Gringa: Taming the Beast by Eve Rabi - HTML preview

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It’s been three weeks since the whipping and I’m wide awake and healing nicely with Rosa and Maria’s constant nursing.

Diablo sits at the edge of my bed and cocks his head to one side. ‘You need anything?’ He’s been thoughtful lately and I appreciate it.

‘Mmm.’ I reach over for an empty chocolate box and flip it around. ‘’Nother one of these.’

‘Of thiiiis?’

‘Yeah.’ I open and close the empty box.

He nods and leaves.

Hours later, a box of chocolates is delivered. Happy to have more chocolate, Maria and Rosa dive for it only to find the box is empty.

I look at their crestfallen faces. ‘What?’

Slowly, as if it is a hand grenade, they pass the empty box to me. It really is empty.

You don’t mess with a patient’s chocolate. ‘Go call him,’ I say in a controlled but icy voice, ‘I need to ... ’

As if on cue, he enters my room, a huge smirk on his face.

I lift up the box. ‘Explain.’

He shrugs. ‘You say you need ’nother one of thiiis so I give you what you ask for. Empty box.’

Maria and Rosa fall about laughing at his cheekiness.

‘Did you want chocolate too?’

I chuckle. ‘Very funny Diablo. Hand it over.’

He steps out of the room and returns with three huge boxes of chocolates and hands one to each of us.

‘Aaaah! That’s better,’ I say, pleased the two ladies won’t need to steal my chocolates.

I cram two into my mouth. ‘Pank wu.’

He leaves with a huge grin on his face.

18 August 02

Up and about now. Diablo’s back to his obnoxious self now that I’m okay. But he still doesn’t visit at night. Great.

He was nice to me though. Bought me chocolates, magazines in English and DVDs. Had Troy install a Television and DVD player in my room. Watched Spanish movies with no subtitles.Couldn’t understand a fuck they said, so Maria and Rose took turns translating to me while eating up all my chocolate and hogging the TV remote.

Diablo now works from the ranch so I get to see more of him these days.

Q: What’s worse than being shot three times, thrown off a cliff and being fucked in the ass by Diablo?

A: Being whipped by Christa.

PS:  Thank God for Troy boys.

PPS: Christa broke her leg when she fell off her horse. Yay! Neigh

*  *  *

The whipping incident confirms that my life depends on Diablo being alive. He doesn’t want anyone hurting me. He can violate me, slap me, cut off my clothes with a knife and grab me by the hair, but nobody else can touch me.

Now that I’m on my feet, I’m expected to join him at the dinner table again. Soon my injuries are forgotten and he’s back to being his old self again - offish in front of his men. Knowing he’s capable of extreme tenderness and that he doesn’t want me hurt, gives me a different perspective on things and I overlook a lot of his bad behaviour.

Concerned about scars on my back, I’m swimming again in the rock pool, hoping the salt water will aid healing. Maybe even reduce the scarring. I swim every day from 2 to 3 PM.

Maria and Rosa assist by applying some foul smelling potion daily - supposed to help minimize the scars.

*  * *

There is great excitement at the entrance of the ranch. Men scurrying off to the entrance. Even the gardeners are hastily making their way to the front. Maria, Rosa and I follow them to see what the commotion is all about.

We spy three sexy senoritas, dressed in the shortest of shorts and skimpy halter tops talking to the men. The men stare with mouths open as the Senoritas explain that they are exotic dancers who have lost their way.

Putas,’ Maria says.

Rosa nods.

I shake my head at the sight of the men fighting each other to direct the Senoritas. Some of the men offer refreshments and the senoritas accept and walk into the ranch where the men shove each other out of the way to fawn over the ladies.

‘Well, I’m off to the rock-pool,’ I say.

The ladies wave me off and continue their disparaging remarks about the sexy ladies. 

The water is lovely and as I float on my back in the pool, I think about Christa – she’s left her mark on me for life. I really despise her. She’s evil and she gave birth to evil.

Suddenly, to my absolute horror, men, at least fifteen of them, are pointing guns at me, shattering the stillness of the day with their screams. ‘FBI! Put your hands up!’ they chorus, moving towards me, flashing badges and guns.

American accents!

For a moment, I freeze, unable to comprehend any of this. What the hell have I done now?

I have a few unpaid parking tickets in Los Angeles that I’ve been meaning to take care of.

