Many Sides of a Murder by Ujjwal Kumar - HTML preview

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The Meeting of the Three


It was a secret place. Somewhere in the backyard of Varun Ahuja’s house when the first such meeting took place. All three are present. Vivaan Ahuja, A.K. Sharma and Rajveer Shikhawat.

All three are planning. The abilities of Vivaan were no longer a secret to A.K. and now in this meeting, they get revealed to Rajveer also.

“How is this possible?” exclaim was expected. “How can such an inception occur to you and nobody else?”

True. Everything said by him was true. True that nobody sees dreams just like that. True, nobody can see dreams on their own will. And true that such special power was not discovered by Vivaan in all these years of his life.

Obviously, there was no time for such long discussions. The next date was near. It was barely a month away now. This was because this case has been extended for an almost year now and nobody in the media is in the mood to extend it some more. And even if such an extension took place, the journalists were not going to wait anymore. They were all divided.

Divided in two parts. One part supports Vivaan since the very beginning and the other part supports the four best friends since long.

So the court also has to think of that and thus the seventh date was very near.

Though it is very ironical that in courts, media reports are not considered as evidences but media influences are very important these days.

“It doesn’t matter Rajveer. It doesn’t matter. I know it’s a bit hard to believe as no one ever has had such abilities but still Vivaan has them and now we have this kind of advantage with us so we should use it wisely” said A.K.

“True, very true. Sorry for wasting the time we don’t have much because. Vivaan, tell me about what you did with the finger prints that you got from the dead body at the crime scene” Rajveer asked Vivaan.

“Sir, I did nothing with them. But I now need your help in identifying them” Vivaan said.

“That reminds me. Thanks Vivaan” said Sharma. “Rajveer, Vivaan has these prints so can you appoint any of your men to go into Irfaan’s residence and get the prints of most of them present there?”

Rajveer gave it a quick and deep thought. And after this thinking, he started again.

“No. I don’t think this will lead us somewhere. Because if the killer is among any of Irfaan’s boys, then he would have done something to save him from getting identified. I’ll do one thing. I’ll check my databases for all images of Irfaan’s men that I have and circulate them at all bus and railway stations. Because he would not try escaping from the airports as they have good CCTV’s. But being unaware of all the latest CCTVs installed at railway and bus stations, he would definitely go from one of them”

Obviously. How can Sharma think of such foolishness? But no worries here. No casualties. Rajveer is still not out of his head. He still has not lost his minds while playing with words all the time like A.K.

The night was over. Finally over. Some unknown person was seen and ignored by A.K. around Vivaan’s house.

Rajveer then got out of that place with Sharma and both of them sat in his jeep and went away. Vivaan also went to sleep. He didn’t have to plan anything that day. He didn’t have to stay awake to dream the very next day. He just had to rest so that the next time these three met, he doesn’t miss any point to be told to them.

The next day was here. And Rajveer had planned a meeting with all the constables whom he could trust to check with the CCTV footages of all the bus stops and railway stations of the past few months.

It was a tough task. It had to take days altogether. They all were sleepless for the coming week, including Sundays.

But finally, they got something. Three faces were found. Their finger prints were matched with the ones with Vivaan. One of them matched.

Yes, matched. Matched. That too perfectly. The other two men were also Irfaan’s subordinates but had nothing matching with the finger prints. This worried Rajveer but he was going good with his moves now.

He thanked all of his constables who were on the job. And then bid farewell to them, gave them a promise of a party when this case got over and then was heading out to pack his stuff and go home.

He was cross checking all the computers and was shutting down databases, just then, he saw someone. An identifiable face.

“Singh, what the hell do you think you are doing here?” he said to him, demanding an explanation.

“Nothing sir. I just wanted to ask you something”

Rajveer gave a nod and so he could go on with the asking.

“Sir, now the investigations are almost over, so can we now go to home or will you call us once again the way you did last week?”

Rajveer smiled and said no. knowing that Ram Singh, was one of his most trusted ones and he would not do anything Rajveer never expects. So with no doubt anywhere, Rajveer also goes home, to his wife who has been waiting for him for almost a week to come home now.

He went home. Took a shower, and was asleep an hour or so later.

Next day he plans to meet Dr. Robert, the forensic expert of his police station.