Killed Once, Lived Twice by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 27


The sun started to rise above the horizon.

Back at Michael's cabin, Kenneth woke up.

He sat up and looked a little dazed and confused for a second. He stood up and yawned and stretched. He saw the bloodstains on his shirt. "Shit," he said then took off his shirt.

He rushed over to the front door of the cabin with his shirt in hand.

Once Kenneth was outside the cabin, he rushed over to his car.

He opened up the trunk his car and tossed his shirt inside. He reached inside and removed a suit bag and small suitcase.

He closed the trunk and rushed back to the cabin.

In a hospital room of the Heartfelt Care Hospital, Jennifer lay in a bed and looked dazed and confused.

Nurse Mary walked into the room. "Good morning, Jennifer. How are you feeling?" she said while she walked over to her bed.

Jennifer looked a little confused at Mary.

"I'm Abby Austin," Jennifer said and looked a little confused.

Mary looked concerned. "You must have hit your head during the accident. But the police are going to come by and ask how you got shot in your left arm."

Jennifer glanced at the left arm and saw the large bandage on her shoulder muscle. She thought for a few seconds then it dawned on her.

"Kenneth Mueller raped Jennifer at her house then shot at her when we tried to drive to Michael's cabin. He hit her car, and it crashed through the railing of the bridge and crashed into the lake."

Mary looked at Jennifer in disbelief. "Kenneth Mueller, the detective?"

"Yes, Detective Mueller."

"Why do you keep on thinking you're Abby Austin? You're Jennifer Stodden."

"No, I'm Abby Austin," Jennifer replied, wondered by the nurse kept on calling her, Jennifer.

"Sit up," Mary told Jennifer.

Jennifer sat up.

"Look at the mirror on the wall by the sink," Mary told her.

She looked and saw Jennifer in the mirror. She looked confused while she touched her hair then touched her upper lip minus the mole. She rested her head on her pillow while she tried to figure things out.

Jennifer had a flashback from 2008. 

She was on the beach with Rich. They were holding hand and stared with other people at the horizon of the space center.

The space shuttle launches and they saw the fireball.

They turned around, and a male friend snapped a picture. The picture she had in her backpack.

Jennifer had another flashback from 2010.

She drove a Cavalier down a two-lane country road in West Virginia. She glanced out her window and loved the sight of the rolling hills.

Jennifer had another flashback from 2010.

She sat in the time machine in Michael's garage. She relived the humming, vibration, psychedelic colors and extreme pain.

Jennifer had another flashback from 1939.

She was five years old in a flatbed boat fishing with her dad. 

She stood up. 

The boat rocked, and Jennifer fell in the water. She panicked and tried to swim. She sank into the lake. Her father jumped into the lake and brought her out of the water and back into the boat.

Jennifer had another flashback from 1949.

Jennifer, now fifteen years old sat in class. Michael, now fifteen years old sat in the row next to her. 

Michael discreetly passed a note to Jennifer.

Jennifer looked at the note, and it read; "I really like you!"

Jennifer smiled back at Michael, who smiled back.

Jennifer had another flashback from 1960.

Michael and Jennifer stood at the rear of the cabin. The Brandywine Lake was visible in the background.

Michael looked nervous while he dropped down to one knee. He held Jennifer's hand.

"Jennifer Stodden, will you marry me?" he asked in a nervous, shaky voice.

Jennifer's eyes lit up with joy. "Yes!"

Michael got up off his knee and kissed Jennifer.

Jennifer stopped having her flashbacks.

She sat back up and stared at the mirror. It dawned on her. "I'm Jennifer Stodden. I'm really Jennifer Stodden," she said then got a strange but warm loving feeling through her body. Her vision went back to being blurry. "It worked. I was Jennifer Stodden all the time and also Abby Austin in later life," Jennifer said then rested her head on her pillow with a smile.

Mary thought Jennifer had a head injury and is losing it with those bizarre comments. "I better have the doctor check you out for a concussion or some other brain injury," Mary said then rushed to the door and left the room.

Back at Michael's cabin, Kenneth shaved and showered in the upstairs bathroom.

He walked out of the bathroom and into the hallway with a towel wrapped out of his waist.

After he walked past Michael's closed bedroom door, it opened, and Michael stepped out into the hallway with a spring in his step.