A female agent inches closer weapon in hand. ‘C’mon on out, ma’am,’ she coaches. She has a profound Southern accent.

Relieved that they’re American, I relax a little and reach down to adjust my bikini bottom. They go nuts. ‘Keep your hands were we can see them!’

Fuck! All I want to do is adjust my bikini so that I don’t walk towards a village full of men with half my ass showing.

‘Okay! Okay!’ I cry. ‘I’m coming out. Jeez!’

Terrified, I hold up my hands and wade out of the water, feeling terribly self-conscious that I’m so scantily clad in front of so many men. Worse, my scars are so visible - I must look like a red and white zebra from the back. Even worse, I’m swimming topless!

‘Can I at least get my bra and towel?’

I have never had – let’s count – one, two, three ... thirteen! Thirteen guns pointing at me before and I’m scared. Whatever crime I committed must have been really heinous if they’re sending thirteen FBI agents with amazing larynxes like these after me.

The female agent brings me both.

‘Thank you,’ I say and drape the towel around me.

‘What ... what’s this all about?’ I finally ask, squeezing water out of my hair. ‘I’m an American citizen ...’

One of the men steps forwards and introduces himself. ‘I’m Special Agent Blake Depp,’ he drawls.

Depp’s tall, lanky, with sandy coloured hair and cornflower blue eyes. His voice is gentle and apologetic.

Maybe they heard about me being taken prisoner by Diablo and maybe they’re here to rescue me from him. Hope ignites in me.

‘We need to talk to you about Diablo.’

‘Ha! Diablo … he took me ... eh ... like, I didn’t want to come here ...’

Depp nods and explains. ‘We’re aware of your situation, Payton. Your father filled us in. Diablo, well, he’s facing a number of charges, including murder. Two policemen and intelligence tells us that he’s targeting a third. Not to mention a prominent businessman - Jimmy Gomez – killed him too.’

‘Wow! Policemen …’ I shouldn’t be this surprised.

‘Our biggest problem,’ Depp continues, ‘witnesses to testify against Diablo. See, one visit from Diablo’s men visits and they vanish like magic. That’s why we need you to help with his arrest and trial.’

‘His arrest? Okay ...’ The thought of Diago being arrested and everyone being free of him appeals to me. ‘Okay …’I’m a little disappointed that they’re not here solely to save my ass. ‘But do you know what would happen if like, Diablo like, finds out that I’m talking to you – the FBI?’ I run my index finger across my neck. ‘Seriously, he will.’

‘If you do as we say, he won’t find out. We can assure you of that.’

‘Really?’ I’m happy to hear he is so confident. ‘So, like, what’s the FBI doing in Mexico?’

‘When there’s drugs, cop killings, the US sends us to help and Mexico – let’s say, they’re, that is Mexico is grateful.’

‘Ah. So, like, how did you guys get here without being spotted? There’s so many of you and …’

‘Three decoys – exotic dancers. Saw them?’

‘The dancers? Oh the ones …?’

He nods. ‘We will find a way to get what we want.’


‘We can meet here,’ Depp says as he hands me a business card. ‘It’s a spa, sort of massage parlour. We can talk there without raising suspicion. You know, you’ll be like having a massage meanwhile …’


‘Meet us there tomorrow, say ten? Our agents – they’ll have everything covered so don’t worry about anything. Just be there.’

It’s a lot to digest but I’m happy to hear that Diablo will soon be facing jail time, because that’s what he deserves. Then everyone, including myself will be free. The mere thought of that lightens the load on my scarred shoulders. Although nervous and anxious, I agree to meet them tomorrow before walking away. When I turn back to look at them, they have disappeared into the bushes. By the time I reach the ranch the dancers have left.

I’m jittery all afternoon and avoid eye contact with Diablo, something he does not miss because he’s peering at me. Although I desperately want to help with his imprisonment, I’m having second thoughts about ... everything. What if someone saw me talking to the FBI and has told Diablo about it? What if Diablo set me up? What if Christa set me up?

Fuck! I wipe away beads of sweat from my forehead and make a decision not to show up tomorrow.

When I awake the following morning, I’m still conflicted. What if I don’t show up and I’m arrested by the FBI for ... whatever? I don’t know much about this. I’m twenty one, remember?

