my bank account.


“Oh What the hell? Where did you get all that money? Did you sell your soul to the devil or something?” She asked.


“No, you dork! It’s my new job. That’s my hiring advance.” I said proudly.


“Holy Moly, I want to get a job there. I know dinner is on you today, right?” Karen joked.


“Yes of course. Dinner and dessert. Plus drinks.” I agreed with a giggle.


We spent the evening eating well and talking.


"I can't believe you're leaving me though," Karen said with a pout.


"I'll be back on vacation or you can always visit me," I suggested with a pout.


“Please stay in touch. I will worry about you. And anything that you can’t handle, come home ok?” Karen added.


“I will. I promise.” I said with a grin.