Many Sides of a Murder by Ujjwal Kumar - HTML preview

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Meeting the Boss


Before going onto the ability of dreaming and Vivaan’s planning, there is the need to describe this meeting.

The area was awfully unhygienic.

There were brothels all around, red light areas, blue light areas were clearly seen by Rajveer.

Women, of all ages are seen by him. He had been here before but never got into this much of a detailing.

There was loud music everywhere because on the ground floor of all these buildings were clubs and the brothels were above that, i.e., on the first floor. The look on people’s faces was also very different. Everyone looked drunk and was staring at Rajveer as he walked down the lane.

One of these doubtful looking people also tried to drag him into one of the clubs and other one also tried to steal his wallet but as they say, a cop is smarter than he looks. Rajveer was smart enough to stop him from doing so. Just at the time when Rajveer was about to kill him with his 9mm, a guy came closer and whispered to Rajveer, “Qamil Mia doesn’t like to be kept waiting”. Rajveer followed him thereafter.

That ugly looking guy took him to the third floor of one such brothel cum club. There is a dingy room was Irfaan Qamil, surrounded by both men and women.

“Welcome Inspector, welcome”, exclaimed Qamil.

“Thank you, Irfaan Qamil. But don’t you think this place is quite small for your stardom and fame?”

“Stardom? My stardom is of that magnitude that if I put a finger on a building then that belongs to me in the next few minutes”

“Never pointed towards my Police Station, did you?”

Qamil was angry but smart enough not to lose, and said, “That needs improvement to match my stardom and standard” and everyone started laughing.

“What brings you to me, Inspector?” he continued.

“Need some privacy if you can please get me some?” Rajveer said and within 2 seconds, everyone was out.

“Please continue, Inspector.”

“You must have heard about the case which is the most talked about in the media?”

“Samar Singhania? Tell me what you want to know”

“I want you”

“I can give you the amount you desire”

“Tell me from the start since you know these schoolboys”

“I saw them first two years ago. It was a rave where I was with my drug and they were selling theirs. The people didn’t like mine but they fell for theirs. It was then that I realized that my package isn’t the best out there in the market. I then killed the man from whom I had bought my drug and asked from these schoolboys about the contact info of that person from where they bought their drug. Since then I have been paying them well in whichever thing they want to do with me and my team”

“Last when you had met them?”

“At a rave in Dharamshala where I wanted them to sell 1000 capsules and I gave 200 to each one of them”

“You know I can arrest you for doing that?”

“You know you are at my place and it’s my dignity that I am keeping you alive?”

“Okay. I’m not arresting you but I might want to speak to you more often so don’t leave the town till the investigation is done”


Killing Qamil would have given no clue to Rajveer about the case. So he didn’t do it. It also could have been the reason of him being at Qamil’s place and there was a constant eye on the door of the room he was present in.

“Sir, why did you let him say all that to you without your permission? Why didn’t you give an order to kill him then and there?”

“Killing him would have had no benefit. It would have just got more media on us and this whole case. Rajveer Shikhawat is just a pawn in this game. And a pawn’s sacrifice to get the queen is surely worth it. But not now, later”

Walking through the streets of the most popular red light area of the town, Rajveer thinks of the women here.

Trapped. Maybe not by choice. Maybe they don’t really ‘enjoy’ their job.

Rajveer thinks and has one thing to say about their lives.