If only I had someone I could talk to. Enfermera! She’s someone I can trust and she’d know the answer. I think about her all the time and wish I knew how to get to her. I tried once or twice to retrace my steps to her but I got lost and gave up.

By morning, my desire for freedom and the villager’s freedom is such that I finally decide to keep my appointment with the FBI. 

Before Diablo leaves the ranch, I run up to him. ‘I wanna go to the city to have a massage,’ I say.

After shooting me strange, confused looks, he arranges for Marcus to drive me into town for the massage. I hear him warning Marcus not to let me out of his sight.

Just before he leaves, he hands me a wad of bills.

‘Wow!’ I exclaim and stick the bills in my bra.

He chuckles and walks away.

‘Let’s go Marcus,’ I say. ‘I got me a heap of money and the town needs painting.’

‘Painting?’ Marcus wriggles his eyebrows and strokes his bald head.

I like Marcus. He’s polite and always smiling and not at all as scary as he looks – tattooed, earrings on both ears; scar running down his left cheek – looks like the ruthless Mexican drug lord in any movie.

We drive to Maggie’s run-down Massage Parlour in the town centre.

Maggie, a charming Senorita with perky breasts and long eyelashes, welcomes me and hands me a white robe. She winks at me and I know she’s part of the FBI. She deliberately leaves the room door ajar in case Marcus needs to inspect the room, which he does on cue. He wanders in and noses around, while Maggie bats those lovely eyelashes at him.

Obviously, her aim is to distract him, which she does. Marcus rubs his bald head and turns red, then quickly scurries off to the waiting room where he tries to read a magazine.

Maggie stands by the door and smiles. ‘Senorita Payton will be, mmm, say, around ninety minutes. You should get coffee. Down the road, at Nacholand, they make great cappuccinos.  You should get some.’

Marcus nods slowly. ‘I don’ like drinking coffee alone, you know. I wait till you are free to join me, maybe? Now, I read the magazine.’

Maggie lifts and drops her shoulders. ‘In that case, it will be easier if you turn the magazine the other way – easier to read when it’s not upside down.’

Marcus looks at the magazine, rubs his bald head and says, ‘I like to read like this. Workout for the brain. You should try it.’

She grins. ‘Maybe I will.’ 

Maggie shuts the door and pushes away a trolley full of towels and massage equipment from a wall to reveal a secret door, which she lightly knocks on. The door opens to a flight of stairs leading to the basement. A woman, who I assume to be an FBI agent, hurries into the massage room, slathers some green, gooey cream on her face and lies on the massage table. She has the same build and hair colour as me. 

I look at Maggie and she answers before I ask. ‘In case Marcus decides to check up on you, he’ll see her and think it’s you.’

‘Wow.’ The FBI thinks of everything.

Maggie leads me down the stairs to the basement, which consists of two huge rooms. I enter a room with eight FBI agents. Talk about intimidation – now I understand what Monika Lewinsky meant when she talked about being overwhelmed by the FBI’s presence.

Even though they smile and indulge in light chit-chat to put me at ease, I’m tense and feeling pressurized. The only person I feel comfortable with is Agent Depp. I met him yesterday at the rock pool and from our brief meeting yesterday, I find him to be an affable character.

They get straight to the point. As mentioned yesterday, they want to lock up Diablo for good and they want me to be their inside man, or in my case, their inside woman.

‘We’ve talked to you father and stepmother and they’ve filled us in Diablo shooting you, your miraculous return and how you came to live at his ranch. So we’re sorta up to date on you, essentially,’ Depp says.

Okay …’

‘We realise you’ve made a phenomenal sacrifice by accepting to live with Diablo just to spare the lives of the villagers and man, we really applaud you for that, Payton.’

I clasp and unclasp my fingers. ‘Uh …okay …’

‘See our main problem – witnesses to testify against Diablo and his family. The intimidation, death threats – frightens people away. Then there’s crooked cops - corruption in the ranks of police officials in Mexico – one of the main reasons we’re come all the way here, left our families, our homes …’


‘Yeah. But we’re now working with scrupulous Mexican police to bring down criminals like Diablo and …’

‘So what you want me to do?’

They whip out some photos and place them on the table.

‘Recognise any of them? They’re policemen who frequent your ranch. On Diablo’s payroll.’

I shake my head. ‘Difficult to tell. Haven’t really been paying attention. But hey, I’m like, really eager to get away from Diablo, so I’m in. I’ll definitely pay more attention from now on.’