"Good morning," Michael said while he saw Kenneth walking down the hallway toward the stairs.

"Morning," Kenneth replied then walked down the stairs.

Michael went inside the bathroom and closed the door, so he could shave and shower.

Back in Jennifer's hospital room, the door opened and two Barbourville police Officers Draper and Jordan stepped inside.

They walked over to Jennifer's bed with concerned looks.

"Miss Stodden. The nurse told us that you claimed to be raped and shot by Detective Mueller?" Officer Draper said.

Jennifer's eyes welled up while she shook her head in agreement.

Officer Draper removed a small pad and pen from his shirt pocket. "Tell me exactly what happened," he said while he had his pen ready to jot down the facts.

Officer Jordan stood by her bed.

Officer Draper glanced over at Officer Jordan. Both of them really did not like Kenneth and thought he was a drunk.

Back at Michael's cabin, Kenneth sat on the couch in a black tuxedo. He looked worried while he smoked a cigarette.

Michael walked down the stairs in his black tuxedo and saw Kenneth on the couch.

"Good. You're ready," Michael said the second he stepped off the stairs.

Michael walked over to the couch. He saw Kenneth's cut. "How did you cut your forehead?"

Kenneth put out his cigarette into the ashtray on the coffee table. "My stupid fault. I was a little too drunk last night and fell off the couch and smacked my head on the coffee table."

"You okay?" Michael asked a little concerned.

"I'll be fine."

"Good. Let's head off to the church," Michael replied while he walked to the front door with a spring in his step.

Kenneth walked behind him a little nervous.

Outside Michael's cabin, Michael walked to his Bel-Air while Kenneth walked over to his Bel-Air.

They got inside their cars and started them up.

Michael drove his Bel-Air down the dirt driveway.

Kenneth drove his Bel-Air after Michael's car.

On Amster Road just west of the city limits of Barbourville, two police cars raced west with their red lights flashing.

Inside the lead police car were Officers Draper and Jordan and in the trailing police car were Officers Crane and Morgan.

The cars raced down on Amster at sixty miles per hour.

Michael drove his Bel-Air east on Amster Road with Kenneth trailing in his Bel-Air.

Michael slowed down his Bel-Air while he drove on the wooden bridge over the Brandywine Lake.

Michael's Bel-Air stopped on the bridge the second he passed by the crashed through a gap in the wooden guardrail.  

Kenneth stopped his Bel-Air before he got to the gap in the guardrail.

Michael got out of his car and walked over at the gap. 

He looked down at the lake.

Kenneth got out of his car and walked over to Michael.

"Looks like someone crashed through the guardrails. You better contact your department on the radio," Michael said and looked concerned.

Kenneth nodded in agreement. "We better get to the church. After all, you'll be married soon," he said then patted Michael on his back and hoped he would forget about this bridge.

Michael walked back to his car and got behind the wheel.

Kenneth walked back to his car and got behind the wheel.

Michael and Kenneth's cars drove away and off the bridge.

The two police cars continued to race west on Amster Road.

Michael and Kenneth's Bel-Airs headed east on Amster Road.

Inside his Bel-Air, Michael smiled while he thought about his wedding in a few hours.

Inside his Bel-Air, Kenneth was in deep thought while he recalled last night's incident. He started to get a little nervous and started scheming believable lies in case someone looked in his direction. 

He rolled down his door window and lit up a cigarette to calm his nerves.

Back at Jennifer's house, Martha walked through Jennifer's front yard ready to help Jennifer put on her wedding dress. 

She got a little concerned when she did not see Jennifer's Corvair in the driveway.

She walked up to the front door and knocked. She waited a few seconds and did not hear anything.

She opened the front door and poked her head inside. "Jennifer," she called out. The inside of the house was quiet.

She stepped inside Jennifer's house. "Jennifer," she called out again. 

She looked around the living room and saw the couch made up into a bed.

She walked through the living room and peeked into the kitchen from its doorway. Nobody was visible. "Jennifer."

Martha started to get a little concerned then walked down the hallway. "Jennifer."

Martha opened the first bedroom door to the right. She poked her head inside and saw Jennifer's wedding dress on the dress stand. 

She walked a little farther down the hallway and poked her head inside Jennifer's bedroom door.

