Escape by Joana A Park - HTML preview

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The day was finally here.

 Zurich here I come.

I was nervous but excited. Karen dropped me off at the airport. We hugged for 30 minutes, it seemed.


“Are you ready to go?” Karen asked with tears in her eyes.


“Don’t start crying because then I will too," I said with teary eyes.


 I waved as I walked away.

 I slowly walked up to the airport counter with my ticket.


“Hello Ms. Fontaine, first time going to Zurich?” The Flight attendant asked.


"Yes," I said.


“It is beautiful there, you’ll love it!” She added.


"I'm sure I will," I said.


“You are all set. Boarding will begin shortly.” She ended handing me my boarding pass.


I smiled as I walked away. I glanced at my boarding pass then out the window to see the big plane. I couldn’t believe I was about to embark on this big adventure.

Suddenly I was bumped by a bunch of girls running passed me.


“What the hell?” I said as more and more girls appeared.


A security detail escorted a man covered by a coat onto the plane. The girls screamed and took pictures. As I walked over I saw their posters.


“I love Michael Kim!” It read.


I smiled because they looked so cute but I had no idea who Michael Kim was. And I really didn’t care.


Boarding now began and I made my way onto the plane. I was surprised to know I would be flying first class. I had never flown first class so I was excited. The flight attendant pointed me towards the first class area. There weren’t that many people up there so I made myself comfortable.


As I passed I noticed security guards surrounding that man.


“Who is he?” I thought to myself as I put my luggage overhead and sat down.


I quickly grabbed my cell and searched him up on Google.


“Hmmm, Michael Kim. “ I mumbled as I scanned all the pages.


"29 years old. Musical Star. Wait, a very famous Korean musical star.  A former member of a popular Korean pop trio.” I read.


I tried to look towards him so I can take a look but the security guard gave me a dirty look.


“Gossip is always so sensationalized. But it’s interesting. He’s very good looking also.” I said out loud as I scanned his pictures.


The overhead speakers came on with the captain giving directions. I listen intently as I tried to get a glimpse of the famous musical star who was sitting in front of me. I smiled as I looked out the window and watch the plane take off.


I was jolted out of my seat by turbulence a few hours into the flight. I searched my purse for my lucky rabbit's foot for comfort.


"Now I know why I hate to fly," I said out loud as I squeezed my rabbit's foot.


I could see that the musical star looked back in between the seats at me.


I held on to the armrest tightly and looked out the window. With another jerk, I closed my eyes.


"Excuse me, Miss." A gentleman said.


I directed my eyes at him but held onto the seat for dear life.


“Would you like to switch seats?” He asked.


I just looked at him and gave him a terrified smiled. I didn’t even know where he came from.


“Where are you sitting?” I asked.


He pointed to the seat next to the musical star.


The gentleman lowered himself and whispered “Mr. Kim would like for you to sit with him. If it's ok?”


I nodded terrified and smile.


"Ok," I said as I got up and slide out of the area.


I slid past him and sat down and quickly put on my seatbelt.


“Don’t be afraid. Flying is very safe.” He whispered as I sat next to him.


Abruptly turbulence hit again. I grabbed the armrest, or what I thought was the armrest and squeezed.


“Ouch!” He said.


“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I meant to grab…” I mumbled.


“It’s perfectly fine. I don’t need my arm for anything important.” He said with a smile.


I giggled because of nerves.


“What’s your name?” He whispered.


“Katya, Katya Fontaine and you?” I asked back.


“Michael, Michael Kim.” He whispered mimicking me.


I smiled and glanced out the window.


“First time going to Zurich?” He asked.


“Yes. And it’s going to be a long flight. I can feel it.” I murmured as turbulence hit again.


“Are you traveling for work? Vacation?” He said continuing to make small talk to keep my mind off the turbulence.


“For work. I’m relocating there for a new job.” I said proudly.


He nodded yes.


“Would you like something to drink?” He asked as the flight attendant approached us.


"I don't think I should," I said.


“Why not? It’s going to be a long flight.” He joked.


“I might have to go to the bathroom and I really don’t want to move from my seat," I added with no filter.


He laughed.


“If anything, I’ll accompany you to the bathroom so you are safe.” He joked.


I smiled embarrassedly.


He handed me a glass with cranberry juice and winked.


"Thank you," I said as I sipped it.


He then handed me the right side of his earphones. I looked at it like what am I supposed to do.


“I listen to the music of the musical I’m about to perform. It relaxes me, would you like to listen with me?” He suggested.


"Sure," I said as I moved closer to him and inserted the earphone in my ear.


I glanced over to him and he had his eyes closed. I swear he smelled like peaches or I was just craving peaches. You know your mind can play tricks on you at a high altitude. His profile was flawless. I guess he felt me looking because he opened his eyes and smiled.


“What do you think?” He asked.


“It’s beautiful. Is that you singing?” I questioned.


He nodded yes.

I leaned back and continued listening. It actually did relax me. It relaxed me so much I fell asleep.

I woke up to find myself leaning up against his shoulder, holding his hand.


“Oh my, I’m so sorry," I said embarrassed.


I got up to go to the bathroom.

“Where are you going?” He asked concerned.


"To the ladies room," I replied softly.


“Will you be ok going to the bathroom alone?” He joked as I passed him.


I nodded yes and walked fast.

Thank goodness no turbulence hit while I was in there. I smiled at him as returned. He smiled and stood up so I can sit down.


"Excuse me," I said as I moved passed him. He smelled so sweet.


“I took the liberty of ordering food for us. I hope it is ok?” He said as I scooched in.


“That’s fine. I don’t know if I can eat though. Nerves you know.” I said with a smile.


“Just try to eat a little bit. By the way, you left this behind.” He whispered and handed me my rabbit's foot.


“Oh thank you!” I said embarrassed placing it to my heart.


“By the way, thank you for keeping me company.” He said.


 “No need for that. Thank you for saving me from a heart attack.” I added.


He laughed and squeezed my hand.


“I could get used to this. A great job, I bet a great home and him as my boyfriend. Oh yeah! Great life.” I thought as I watched him.


I suddenly giggled.


“What’s so funny?” He asked.


“Oh nothing, just thinking crazy ideas," I said quickly.


He smiled and looked away.


“I’m so rude. Would you like to have dinner with me?” He said with a goofy grin.


"I thought we were having dinner together," I said but I felt confused.


"I just assumed because you are sitting next to me." He added.


“Don’t worry about it. I’d be honored.” I said.


He smiled and handed me a tray of food. This food had to be catered in for him because airplane food isn’t this good.


“This is lovely.” I complimented as I poked around the vegetables.


“I’m glad you like it. We will be splitting dessert though, I ordered only one. I hope you don’t mind.” He said with a mouthful.


I nodded as I spooned rice into my mouth.


“I’m hoping we can remain friends after the flight.” He said.


“Yes, of course.” I agreed.


“Is it to forward of me to ask for your cell phone number.” He asked in that beautiful accent.


"Oh my goodness, of course not," I replied grabbing his phone and adding my number to his contact list.


He smiled as I handed him back his phone.


“Thanks” he whispered.


There was no way in the world I was going to lose track of him. He was gorgeous and he seemed interested in me.

Plain ol’ Katya.

We spent the rest of the flight just talking. I think by the end, I knew everything about him. I even felt as if I had a crush on him. Now I understood why all those girls were crazy about him.

 I didn’t consider this a flight. I considered this our first blind date.


The beginning of my new life.