Many Sides of a Murder by Ujjwal Kumar - HTML preview

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Accusers and Accusations


There was a date in which Samar’s sister, Kriti had accused Vivaan of molestation and by now it is well known that Manya was on the other side and not on Vivaan’s side. Rajveer didn’t quite get all this. He, in his another meeting with Vivaan, had figured it out that these two girls are lying. Because Manya was quite serious with Vivaan.

“No, inspector. Vivaan had been involved with the gangster and not only him, but all his four friends but these boys never ever looked at any girl like a pervert. So it’s hard for me to believe that Kriti accused Vivaan of such a disgusting thing” Said Vivaan’s class teacher from previous year.

Rajveer visited the school once again, in search of the real truth.

Even the peon from the school, who was kind of familiar with these boys, had given a similar statement. So from all these people’s account, Rajveer decides to meet the two girls.

Rajveer without any greeting, just started, “When did Vivaan actually try to harass you? Give me the exact account”

“Sir, it was two days after he got bail. He wanted to meet me and I was angry and didn’t want to meet him for obvious reasons. But still, he begged me and that was why I had decided to go and meet him”, said Kriti.


“Then as I reached the place of meeting, he gave me a call and told me to go to some other place. I asked him why he had changed the location on such short notice, but he said that the cops are on the lookout for him and that’s why he can’t afford to be seen in any public places. So I went there and it was at that isolated place that he tried to molest me”

“Where were you guys planning to meet earlier, before the change of place had taken place?”

“It was a coffee shop, about 3 miles from the Marina”

“And which was the second option for meeting?”

“I don’t actually know. But it was on the outskirts of the town”

After some time, Rajveer meets Manya. And the interrogation began.

“You were quite serious with Vivaan and wanted to take your relation forward, then why did you go against him? Don’t you think there should have been more trust for him in your mind?”

“I do think and I had thought a lot about going against him. But Sir, since everyone around me has been telling me stuff like he doesn’t deserve you and all and that he is just involved in bad things all the time, I thought that maybe it was him who was the main culprit and so, just to save the reputation of my family and mine as well, I decided to let him be on his own and had gone against”, said Manya who was constantly crying.

“It still doesn’t get in me because for you, being with Vivaan was like everything. Look, if there’s someone or something that you’re scared of or someone is forcing you to do this then you can tell me and I’m sure I’ll be able to get you out of that” said Rajveer with confidence and care.

She did not tell him then, but he had made it out that she is being threatened by someone, maybe some organization or some group of people he doesn’t know about. But he was sure in his mind that she is lying and she can’t even think of going against him.

Earlier that day

“The CCTV footage of the Friends’ All Café says something else, dear”, Rajveer told Kriti, handing her a laptop on which the footage of the day when she had met Vivaan is being shown.

The footage shows both of them sitting and talking to each other like friends.

Rajveer continues, “You were crying in the beginning but with his condolence, you were calm and then the two of you discussed something with great secrecy and doubtfulness. I have always said this and I’m saying this again, please feel free to tell me anything. I’m not going to let the victim suffer and the murderers walk free and I say this to you also don’t try to help the murderers and because now I have your voice and you lying to me, I can easily get another case filed against you and get you in trouble. So you are left with no choice but to tell the truth”

Kriti was scared to death. She then told him the truth.

“Sir, it was the four of them who made me believe that it is Vivaan who has killed Samar and that’s why I had to believe them because everyone around is thinking the same. So I don’t think I did something wrong there. But if you still feel I have then please arrest me. To go with the truth, they had told me to say so and so in the court to make their point strong and they could easily have the advantage in such an accusation because the judge is a female. And so I blamed him and there was nothing like this that had happened that day or ever between me and him”

Rajveer had then met Manya and he gave a similar proof for telling the truth to him but Manya, two years ahead of Kriti was strong in her point and thus, Rajveer had to work a bit hard to convince her to tell the truth to him.

But even she was convinced soon by him. The explanation given by her was similar to Kriti’s and Rajveer also got to know from her that it was Albert whose planning all this was.

Rajveer later meets Arun Kumar Sharma, that evening and tells him about all this.

“Even I was thinking of such a great extent of planning. Who wouldn’t believe in Kriti when she talks about a case of physical harassment” Arun was startled.

“Yes, true. And everybody did believe her, so quickly and easily!” said Rajveer.

“Obviously, inspector. As the judge is also a female so her feminist had risen from inside of her!”

“So, what now?” asks Rajveer.

“I think we both know which side we are on and to save Vivaan, we need either a good amount of evidence against the four, or a small amount of evidence of large magnitude in favor of Vivaan” said A.K.

“True that”

They planned all night about the upcoming dates and A.K. asked him, “Get in touch with your forensic expert and tell him to explore every single thing once again and share every single thing with you and from that I expect you to share with me. So that we can both use our brains to infer from the evidences found from the crime spot.”

“Okay, I’ll do that but you ask Vivaan what he is doing with those finger prints. There is a lot of pressure building on me by Albert and the judge to find the one who is hiding the finger prints”

“You don’t need to worry about that, I’ll handle this in the next date with some quality proof which you have with you” assured A.K.

“What are you talking about? What evidence do I have?” Rajveer said.

“You met Kriti and Manya yesterday, right?”

Rajveer gave an evil smile, a sign of acceptance, and sighed.