She saw the lamp on the floor and a pair of men's shoes. "This isn't good," she said and had a gut feeling that something terrible happened.

She rushed down the hallway then rushed into the living room in a panic.

Maratha rushed out of Jennifer's front door and through her front yard and over to her house.

Martha rushed through her front door and into her living room. "Harry! Harry! Something bad happened over at Jennifer's house. Call the police. She's missing!" she cried out in a panic.

Harry rushed out of the dining room with his fork in hand. "What?"

"Jennifer's missing. Call the police!" Martha cried out all out of breath.

Harry rushed into the kitchen and headed to the phone on the wall.

Michael and Kenneth's Bel-Air's still driving east down Amster Road.

The two Barbourville Police cars raced heading west on the road and passed by Michael and Kenneth's Bel-Air's. Red lights were flashing and sirens blaring.

Inside his car, Kenneth got a little nervous when the police cars passed by them. He glanced in his rearview mirror and saw the police car slowing down. 

They made U-turns with dirt sprayed everywhere. 

The two police cars raced after Kenneth's car with their red lights flashing and sirens blaring. He knew what this meant.

In his Bel-Air, Michael glanced in his rearview mirror. "What are they doing?" he asked when he saw the police cars coming after Kenneth's Bel-Air.

Kenneth panicked. He slammed on his brakes and made a screeching U-turn. He raced off down Amster Road heading west.

In Michael's Bel-Air, he saw Kenneth's U-turn from his rearview mirror. "What the hell is he doing? Going on the call?" he said while he looked a little baffled. 

Then from his rearview mirror, he saw the two police cars make screeching U-turns. They raced after Kenneth's car.

"What the hell is going on?" he said then stopped his car on Amster Road. 

Michael got out of his car and looked west down the road. "What is Kenneth doing? I have my wedding."

Michael continued to watch while Kenneth's car raced away at high speeds with the two polices hot on his tail. "There's something wrong," he said when he got a sudden bad feeling.

Kenneth's Bel-Air raced at eighty miles per hour at the bridge.

The second his car tires hit the wooden bridge, his front driver's side tire blew. Kenneth's car swerved on the bridge then flew through the gap in the wooden guardrail.

Kenneth's Bel-Air flipped over in the air and crashed into the lake on its roof.

His Bel-Air started sinking into the lake.

Kenneth was passed out inside his car and was on his car roof while it started to sink into the lake.

Water poured inside Kenneth's car from his door window while he sank upside down to the bottom of the lake.

Kenneth's car landed upside down next to Jennifer's Corvair.

Water continued to pour into Kenneth's car from his door window.

Kenneth woke up when water started filling up his nostrils while he rested on the roof of his car. He looked dazed and confused then realized his car was upside down at the bottom of the lake. 

He saw Jennifer's Corvair at the bottom of the lake near his car.

He frantically tried to open his driver's door. The door would not open.

The car was completely filled with water, and Kenneth swam through the opened window.

Back at the Barbourville police station, Old Kenneth lay on his jail cell bunk asleep. He looked like he was swimming in his sleep while holding his breath. 

Old Kenneth jumped up in a panic off the bunk and gasped for air while he stands up. He looked confused.

Over on the wooden bridge, Officers Draper, Jordan, Crane and Morgan scanned the surface of the lake for signs of Kenneth.

Kenneth's head poked up to the surface of the water. He gasped for air.

The four police officers whipped out their pistols.

"You're under arrest Detective Mueller. Swim to the shore," Officer Draper said.

Kenneth glanced up and saw the four police officers with pistols aimed at him. He swam over to the shore.

Michael parked his car on Amster Road near the entrance to the wooden bridge. 

He got out and rushed over to the four officers. "Is Detective Mueller alright? What happened?"

The three other officers ran down the bridge toward the shore of the lake where Kenneth swam.

"I hate to tell you this, but your fiancé Jennifer is in the hospital. She claims she was raped, shot then her car was forced off the bridge by Detective Mueller," Officer Draper told him.

Michael looked stunned and in disbelief while he saw Kenneth swimming over to the three waiting police officers on the shore. "What?"

"He raped, shot then forced her car off the bridge last night. She's in the hospital," Officer Draper said.

