Ivory Towers by Joseph R. Doze - HTML preview

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To my wife, Calie, who put up with me, cried with me, and stood by me when I had hit bottom. I love you so much, and the fact that you never once rolled your eyes at me when I excitedly rambled on about my progress is a testament to our love.

To my mom and dad, for always believing in me and giving me the support to be myself, I love you both. Mom, you knew that I could do this, and you never questioned my talent. Dad, you are the inspiration for the character of Clayton Lane. You taught me to be the kind, caring man I am today, but also taught me to be tough and to stand up for myself.

To all my friends who have been in my life, especially those who were here to help me when I fell, thank you. You were all wonderful and have been a shining part of my life.

Finally, to you, the reader. Obviously I wouldn't be anywhere without you. I hope you enjoy. I’ve sat on this story for over six years, and I’ve finally allowed it to bloom into this. I’m very proud of this story, and I hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.