They exchange glances with each other and show me more photos and fill me in on the men and the roles they play.

‘He slit a man’s throat recently. Don’t know if that was a policeman or whatever …’

‘They jerk up in their seat and probe for details – describe the man, what happened to his body, who was involved in the slaying.

But, I don’t have much to offer them so they make a few phone calls to local Mexican authorities enquiring about missing persons fitting that description and come up with nothing.

I feel like a big fat liar. ‘I’ve seen it happen,’ I protest.

‘We believe you,’ Agent Grey says. ‘After all, he tried to murder you remember, and he’s going down for that too.

Grey’s dark haired, with medium build and green suspicious eyes - says little, watches everything and I’m uncomfortable with him.

‘He killed his father when he was just thirteen,’ Grey continues. ‘Just slit his throat so he could take charge. Just like that. His mother and brothers – they’re scared of him. They’d like him dead but as you know - he’s fearless and their enemies in the turf wars know that too, so it  pays to keep him alive – sort of protector to all.’

‘Yeah. I think that may be true,’ I say, ‘but his mother – she’s quite ruthless too. She whipped me …’ My voice cracks and I have trouble speaking.

‘But Diablo, he was nice to me …broke Christa’s leg and …stayed with me … bought me chocolates …’

‘…and raped you.’ Grey’s voice is cold and for some reason, snappy. ‘It is rape, Payton.’

I abruptly clam up and sink into my chair. It’s not something I want to talk about. In fact, I want a cigarette now. I want to go home – back to Tana-Mera.

Depp flashes Grey an angry look, for his lack of tact, I think. He turns to me, an apologetic look on his face. ‘Look Payton, you’ve had to handle so much ...’

The gentleness in Depp’s voice is too much for me - I cover my face with my hands and weep, remembering what I endured with Diablo and feeling sorry for myself.

They back off and let me cry.

A short while later, I’m composed again and reiterate my fears of Diablo finding out that I was talking to the police. ‘He’ll kill me.’

‘Yep. It’s kinda dangerous for everybody,’ Depp agrees. But you do want to go home, Payton? Home to your apartment, your career, your friends and your life? What about your family and the rest of the villagers for that matter? Don’t they deserve their freedom?’

‘Absolutely!’ The idea that the villagers could be freed forever appeals to me. ‘Just tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it.’

Their excitement at my words is tangible.

‘Finally, we have someone to help us,’ Grey says. ‘I’ve a good feeling about this.’

We discuss listening devices, winning Diablo over, drawing him out, getting him lower his guard with me and to eventually talk about the murders, the cop killings.

‘Um, we barely talk though ...’

Agent Kathryn Ebyss steps forward and introduces herself. ‘Look Payton’ she says, her voice impatient and to-the-point, ‘he’s obviously enamoured by you and he wants you around – half your battle won, there. Now use that to your advantage.’

‘Kathryn,’ Depp interrupts.

She ignores him. ‘Your feminine charms – use that to draw him out, make him talk, Payton. He may want to impress you and he’s gonna tell you what he’s done, what he’s capable of and boom! He reveals incriminating stuff we can use against him.’

‘Kathryn!’ Depp sounds annoyed.

‘Especially if you sound impressed by … by who he is, what he says …what he’s don …’

Depp stand up, a granite look on his face.

Kathryn puts up both her hands in a surrendering motion.

I nod slowly, a million thoughts flitting through my head. ‘I guess …’

‘Look Payton, ‘Ebyss says, her voice a little less irritable, ‘it’s simple – look great, be charming, act impressed and wham! Before you know it – he’s singing. ’

‘Like Samson and Delilah,’ I muse.

She nods. ‘Something like that.’

‘I’ll be Delilah off course.’

‘Yeah,’ Ebyss says, ‘he’d make a lousy Delilah.’

Everyone laughs. Thank God the place is soundproof.

She glances at my hair. ‘Maybe do something to … eh, make yourself feel better, more alive.’

‘Like what?’ I ask, touching my hair and wishing I had plucked my eyebrows or worn lip gloss, mascara, a push up bra …

‘Like, maybe have your hair done, have a facial, maybe some make-up - all the things that make you feel special and interesting. And off course, sexy.’ She seems to be choosing her words really carefully.

I look at Depp. He averts his eyes. I look at Grey, he too won’t meet mine. Somehow I don’t think they’re really comfortable with the “sexy” bit.