He turned around and ran back to his car.

While Michel got inside his car, he saw Kenneth, soaking wet, being handcuffed by the police officers. Kenneth hung his head down in shame and avoided looking up at Michael's car.

Michael started up in his car, backed up a little then made a U-turn.

He headed east down Amster Road toward Barbourville in shock.

Back in the Barbourville police station, Old Kenneth lay in his jail cell bunk and stared at the ceiling. His eyes suddenly widened in fear. He cringed while several thrusts of severe pain hit his stomach. He clutched his stomach while he buckled over and fell to the floor.

Kenneth curled up on the floor in severe pain. His body suddenly went limp and was lifeless. He was dead with a blank stare.

His body mysteriously disappeared into thin air.

Back at the Heartfelt Care Hospital, Jennifer was resting in her hospital bed in her room.

Martha and Harry were inside the room by her left side of the bed.

The door opened, and Michael rushed into the room.

"Jennifer!" he cried out while he ran to her bed.

Jennifer looked at him and smiled. "Michael," she said and held up her right hand.

 Michael held her hand.

Her eyes welled up. "Kenneth tried to rape me then shot me. He forced my car into the wooden bridge, and we crashed into the lake."

Michael looked concerned. "Did he?"

"No, he missed it," she said and looked relieved that she did not lose her virginity to Kenneth.

Michael was also relieved and kissed her on her forehead.

Martha looked to be in disbelief that Kenneth would do such a horrible act to Jennifer.

Harry's blood boiled while he thought about what happened and wished he could use his shotgun on Kenneth.

"Was Abby with you?"

Jennifer hesitated for a few seconds while she thought about his question. "She's gone. Vanished in the lake."

"The police will search for her," Michael said and did not have any remorse feeling for Abby for some strange reason.

"I'm sorry about our wedding this morning."

"Oh baby, it's not your fault. We can reschedule in a couple of weeks," Michael replied then kissed her forehead.

"I told the police what happened."

"I know. They captured Kenneth after his car went through that wooden bridge and crashed into the lake."

Jennifer's eyes continued to well up.

Michael kissed her on her forehead.

"I need to talk to the Mayor about replacing that old wooded bridge with something a little stronger," Harry said.

Martha nodded in agreement while she held Jennifer's left hand.

During the rest of Saturday and Sunday, the Barbourville police sent divers into the Brandywine Lake in search of Abby' body.

They did not find her and scratched their heads on where her body could have gone. 

They documented this part of the case as being unsolved.

It was now Saturday, June 3rd, 1961 and Michael and Jennifer finally had their blissful day at the Church Of Our Savior.

Outside the front entrance of the church, Maris in a bridesmaid dress, Gail in a bridesmaid dress, Diane, Linda, Elaine, Martha, Harry, Dr. Bowman, and other people formed two lines on the sidewalk coming out of the church front entrance.

Michael in his tuxedo and Jennifer in her wedding dress stepped out of the church. They saw the two lines of people who clapped.

Michael and Jennifer ran through the gauntlet where everybody threw rice at them.

They ran to Michael's Bel-Air with "Just Married" painted on the back window in white shoe polish.

Michael opened up his car door, and Jennifer sat in the passenger seat.

Michael ran to his side of the car and got behind the wheel.

He started up his car and drove away south on Thorndale Avenue to start their honeymoon and new life.

Martha's eyes welled up for her son getting married and for the loss of Abby.

Harry's eyes welled up and tried to hide it. "Something got in my eyes," he told Maris after she saw the tears in her eyes.

She nodded that she believed him but knew the truth. 

A week later, Kenneth's trial was over.

It was difficult for Jennifer to take the stand and testify against her former good friend. But she knew it had to be done. 

The jury found Kenneth guilty of attempted rape, attempted murder, and murder of Abby even though her body was never found. 

The judge gave him life in the State Correctional Institution in Grateford, Pennsylvania state prison.

Kenneth did not last long in the state prison in Grateford. Many prisoners recognized him as being the detective that sent them to jail for rape or other various crimes. 

Then one day in the winter of 1963, while Kenneth took a shower, one of two prisoners held Kenneth's arms behind his back while the other one repeatedly stabbed Kenneth in his stomach with a makeshift knife.

Kenneth died naked on the shower floor.