I’m not comfortable with that for sure, but what do I say. ‘Okay. I’ll have my hair done before I go back,’ I say meekly. ‘Haven’t had that done in ages.’

‘Great idea!’ Ebyss says, giving me two thumbs up.

I realise I don’t like Ebyss after all. She’s ruthless, driven and treats me with disdain.

It’s time to leave. Armed with a bag of listening devices they’ve showed me how to install throughout the villas and on the grounds, I walk out of the massage parlour, ignoring the tiny voice inside me that’s telling me I’m being used by my new friends.

Marcus looks anything but bored - he’s deep in conversation with another young lady behind the counter. She’s probably working with the FBI too.

‘I really like coffee but I don’t like drinking coffee alone. But I like coffee. You like coffee?’

The young lady wrinkles her lips. ‘I like hot chocolate.’

Marcus stiffens. ‘I like hot chocolate too! I really don’t like coffee.’

He sees me and frowns. ‘So soon, Senorita?’

‘But I’ll see you the next time?’ the young lady says in a soft voice.

‘Sorry Marcus, but I gotta do something about this,’ I say, ruffling my hair. ‘Hairdresser, please.’

Marcus nods. ‘Hairdresser. Let us go.’

He looks at the young lady. ‘Hot chocolate. Next time. I buy.’

She smiles and nods.

I have my hair trimmed, streaked, conditioned and straightened. It’s shiny and cascades down my back and I’m thrilled with it.

I decide to shop for sexy new clothes. For my mission, of course.

I throw in a Manicure and a pedicure and I’m feeling very Paris right now. Invigorated and heady.

I buy chocolates and candy for Maria and Rosa, a t-shirt with the words, For sale, enquire within for Marcus and tons of stuff for myself.

Marcus grins and slips it on immediately.

After a light lunch, Marcus and I head home, the bag of listening devices close by.

I’m scared and excited at the same time - imagine, I’ll be the one who brings down a cop killer, a murderer, a barbarian!

What a story for my children and grandchildren. Man, I can hardly wait for grandchildren.

Payton, gringa, liberator of the people of Mexico, of the enslaved.

I’ll probably get a plaque or a star … somewhere in Mexico. They might make a movie about me. Wow.

For the first time since I arrived in Mexico, I’m alive and energised.

Maria and Rosa rush out to greet us. ‘Lookiyou, Senorita! You look so nice.’

‘What did they do to you?’

‘You are wearing lipstick, Senorita.’

‘Hey guys, I have presents for you.’

They tear through my bags, pull out all my clothes and squeeze into the heels I bought, while eating their chocolates and candy.

As they sample the chocolates, I model my new clothes for them.

‘Senorita, you look beautiful,’ Rosa says. ‘Like a movie star. A model.’

‘Is the massage,’ Maria explains. ‘Takes the blood through the body …’


Si. Always make a girl veeery beautiful.’

‘Massage is good then,’ Rosa says as she pops another chocolate into her mouth. ‘I have one tomorrow, then I look like you.’

‘Whew! It’s hot today,’ I say, fanning myself with my hand, keen to change the subject considering I never had a massage.

Since the ranch is empty right now, I have full access to all the villas. Perfect time to plant the listening devices.

Luckily, because of modern technology, the bugs look more like watch batteries. To avoid any suspicion from Maria and Rosa, I whine about my missing passport and tell them that I’m sure Christa has it.

‘I’m going to search her villa for it,’ I say and leave.

As I walk I touch the silver neck chain with a heart-shaped locket pendant I’m wearing, given to me by the FBI. It houses a listening device and is to be worn at all times. Easy.

Christa’s apartment is like a love-shack - red satiny cushions, a four-poster bed with red tulle draped over it, tons of candles, a variety of sex toys openly displayed and a huge nude painting of her on the wall. Yuck!

A doll on the mantel piece makes me gasp. It has long blonde hair, blue eyes and vaguely resembles me. The problem - it has about one hundred straight pins stuck into it - voodoo-like and very creepy. If that doll is me, boy, she sure wants me dead.

As I plant the listening devices, I make a mental note to get hold of some sage and keep it under my pillow – Enfermera style.

Once I’m in Christa’s villa, I’m able to slip easily into other villas and plant my devices.

Done. I’m now working for the FBI.